248,634 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

51 Days Ago
Remove old random stuff
51 Days Ago
Initial commit https://files.facepunch.com/louie/1b0711b1/sbox.2024.
51 Days Ago
▆█▇▉█ ▉█▉▆▊▇▌▍.▅█▍_▌█▉▄▍▉_▇▉▊▄_▊▉▅▉▄▋_▇▍▊▍▉ ▋█ ▋█▌█▇▌ ▊▌ ▍▉▆ ▆█▅ ▌▇▊▄▌▍█▌▍ █▋ ▊▉▉▄█▉█
51 Days Ago
▋▅▊▇ ▄▊▄▄ ▅▆▉▄_▆▉▋▇▇▌_█▊▋▇▆_▅▉▇▌▍▌▋▊ ▉▍ ▍▇▌ ▋▄▆ ▅ ▊▉▍ ▆▇▋▉▌█▄▅▍█▊▅█▍█▌▊▌▅▆ █▊▄▅ ▇▆ ▌▊▆▉▇▄▆█▍▌▋▌, ▍█▋ ▉▊▄▇▋▍▍▆ ▆▊▇▉▇▉ ▉▇▊▅ ▊▉█▌ ▇▅▉▍ ▍▍▊▄ ▋▍ ▊█▌▍▍▌▊ ▇▍▇ ▄▍▍ █▍▍▇▉▅▋▇▌▇▋▇ ▍▋▋▍▍▉, ▆▌ █▌▍▊▊▇ ▋█▇ ▊▄▌█ ▅▄▄▄ ▉ ▅▌▄▊ ▋▄▅'▊ ▍▅▌▇▍▌ ▋▅▉▊▄ ▆▋ ▅▇▆ ▍▆▆▌▍▋▊▋▌██ █▌▌▄_▌▉▄▇▊▉▍▋_▆ ▅▇▊█▄▌, ▌▍█ ▋▊▉▌_▆▋▆▉▅█_█▇▆▆, ▋▉▅▋_▋▌▋▊▍▉_▄▋▉▅, ▅▋▄▊_▉▄▄▅▉▄_▆▆▅▅██, ▆▌▌▄_▍▍▌▅▅_▄▊▄▊, ▍▋▉▅_▄▇▇█▌_▌▆▆▉
51 Days Ago
Locker adjusted textures and LOD published
51 Days Ago
Authentication tests
51 Days Ago
Fix map drop object for local maps
51 Days Ago
Make sure all Tileset Tools account for offset Tilesets Can change selected Tileset Component in Tileset Tool https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/06_19-30-MotherlyDiscus.mp4 Fix a silly bounds issue https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/06_19-35-FabulousLunamoth.mp4
51 Days Ago
Make sure ListView itemsPerRow can't be zero
51 Days Ago
Merge from store-ui-gestures-pack
51 Days Ago
Updated prefab assets
51 Days Ago
Added internal c# methods for steam auth ticket authentication with game server - add some log output for test
51 Days Ago
▄▉██▍ ▌▍▉▄▍▍▄▅.▍█▋▊_▆▆▅▉▅▊_▄▊▉▅▇_▇█▇▅▇▊▅▉ ▆▍▋▄▋▄ ▋▆▊▌█▋▉▌ ▅▌ ▌▋ (▇▍▌▇▋▇▋▊▅ ▉▊▋▋█▋▍█▊ ▉▅█▉▇ ██ ▌▅) ▇▋▉▇█ ▆▉▇ ▆▊▍▅▇ ▇▄▌▆ ▉▌ ▅▄▄▉█ █▇ ▋▇▌▉ ▇▍▍▆▇ ▍▊ ▅▆▉ ▆▅█▆▉
51 Days Ago
Add TrailRenderer.Emitting to control when new points should be added to the trail or not Fix camera shader node typo with FarPlane
51 Days Ago
51 Days Ago
Don't double-render UI
51 Days Ago
Don't need these
51 Days Ago
51 Days Ago
Reverted incorrect change to PageMedia prefab
51 Days Ago
▇█▉▍▋ ▋▌▄▅▇ ▋▉▆▆▉▇▊ ▍▄█▊█▉ ▊▍▄▄▍█▌▋ ▇█▉ ▋▆ █▅▉▅▇ ▄▋█▍▊
51 Days Ago
PanelTraversalSystem: Refactor, no more block size, don't use GetPanelsAt, filter root panel descendants by on-screen, eligible panels, then rate them
51 Days Ago
Set some defaults now stuff is working. Set authentication=true, fakeip=true, and sharedqueryport=true. Servers can be queried in-game, and hide the real IP of the dedi, can be connected to via fake ip or steamid. Oddly though, the Steam Server Browser does not list the server, unless fake ip is off - can look into resolving that later as I don't know who really uses that
51 Days Ago
merge from main - RC
51 Days Ago
Adjusted text sizing on gesture wheel reset to default button
51 Days Ago
Merge from main
51 Days Ago
More configuration for debugging purposes
51 Days Ago
Clothes Update
51 Days Ago
Fix compile error, remove debug log
51 Days Ago
Fix IP Address byte order retrieved from server list Add steamnetworkingfakeip to steam headers vpc .. Make sure we disconnect from the network when exiting the game (especially for dedicated servers, we need to clean up properly) Request and use Fake Ip when starting a dedicated server (test) Only pass the result, its all we need anyway Move net config bootstrap stuff to c# so we can set it there, now can be set after steamgameserver init too for custom opts
