userBill Bcancel

8,769 Commits over 1,735 Days - 0.21cph!

8 Months Ago
Got SeekerTest working again
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Only allow homing missile targeting when helicopter engine is on
8 Months Ago
Clear locked target when orphaned
8 Months Ago
Merge SwimSolution -> AttackHelicopter
8 Months Ago
Only keep track of one projectile, and forget about it if it goes orphaned. Let him have his freedom.
8 Months Ago
Subtract reloading changes as well. 87149 will cover it.
8 Months Ago
Subtract 87144 - no longer needed with the 87149 solution
8 Months Ago
Have "orphaned" rockets go crazy, fly off in random orientations
8 Months Ago
Fixed heli radar warning audio flag sharing a reserved flag with BaseVehicle Flag_SeatsFull
8 Months Ago
Enabled read/write no Clantable_COL
8 Months Ago
Brought Attack Helicopter LOD levels forward a bit
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Refactored my InSafeZone method so that it can work with neither CLIENT nor SERVER defined
8 Months Ago
Fixed some compile issues. WIP on not allowing reloading launcher if there is a missile already in the air
8 Months Ago
Can no longer lock on to targets if target isn't visible
8 Months Ago
Added a comment to BaseEntity.RPC explaining the unusual line-of-sight check
8 Months Ago
Can't lock on homing launcher when target is in a safe zone. Refactored SeekerTarget to use an ISeekerTargetOwner interface, and moved the InSafeZone methods into BaseEntity.Triggers.
8 Months Ago
#SERVER compile area for SeekerTarget
8 Months Ago
Moved homing rocket FX so they're covered by the HideUntilMobile rule
8 Months Ago
Fixed HideUntilMobile NRE on homing rocket
8 Months Ago
Disabled ADS on homing missile launcher for this release
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Homing Missile Launcher
8 Months Ago
Added sound for failed gun fire attempts
8 Months Ago
Only play the out of rockets sound if there's no ammo left at all, some other refactoring
8 Months Ago
Fixed rocket ammo including flares in ammo count
8 Months Ago
Added placeholder sounds and RPCs for trying to fire rockets with no rockets left, and the same (with a different sound) for flares
8 Months Ago
Set up and added a placeholder sound for attack heli firing flares
8 Months Ago
Made attack heli headlight much brighter and longer range
8 Months Ago
Added missing 'using'
8 Months Ago
Attack Helicopter gunner can now press reload key to reload gun and rockets early
8 Months Ago
Disable emission on gib materials. Fixes attack heli gibs having headlights on
8 Months Ago
Protect turret interaction when there's a driver
8 Months Ago
Removed bottom collider on T2 workbench to restore previous broken legacy behaviour (allows placing a small wood box underneath that clips through the shelf)
8 Months Ago
Raised WorkBench 2 under-table colliders to make space for a wood box again. This doesn't actually fix it though - there's something else still going wrong.
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Fixed early exit in AttackHelicopterTurret InputTick + some code cleanup.
8 Months Ago
Merge Attack Helicopter -> Main
8 Months Ago
Fixed variable name
8 Months Ago
Don't allow looting attack heli storage if there's a driver
8 Months Ago
Update attack heli storage naming, for additional clarity
8 Months Ago
Added storage interaction to the collider near where the flares come out
8 Months Ago
A few edits for pilot flares
8 Months Ago
Stop hitting yourself
8 Months Ago
Don't keep firing flares at ultimate speed if the player holds down the flare fire button
8 Months Ago
Simplified pilot flare obj
8 Months Ago
Attack heli pilot flares are now functional vs homing rockets (not just visual)
8 Months Ago
Merge AttackHeliFlares -> HomingVsPlayerHelis. Getting the whole gang together.
8 Months Ago
Merge HomingMissileLaungher -> HomingVsPlayerHelis