userBill Bcancel

8,769 Commits over 1,735 Days - 0.21cph!

8 Months Ago
Re-enabled Homing Launcher ADS
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Added a slight offset to the maxDistance clamp, to make sure very small distances are handled OK
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Speed up entity IsVisible test performance by capping maxDistance to the maximum of the distance between the two points
8 Months Ago
No point having a maxDistance param on IsVisibleAndCanSee, with the way it casts both ways
8 Months Ago
Admin tools now also allow disabling the Performance Text UI
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Additional null checks for heli seat owner
8 Months Ago
█▇▍ █▊▍▅▋▉▍▄█ ▊▌▍▊▅▌ ▆█▊▇ ▉▆▊ ▄▊▅▉ █▇▊▆▆▆▅▅▄█▊█▋▄▊▌▇▋ ▉▅▌ █▇▋▉▌▄▋▋▌▉▆▍▆▅▉▇▅▇▊, ▌█▄ ▇▊ ▍▍▇▍█▆▇▅▄▊▍▄▍▋█▅▇█ ▆▌▇▉▉▌▄
8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
Fixed flipped null check
8 Months Ago
Fixed more potential issues with MonoBehaviour casting to interface. Fixed flares not unsubscribing from SeekerTarget when destroyed if there was no collision.
8 Months Ago
Possible fix for InSafeZone NRE. Check IsUnityNull on owner, which has been cast to an interface.
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Removed accidental heli gunner debug prints
8 Months Ago
Removed team interactions from attack heli and minocopter mounted players. Fixes "promote to leader" obscuring the pilot's view, if a team-member gunner is seated in front of them.
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Removed "ON HIT!" and "DOING FLYBY" debug prints
8 Months Ago
Added a simple do_shore_drift convar, allowing for easily disabling boat shore drift entirely
8 Months Ago
Improved attack heli gibs, updated the model, no more jitter
8 Months Ago
Fixed gunner's head moving with the gun when they're in turret view
8 Months Ago
Don't load a monument by default in MonumentIsland_Oilrigs
8 Months Ago
Collider edit
8 Months Ago
Improved Attack Heli detailed colliders
8 Months Ago
Improved attack heli world colliders
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMisileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Removed obsolete comment
8 Months Ago
Fixed furnace skin emission always have an incorrect orange tint. EmissionToggle script now checks whether the base emission colour has changed, and automatically saves the new data.
8 Months Ago
Added a functional hit marker to the attack heli UI dialog
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
8 Months Ago
Merge Homing Missile Launcher -> Main
8 Months Ago
Merge Attack Helicopter -> Main
8 Months Ago
Added a game tip for pilot controls
8 Months Ago
Fixed attack3 not being tokenised
8 Months Ago
GameTips now show for longer if there is a lot of text to read
8 Months Ago
Show the gunner tooltip when mounting the gunner seat rather than when using the monitor. I think it's too blurry on the monitor unfortunately.
8 Months Ago
Homing rockets now go forward a little before going up, allowing for shooting out of windows etc
8 Months Ago
Refactored valid homing target calculation. Fixes patrol heli no longer being homing-targetable
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Refactored my new FindItemByItemName method in PlayerInventory to work more like the others, and also search containerWear
8 Months Ago
Merge attackhelicopter_emissive_uv1 -> Attack Helicopter
8 Months Ago
Since normal rockets are no longer allowed, fixcars 3 now loads incendiary rockets instead of basic
8 Months Ago
Minor wording change to the attack heli storage loot UI
8 Months Ago
Can no longer load normal rockets into attack heli - only HV or incendiary
8 Months Ago
New rocket/flare storage UI design and setup
8 Months Ago
Disable active loot panels in loot panel scene