51 Days Ago
TilesetTool draws grid at the TilesetComponent's position so the grid is actually aligned to the object
51 Days Ago
disable TOD dithering, redundant on top of global post process dither
51 Days Ago
Gizmo.Draw.Grid can be drawn at an offset
51 Days Ago
Skin bundles
51 Days Ago
Skin update
51 Days Ago
Added "emit to maintain count" particle emitter FIxed crashes with particles getting insane particle count This was due to "emit noise" emitter Remove unused field from C_OP_NoiseEmitter Matching CS:GO code, it was never initialized. Fixed some props in Portal 2 appearing rainbow-y A hack to not use missing shader combos emit_continuously additions & changes Added fields "emission count scale control point" & "emission count scale control point field" Added "emission_start_time max" to "emit_instantaneously" Enable DMX versions 3, 4 and 5 loading Mostly intended for PCF, saves still as version 2. This should allow Portal 2 and L4D particles to load correctly (excluding missing particle operators/renderers)
51 Days Ago
Adding new catapult skinned mesh
51 Days Ago
impact fx meta + prefabs
51 Days Ago
Fix param
51 Days Ago
Stun list test, fix game server callbacks for real, implement in dedi server
51 Days Ago
Update .gitignore Update libraries Add Input.config Fix obsoletes Fix broken floor colliders Update .gitignore
51 Days Ago
Hitting something with the battering ram damage its head The ram is unusable when the head is too damaged You can repair it using HQM
51 Days Ago
Fix player copy tool material disk cache comparison (last issue)
51 Days Ago
Per weapon crosshairs
51 Days Ago
Fix Prefab Tabs not having a Context Menu, can now Show Prefab in Asset Browser Added Sound Point Prefab Template and fixed Soundscape Prefab Template https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/06_13-23-RubberyNeondwarfgourami.png Fix not being able to right click a scene/prefab tab if it has unsaved changes Make Right Click clear in the Collision Matrix since the tooltip says it should SoundComponents now use the AudioDistanceFloat controls for Distance. Updated SoundPointComponent gizmos.
51 Days Ago
- Upped crossbow built in magazine to 4 - Enabled fractional reload - Manifest
51 Days Ago
Initial item setup, just a duplicated crossbow for now
51 Days Ago
Extend lod1 to 50m (helps hide sharp lod transition from lod1 -> lod2)
51 Days Ago
Remove unused OpenXR launch environment variables Update Facepunch.XR to ec56d1c119e0251cbc105be8a26792e266b68ed3, fixes some minor launching issues VR hand component fixes VR world input component Remove unused VR bits in MenuSystem Basic VR scene menu, loads automatically if VR is enabled
51 Days Ago
Add CommandList * Add CommandList * Add CameraComponent.Hud
51 Days Ago
rename RenderBuffer to InsertList