258,137 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

19 Days Ago
Grenade impact FX
19 Days Ago
Merge from shield_repair_fix
19 Days Ago
Merge from prim_rust+_shop_fix
19 Days Ago
Client compile fix
19 Days Ago
Fixed items that are banned in a server due to era restrictions being sent to rust+, fixes them appearing in the shop view in app
19 Days Ago
Prop backups 1
19 Days Ago
Merge from minicrossbow_sight_fix
19 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
2K upscale for new meat textures
19 Days Ago
Apply extra sunlight
19 Days Ago
Cherrypick Bee_Grenade_4K_Media + material setups
19 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
Merge from cookingv2
19 Days Ago
Added new harvesting tea - increases resources from harvesting corpses by 50%
19 Days Ago
Unsaved mat change
19 Days Ago
Cherrypick Bread_4K_Media
19 Days Ago
Kettle when preparing teas
19 Days Ago
Hunter pie now now apples a new clotting bonus - all bleed damage is reduced by 75% Damage reduction is applied prior to applying to player, so if a player was going to receive 7.6 bleed damage, that would be reduced to 1.9, resulting in the player only seeing 2 bleed damage on the health bar
19 Days Ago
Cherrypick Pie_4K_Media + material setup
19 Days Ago
Cherrypick io_research_table_4ktextures
19 Days Ago
blood decals gib tint thing SpawnScale SpawnScale vector3, fix gib color exploder wip exploder flash
19 Days Ago
Cherrypick armourplate_4k
19 Days Ago
Cheerypick from _cookingbench4ktextures
19 Days Ago
Fixed a rare scenario where it was possible to store a last received snapshot that may never have been actually received
19 Days Ago
Cooking visuals for all meats
19 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
Updated Bee Grenade GIB FBX to have centered orginis
19 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
Added cooked human and cooked horse recipe to cooking workbench
19 Days Ago
Merge from media_projects
19 Days Ago
Cooking visuals for all pies
19 Days Ago
Merge from main
19 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
19 Days Ago
LOD tweaks
19 Days Ago
More tweaking
19 Days Ago
Cooking workbench cooking visuals Apple pie setup
19 Days Ago
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19 Days Ago
Reworked deployed and worldmodel so that it looks like the viewmodel.
19 Days Ago
Sort out directories
19 Days Ago
merge from vclouds
19 Days Ago
merge from fix_camper_map_marker_unclaim -> main
19 Days Ago
Fix camper not removing map marker when bed is cleared for up to 15 seconds
19 Days Ago
Compiling again
19 Days Ago
Check if accounts have premium status when connecting to servers
19 Days Ago
merge from main
19 Days Ago
more changes
19 Days Ago
created special CC materials for pies when cooking
19 Days Ago
Adding raw food on top of a cooked food slot will now replace it correctly
19 Days Ago
merge from more-terrainblend-support