
110,890 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!

34 Days Ago
Number of wolves per square km decreased from 3 to 2, max pack size increased from 3 to 4
34 Days Ago
merge ice_sculpture->Aux2
34 Days Ago
Added missing prevent buidling to catapult constructable prefab
34 Days Ago
Can't pull/push a mounted ballista
34 Days Ago
Catapult - updated reload anim (moves slower as it reaches full tension)
34 Days Ago
Fixed SocketMod_SphereCheck returning 'Not enough space' instead of 'Cannot build this close to X' when building in a monument prevent building volume Was happening when deploying siege weapons, amongst other large deployables
34 Days Ago
Add a separate turret warning icon. Move UI code to a specific turret icon script.
34 Days Ago
Fix client compile issues
34 Days Ago
fixed nre on client loading of sculpture
34 Days Ago
▋▇▉▊ ▆▍▆▄█▉▄▇ ██▄▆█▆▋▋▆▌ ▅▇▉ ▇▊▋ ▅▊▉▆▉▆▆▊▍▉█ ▍▄ ▄▍▆▇▌█▉▄▉█▄▉▌.▇▍▆▅▄▌▇▉. - ▍▋▄ ▌▋▅▅▇▆.▍▌▋▊▅▌▍▄.▋▌▄▋_▉▅▉▊▋▍▇█_▌▉▉▊█▅▆▅█▄▇ = █.▊▇ (▉▅▋▅▅▄ ▇▄▇▄▆) ▌█▉ █▅▍▆ ▋▌█▇▆▅▅▄▊▋▊▊▉▉▄▅▊▇▍▊▌ > ▇ ; ▅▌▅ ▉▇▊▋▋▋▆ - ▅▄▋▋▍▅▍▉ ▍▄█ ▊▇▊█▊▋▆ ▍▄▆▆█▇▋▉▅▋▌ ▉▆▌▍ █▉█ ▌▆▆███▋▋▍▉-█▉▄▊▌▉▌▊.▄▌▊▇▄▇▄▅▋▇▌▉▊ ▍▅▍▌▉▍▉▊ ▌▉▋ █▅▅▊▋▆▊▊▄▇█▊▌ ▉▅▍█▆▋ (▇▌█▍██▄▌▇ ▊▇▍▅▆▌▍▍▅▇██▋ ▅█ ▇▉█▅▆▇▍▅ ▇▅▆▌▄▆▊▆▊█▇▄▋▇)
34 Days Ago
merge ice_sculptures->Aux2
34 Days Ago
updated entity bounds
34 Days Ago
Implemented new catapult reload animation
34 Days Ago
Merge: from soundmodulator_leak - Fixed sound leaks from quickswitching scenarios - Fixes wrong loop sound being played when coasting on a pedal bike - Fixing flamethrower not playing sound when quickswitching while holding fire button - Fixing pilot sound not played on taking out a flamethrower - Recycle footsteps when their sounds end, instead of potentially incorrect preset time Tests: played with a lot of weapons and vehicles while monitoring sounds via audio.printsounds and log.level Audio 2
34 Days Ago
merge ice_sculptures->Aux2 + codegen
34 Days Ago
- Siege tower towing setup - Added editor gizmos to towing visuals
34 Days Ago
- Added icon to siege tower - Finalised basic constructable (added each of the build steps and relevant colliders)
34 Days Ago
jungle skin prefabs setup progress
34 Days Ago
34 Days Ago
added ability lock/unlock edits to sculpture when you're not holding a melee weapon
34 Days Ago
actual client compile fix
34 Days Ago
Implemented catapult incendiary ammo model Updated icon and recipes Naming
34 Days Ago
Merge: from main Tests: Booted editor - no errors
34 Days Ago
client compile fix
34 Days Ago
Catapult - added reload anim
34 Days Ago
Plushy crafting fix
34 Days Ago
- Redone siegetower constructable with the new model - Setup colliders for each stage - Use constructable stage 1 model as the guide mesh
34 Days Ago
Added small ramp so its easier to get in and out of the tower
34 Days Ago
- Cleaned up Siege Tower - New colliders for front entrace - Wired up doors to the dual damage system
34 Days Ago
Remove allocs in async pathfinding Make sure querying allies nearby doesn't return null or dead allies
34 Days Ago
updated rig and anims for mini crossbow
35 Days Ago
jungle skin - models and gibs
35 Days Ago
Ballista bolt effects tweaks
35 Days Ago
Ballista Spear -> Ballista Bolt Updated placeholder icons
35 Days Ago
Update: drop sound instances for variety of types on disable - HarborBridge - HarborCrane - PhoneDialler Tests: none, trivial changes
35 Days Ago
Bugfix: Stop DigitalClock from leaking sound instances when it's flags change - Also dropping sound refs on disable Tests: none, trivial change
35 Days Ago
merge from main
35 Days Ago
Update: drop sound refs when vehicles are destroyed - Magnet Crane - MLRS - Modularcar Garage - VehicleModuleSeating - Traincar audio Tests: none, trivial changes
35 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
35 Days Ago
merge from storagemonitor_passthrough
35 Days Ago
Added passthrough output to the storage monitor 'Power Out' now sends 1 power instead of passthrough - 1
35 Days Ago
jungle skin atlas/material update
35 Days Ago
Don't show game screen hostile warning text or menu UI timer remaining, if it's just a turret
35 Days Ago
Update: drop sound refs when ScrapTransportHelicopter is destroyed Tests: none, trivial change
35 Days Ago
Updated blowpipe skinning and animation adjustments on holding pose
35 Days Ago
Clean: removing empty override method Tests: none, trivial change
35 Days Ago
Update: drop sound refs when AttackHelicopter is destroyed Tests: none, trivial change
35 Days Ago
dropping resolution of grid by roughly 50%, still feels good to carve but gives a big speed and memory improvement
35 Days Ago
Update: drop sound references when ground vehicle is disabled Tests: rode a pedal bike, jumped of and destroyed it with console commands - saw expected debug log
35 Days Ago
Undo: of the previous undo to ensure we don't hold dangling references Although the resources are cleaned up, the pointers are not so we end up with stale pointers on entity recycle Tests: none, trivial undo