2,552 Commits over 1,947 Days - 0.05cph!
Scene backups and directory cleanup
Greybox scene + package update
Workcart avatar icon for death screen. Added to existing prefab info
Merge from sticky_debugcam
Removed old/redundant test demos. Added test_demo + shot directory
Added demo shots directory (removed from ignore config file)
Merge from shot_parenting
Revert to previous arid postfx
Merge from shot_parenting
Death screen info added for Patrol Heli, Bradley and Sam Sites
Unsaved changes for backdrop_neutral
Added generic fireball icon.
Prefab information added to fireball variants and Bandit Sentry.
Updated death screen.
Bandit Guard and Tunnel + Underwater Dweller avatars
Heavy Scientist and Peacekeeper avatars
Shark and Scientist avatars
Neutral studio backdrop prefab (grey + unlit)
Bear, Stag and Boar avatar images
Seated talking anim (talk_02_sitting) - best used with cinematic avatar
Drop roll and hard fall player animations.
Updated cinematic anim controller.
Updated Wolf avatar image