userTom Butterscancel

1,059 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
Removed unused assets reduced the number of new textures to be used organised train specific folders so it's navigable and tidier Reduced texture sizes updated train mesh, reduced gaps in the mesh and improved vertex painting red and blue channels now work as expected added collision mesh added uv2 ao map to ground train a bit more added additional decals around the train
2 Years Ago
added black version of oilrig_trims_diff texture added black/darker versions of the workcart material set (WorkCart Black/WorkCart Dark 2/WorkCart_Decals_black)
2 Years Ago
Train mesh and texture progress
2 Years Ago
train model and texture progress created new tileable textures simplified meshes so to not rely on unique baked textures but to make use of new tileable texture(s) textures currently unoptimized (too big atm for the purpose of testing and progress)
2 Years Ago
bogies and coupler lods and textures
2 Years Ago
adding new basic unicycle and textures
2 Years Ago
made adjustments to levels 3 and 5 and updated collision mesh Added landing pad on level 3 and better visualisation for the duck that's necessary to compensate for the collision on the pylon so it's no longer an invisible wall
2 Years Ago
including collison mesh update also a small metal box to two platforms where the cables connect.
2 Years Ago
zipline platform update increased the length of the wirestop to prevent clipping (may need increasing) adjusted top level to enable both sides for zip arrival/exit
2 Years Ago
snowmobile update separated front and rear lights into their own materials (not textures) so they can be lit independently merged the lights to the main mesh so it's only 1 prefab instead of multiple. hopefully not broken anything
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
▅▌▌ ▌▉▊ ▇▋█▊▇ ▇▍ ██▆▇▄ ▆▄█▌▅▋▊▆
2 Years Ago
minicopter improvement wip taking a look at fixing some minicopter mesh issues greatly improved uv's and normal maps retexture wip
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
added alternate portable boombox now able to animate the volume knob, play button, rotate the cassette opening, power button and both antenna included higher res textures and materials with custom settings. prefab setup
2 Years Ago
added lights to the makeshift snowmobile, both front lights and a rear break light. lods, textures and materials. Updated prefab
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
created a new landmine asset to replace the old landmine models, textures, material, LODs and prefab setup
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
added a new drybox container to replace the buoyant backpack that appears when subs are destroyed model, textures, lods, collision and prefab setup
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
update to icicle meshes reduced the depth and reach to work better on railings fixed a normal flipped mesh
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
include .mat because it didn't get included for some reason
2 Years Ago
new icicle meshes 12 prefab variants lods textures and materials
2 Years Ago
updated snowmobile albedo and ao
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
▍▇▇▉█▊▇▆ ▌█▋██▍
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
some extra changes/improvements and optimisations to the snowmobile separated out the belt drive and baked it down into the tracks and now uv offsets with the tracks merged the fuel gauge uv's and textures into the snowmobile uv's and textures now that the tracks and belt drive have been separated saved on a bunch textures and materials, removed all unnecessary textures/materials updated snowmobile prefab
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
updated snowmobile mesh. removed unnecessary joint aka 2 less bones needed