
117,646 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

25 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
25 Days Ago
fix BicubicFetch for non-square textures
25 Days Ago
Merge from main
25 Days Ago
resolution scaling with quality level, tweak quality level step counts
25 Days Ago
Fix F1 menu not showing current value if the convar also has a description
25 Days Ago
█▌▄▌ ▅▉▉█▇▋▆▋
25 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
25 Days Ago
merge from cookingv2
25 Days Ago
Fixed players boost not working unless they're horse boosts.......
25 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
25 Days Ago
merge from cookingv2
25 Days Ago
merge from cookingv2/horse_modifiers
25 Days Ago
Tweaked bread dung production bonus
25 Days Ago
Tweaked dung spawn pos, it was a bit off after the horse update Randomise its rotation so it's not the same everytime Adjusted the velocity to be more downward for a more realistic drop
25 Days Ago
Fixed horse dung culling too early Converted LODGroup to MeshLOD
25 Days Ago
Added an actual modifier for horse dung scale instead of using digestion boost, will let us tweak it without impacting player boosts Added to bread
25 Days Ago
Horses poop faster with the digestion boost modifier
25 Days Ago
Tweaked apple world model collider so they don't roll too much when dropped on the ground
25 Days Ago
Changed some grading values
25 Days Ago
crafting_update -> Aux2
25 Days Ago
bees -> crafting_update
25 Days Ago
Buff bandit scrap exchange
25 Days Ago
Fixed NRE on beeswarm validate target
25 Days Ago
Added horse modifiers support Added horse gallop speed mod, added to apples
25 Days Ago
25 Days Ago
deleted bromeliad_d_billboard_spec
25 Days Ago
Setup honey consumable values
25 Days Ago
crafting_update -> Aux2
25 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> crafting_update
25 Days Ago
Send Network Update on gene change
25 Days Ago
Added gene modifier to chicken pie
25 Days Ago
Added better genes modifier, giving a chance to get better genes when planting a seed
25 Days Ago
fix cirrus fog, try to improve weather transition lerping
25 Days Ago
bees -> crafting_update
25 Days Ago
merge from item_ownership -> crafting_update
25 Days Ago
- Fix BeeSwarmAi disable convar - Ensure Bee Swarms can get to sleeping players
25 Days Ago
Apply D3D11 hack to fix IndirectDrawIndexedArgs.startInstance to Metal and OpenGL as well. Actually, the hack is now enabled for all renderers except Vulkan.
25 Days Ago
bee grenade viewmodel - anim updates - improved transition in animator - tweaked model position in viewmodel prefab
25 Days Ago
Missing bromeliad spec
25 Days Ago
Update phrases
25 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
25 Days Ago
merge from cookingv2
25 Days Ago
Update ownership phrase of corpses
25 Days Ago
wip tiger attack ledge anim editing so it works on low ledges as well as higher ones
25 Days Ago
Update metal detector phrase
25 Days Ago
25 Days Ago
Added collectible double yield modifier, giving a small chance to get double loot when picking up a collectible Enabled on pumpkin pie for now
25 Days Ago
merge from main -> item_ownership
26 Days Ago
merge from fix_runtime_profiling_container_url -> main
26 Days Ago
Fix runtime profiler not running when using the new upload container convars - required the SAS token convar to be set even if it was using the container upload method