248,651 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

17 Days Ago
Arena 4 updates
18 Days Ago
Arena 4 updates
18 Days Ago
Tweaked catapult seat mount point Allow handcuffed player to be forced mount Reloading level change player corpse throwing force
18 Days Ago
Fix obsoletes
18 Days Ago
Editor exporting of presets as default configs. Load defaults before convars.
18 Days Ago
Check for array before lists when creating serialized collection - Fixes array properties (Broken by 3882ec7)
18 Days Ago
Fix Convert to/Break from prefab not updating Inspector (#1731) Fixes sbox-issues/issues/6596
18 Days Ago
Fix empty Brix error
18 Days Ago
merge from legacy_shelter_description_change
18 Days Ago
▅▅▉▅▄ ██▆▍ ▅▅▅_██▉▌▍▇_▌▊▌▉▊▄_▇▌▉▌▊▉▅█▅▇
18 Days Ago
merge from lanternfixes
18 Days Ago
merge from xmas2024
18 Days Ago
merge from xmas_light_uncrappification
18 Days Ago
battering ram - model update export
18 Days Ago
battering ram - updated animator to remove additional broken anim loop
18 Days Ago
updated battering ram anims
18 Days Ago
Renamed Inputs appropriately Creative Tab now selectable when given Creative Permissions Finished the CreativePanel, can now give yourself items if you have the proper permission CreativePanel BuildHash Use high-res font instead of pixel font, much more legible Use high-res font for text particles Update Inventory/ItemSlot styling Update GameMenuHeader styling Updated Permissions styling + OnOffSwitch styling Update Crafting Tab styling Update Purchase Land UI styling Update CustomTooltip styling Update VoicePanel styling Update SkillsPanel styling + more header tweaks QuestPanel styling and more Inventory+Permission styling Creative + Journal styling More HUD/GameMenu styling Main Menu + Popup + Fishing styling
18 Days Ago
Delete unused resource/chromium/ folder Remove non existent commedit.dll from sdkenginetools.txt Minor micro optimization in VRAD Added MAX_EDICT_BITS global enum Updated Run Map dialog in Hammer https://files.facepunch.com/rubat/2024/December11-872-GenerousSkimmer.png Added NPC:GetLastPosition Added NPC:SetMoveDelay/GetMoveDelay
18 Days Ago
Brix format transition
18 Days Ago
merge from increase_vis_entity_buffer -> main
18 Days Ago
Increase collider buffer from 8k -> 32k - allows copypaste to copy large bases
18 Days Ago
Improved gather, only select the objects we want Shader re-write, output object depth and buffer depth for debug
18 Days Ago
Didn't save Catapult.cs
18 Days Ago
New: Sharpmake setup (windows only) - Picking it as it knows how to generate cross-compile commands with clang. This will make linux dev easier Will do old solution file clean separately Tests: generated and built debug version of the dll Clean: removing old solution and projects Update: baby steps towards linux build - Moved the debug generation of sharpmake solution to Sharpmake/Build - Added Fastbuild for cross compilation support (as a quick hack, in theory MSBuild should be capable as well) - Added Linux related configs to sharpmake Tests: got it to recognize the target, but fails for missing toolchain - that's next
18 Days Ago
Scan for resource compilers on properties, try and compile images
18 Days Ago
Can't mount the catapult if its loaded Minor ballista cleanup
18 Days Ago
Fix exposed property regression Better test for void task exception handling Don't spam debug info in deserializing benchmarks
18 Days Ago
Rewrite compiling to match delegate signature Pass parameters directly instead of allocating a dictionary
18 Days Ago
▆▉▆▄█ ▌▍▋▉ ▄▅▇▇_▉▆▍▍▊
18 Days Ago
edited shield impact animations and edited theiranim transition lengths on player controller. Also applied missing impact melee anims on v shield override controllers
18 Days Ago
▋▆▉▌ ▄▍█▆█▋█▉/▊▄▉▇▉▍▇▍▆ ▊▆▄ ▇▄▇█ ▄█▋▅▅ ▌▉▍▆▍▆▇▋▅▅▌ ▇▊▇▋ ▄▋▋▌▍▋█/▄▄▉█▄▊▄ ▅▍▍ ▆█▌█ ▊▅ ▉▋▄▆▅ █▇▋ ▋▊▊█ ▇▋▍ ▆▇▇█ ▍▊▉▅▊▋▍ ▆▍▄▆ ▉▆█ ▊▅▄▍ ▉▇▉▊ ▌▊▇▄ ▉▌▆▄ ▄▄█▄ ▊█▄ ▊▇█▅ ▆█ ▊▉▄▇▄▊ ▊▌▇▌ ▍▍▇▌▌▌▊▅ ▅▄▍▄▅ ▅▆▋▆▄█▉▄▆▆ ▅▆▅▆ ▊▉▅▉▅▊▅█ ▅▇▉▆▋ (▋.▇ ▄▆▉▉▇▍▅▆)
18 Days Ago
Renaming crouch to duck for consistency
18 Days Ago
First pass on scientists peeking out of tall and low cover
18 Days Ago
Cleaning up the last of the TAA code
18 Days Ago
Use constants from BasePlayer and PlayerEyes for NPC cover generation and selection
18 Days Ago
Submitting new ballista rigs
18 Days Ago
Fix Convert to/Break from prefab not updating Inspector Fixes sbox-issues/issues/6596
18 Days Ago
merge from main
18 Days Ago
Updated ExperienceBar styling, VitalsPanel follows experience bar Updated PinnedRecipePanel position/styling Display crafting station in Pinned Recipe Unify all crafting UI panels Pinned Recipes now show recipes from all stations, telling you which station it needs to be crafted at
18 Days Ago
Don't read file twice in managed compile when there's a IResourceCompiler
18 Days Ago
Changed how we detect the entities to damaged when using the battering ram, works better
18 Days Ago
handling item condition properly on ice sculpture deployables
18 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram door not cancelling its busy tick
18 Days Ago
Explicitly BreakFromPrefab if __Prefab is not set Fix gameobject clone not setting __Prefab when cloning prefab instances
18 Days Ago
Fix all Broadcast/Authority warnings by using new Rpc.* attributes Updated SpriteTools Update Skills UI to be more inline with other UI elements Updated Crafting UI Clamp QuestPanel Added Player.IsCreative and "Creative Mode" permission Fix issues with CraftingPanel and CraftingEntry
18 Days Ago
Remove LAYERFLAGS_NO_APP_TILING (did nothing) Remove r_kick_dependent_views_early Remove "VrMonitor" attribute, this might add bloom to ScenePanel - if thats something we dont want it should be exposed in a more explicit way OffscreenParticleView isn't a thing
18 Days Ago
BallistaGun.Update and ServerTick nre fix
18 Days Ago
Battering ram button animation
18 Days Ago
made smoothing less aggressive (still destructive, just less so)
18 Days Ago
fixed sculpting operations being too aggressive near border edges (resulting in additive not adding)