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Rename ItemOwnership.cs -> ItemOwnershipPhrases.cs
Store ownership of item inside the entity when the deployable is placed
Reapply ownership to the item when the deployable is picked back up
Add method to take 1 share of item ownership (incase we do stackable item ownership in future)
Save deployable item ownership so it can persist across saves (incase workbench is picked up days after it's placed)
Refactor ItemOwnershipShare to have `.IsValid()` method (since it's a struct)
Add ItemOwnership to the protobuf of an entity
- allows us to save the ownership that the item of a deployable originally had
merge from laserlight_green_fix
Add ownership phrase to easter egg items
Add ownership phrase to christmas presents
Add code support for ownership to ItemModUnwrap (christmas presents & easter eggs)
- also adds support for items spawned from a loot table to be created with ownership
Fix Christmas Presents & Easter Eggs not giving items
- Unity bug from primitive where it was serializing `allowedItems` cached array as an empty array instead of null even though it was private
Fixed laser light color selection showing red twice - green was using the red token
Add ownership when item is taken from advent calendar
siegeweapons_terrain_proxy_fix -> main
Put on the other catapult World Colliders
- Beehive trigger fix
- More material changes
merge from sirenlight_culling_fix
Fixed siren lights short culling distance
Some optimisations, added a missing LightAmbientLOD on the point light
More circular test bee particles
Two more ways to try and record a players water level for more accurate Bee Behaviour. Use water factor, time since last water splashed and wetness values to try and get a decent view of a players water behaviour
Hazmat suits and wetsuits now stop the player from getting wet when water is splashed on them
Removed ItemInformationPanel.EligableForDisplay warning log
Swapped one hack for a different cleaner hack when handling bee sting damage
flameexplosive_effect_alignment_fixes -> main
Fixed Flame Explosive splash effect not listening to normal alignment
merge from horse2_fixes/handling
Fixed horse head motion going crazy at low framerates
▍▄▅▄█ ▆▇▆▋ ▆█▆▅█▋▌▉▊▇▍_▆▅▇▋▅_▊█▅
merge from horse2_fixes/handling
Fixed horse steering tip never stopping from showing up
Steam stat was not properly incremented
▇▅▄▇▄ ▉▄▋█ ▅▆▌▄▌▊▍ ▇▋▆▋▌█
▌▊▌▋ ▌▆▅▄█ █▄▇ ▌█▆█ ▄▅▉ ▊▉▇▄▇ ▉▊▅▍▉▌▋ ▆▄▍▇ ██▇▋▋▉▇▊▌
Fixed DLSS server compile errors
Merged DLSS/DLAA AMD crash fix into main
Updated MenuUI.Options.Graphics prefab to have DLAA again and added a script that disables DLAA and DLAA when they aren't supported
tiger ledge attack reexport with no vertical movement
Merge from fast_debug_draw (expand character set)
Expand character set of fast debug draw to all of ASCII and some useful characters from CP437
- Better fix for tiger behaviour ping pong
- Further experimental changes to fsm declaration style
tiger ledge attack rootmotion bone now aligns with the hip bone throughout the animation
- Updated the DLSS plugin to include a hardware support check.
- Added a script to the DLSS and DLAA options in the MenuUI.Options.Graphics prefab to disable them when DLSS ins't supported.
reverting flashbang anim controller change
- added asset folders
- added viewmodel blockout to viewmodel prefab
Adding first pass chicken reaction animation
merge from flamejet_optimisation