
97,204 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

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player update. m39 anim set edited and holster position set
Use a point destination as a target instead of just going forward
Merge main -> Bikes (before 2022 update)
subtract 96139 roulette_random - compile fix
merge from tutorial_menu_improvements
merge from minigun_fixes_may_24
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merge to main vms_missing_renderer_scripts
merge from fix_heavy_scientist_static_loadout
merge from roulette_random
Fixed DeferredExtension command buffer allocating 62b of garbage every frame
2 Days Ago
First pass on new UI layout for conversations and mission acceptance
2 Days Ago
S2P compound and bandit town
2 Days Ago
Remove the inventory slots on the static workbench variants, prevents players accidentally transferring scrap from their inventory into hidden inventory slots when right clicking scrap
2 Days Ago
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2 Days Ago
Adjusted minimum font size on tutorial popup
2 Days Ago
FIxed state where tutorial button in menu would show as not usable when it should be usable
3 Days Ago
Change method names so harmony mods stop disabling the feature serverside Add `ping_estimation` convar to manually toggle ping estimation (default enabled)
3 Days Ago
Disable ping logging inside editor, switch to a convar `ping_estimate_logging`
3 Days Ago
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3 Days Ago
Fix storage adapters blocking looting of boxes when looking directly at the adapters - add support for GameTrace to ignore the type of an entity - will still GameTrace the storage adapter if you are holding a WireTool/PipeTool
3 Days Ago
Change the actual code that uses `isHoldingShift`
3 Days Ago
Pass `isHoldingShift` to Construction.Placement
3 Days Ago
Fix disabling external wall snapping (by holding shift) not working outside of the editor
4 Days Ago
Fixed wire loading issue: We now save the initial positions and rotations of IO connections to make sure entities parented to moving objects spawn their lines at the right place (e.g. you load a DoorController on an opened door, lines need to be spawned at the position where the component was initially wired) This also allows door controller to be wired when doors are opened
4 Days Ago
Fix sleeping bag not keeping last valid position for 0.25m when placing onto building blocks (still be strict when placing onto vehicles / parented entities)
4 Days Ago
Fixed a few IO line parenting loading issues + refacto and naming
4 Days Ago
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4 Days Ago
Merge from main/Workshop Normal Map Fix
5 Days Ago
Further changes to 'WhatUsesThis'
5 Days Ago
Updates to WorkshopItemEditor, removed debug code
5 Days Ago
player update. setting up 3p m39 rifle anim set
5 Days Ago
removed old mesh setup from v_sks.viewmodel prefab
5 Days Ago
viewmodel updates - material fix on prefab - added bullet mesh, textures & mat, added as child of mag - attachment tweaks
5 Days Ago
Undoing unwanted changes to materials
5 Days Ago
Player update. 3p semi auto rifle anim set exported/setup
5 Days Ago
Adding missing shaders
5 Days Ago
Update wire parented positions only when the parent entity is busy (door opening/closing)
5 Days Ago
merge from ScaleBySpeed_server_optimisation
5 Days Ago
merge from fix_horse_bullet_penetration
5 Days Ago
merge from fix_steam_nickname_slow_refresh
5 Days Ago
merge from viewmodelrenderers
5 Days Ago
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5 Days Ago
Subtracting 96103
5 Days Ago
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5 Days Ago
Updated changes to normal map fix
5 Days Ago
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5 Days Ago
Auto pair when deployed, if you have code lock access
5 Days Ago
New version of normal map fix