233,532 Commits over 3,775 Days - 2.58cph!

7 Days Ago
Rollback ENT.PhysicsSolidMask for now
7 Days Ago
Rollback ENT.PhysicsSolidMask for now
7 Days Ago
Wire deployable on the Deployed layers
7 Days Ago
Tin can alarm deployable anywhere in monuments Removed collisions with players
7 Days Ago
Fix clients getting stuck during loading after changelevel Experimental: Do not close srcds on modelprecache overflow, just use error models Added prop_disable_distance_fade convar (cheat) If set to 1, disables prop fading out with distance set by the map, including static props and other entities. Useful for taking screenshots. Added ENT.PhysicsSolidMask to anim/ai/nextbot SENTs If unset, uses default value New TF2 map icons
7 Days Ago
▆▆ ▊▉▄ ▋▅█▊██ ▌▄█ ▄▇ ▍▆▇▄▍▉▆▇ ▍█▇▄ ▆▉█▊▄▉▄ █▅▉▌▌▇▍ ▍ ▌▆▇▉▉█▊▌ ▊▌▉▅▋▄▆▊ ▉▇▄▆▅▍ ▌▋▉▇▊▆█▇█
7 Days Ago
Experimental: Do not close srcds on modelprecache overflow, just use error models New TF2 map icons Added prop_disable_distance_fade convar (cheat) If set to 1, disables prop fading out with distance set by the map, including static props and other entities. Useful for taking screenshots. Added ENT.PhysicsSolidMask to anim/ai/nextbot SENTs If unset, uses default value
7 Days Ago
Chunk size test
7 Days Ago
viewmodel update - removed previous mesh from prefab, set up initial viewmodel renderer settings, tweaks to burstcloth setup & added more constraints
8 Days Ago
Tin can alarm art implemented
8 Days Ago
Particle system optimzations
8 Days Ago
deploy model for tin can alarm
8 Days Ago
split off cans with their own pivot
8 Days Ago
Doing cubemap rendering with it's own rendering view is causing all sorts of issues, make it run on the same rendering view context as everything else again Make SSR reconstruction ghosting less apparent
8 Days Ago
Merge from main
8 Days Ago
Added tools and helper boxes in material inspector to make relief map generation easy and intuitive
8 Days Ago
tin can alarm art, lods, gibs, art prefab setup
8 Days Ago
Seperated parenting volumes for above and below
8 Days Ago
Fix for edges against distance objects (i) do not apply AO on distant pixels (eg. skybox) (ii) when calculating ao, any sampled pixel that is too distant will be rejected as a contributor to AO Merge branch 'master' of sbox
8 Days Ago
Detangle all this from Cubemapper, make it able to render inline rather than on a render block Redo update strategies from envmapprobe, much simpler, works everywhere now Change dynamic envmapprobe to use 7 mips which is the calibrated value for Cubemapper, change default feathering value to a tighter .25f Use parallax for ambient envmap lighting https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b1511b1/sbox-dev_a6lt3mNtWW.mp4
8 Days Ago
PerformanceStats.Timings lockless
8 Days Ago
exported/set up dpv anims and added to dpv blendtree playeranimation.controller
8 Days Ago
Tin can alarm deployable in monuments (in terrain only for now) Adjusted deploy volume and colliders
8 Days Ago
merge from main
8 Days Ago
Make prefab variables section of heirarchy resizable, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5726
8 Days Ago
No footsteps when dead
8 Days Ago
Don't need this
8 Days Ago
Fix throw bug
8 Days Ago
Move some scripts into new folders Fix some Player networking issues Player and other Entities no longer run OnFixedUpdate when Map is generating Created EndFloorTrigger and prefab. Goes to next floor when all players are standing on it. Add EndFloorTrigger to each boss room prefab Going to next floor loads new scene and connected clients retake appropriate players Fix re-connected player sometimes spawning with a 2nd gun
8 Days Ago
Remove extra camera from tdm_test scene
8 Days Ago
Update: Constraining Pool.Free - Step 2 * Adding collection-related FreeUnmanaged overloads for all existing collection-related Free overloads * Putting IPooled constraint on almost-all collection-related Free overloads (skipping List - that'll be next chonky CL) * Changed StreamBuffer overload to be a FreeUnmanaged overload Tests: built all targets in unity
8 Days Ago
Merge main
8 Days Ago
Remove SceneObject.GetSceneWorld() Remove SceneObject_UpdateRayTraceTransform Instead of updating SceneObject RayTrace's every time they move, lets mark them dirty and update them when the raytrace is actually used (which is probably never)
8 Days Ago
Lowered vehicle parenting volume
8 Days Ago
Don't cause a rebuild for mesh component when transform chances when scene is not editor
8 Days Ago
merge from Blend4Way double sided
8 Days Ago
Added "Double Sided" option to standard-spec, blend4way and blend4way-spec
8 Days Ago
Remove hack from mesh component that is stopping hulls from being kinematic
8 Days Ago
Stop launcher from undoing editor prefs changes when kept open, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5857, Facepunch/sbox-issues#5825 (Cookie containers will now process/accept new changes on disk before writing)
Leaderboard backup, run #12565
8 Days Ago
rock formation prefabs (sea) radius and fade improvements
8 Days Ago
New: Adding Facepunch.Tests assembly for unit testing Facepunch libs, with ListExtension tests Motivation: when working on core libraries we gotta have confidence that we won't bork something somewhere by changing core algos&utils. With this test assembly, we have a common place to document behavior of Facepunch lib before we go modify it. Added 64 test cases for ListExtension changes (I couldn't reliably confirm in 3p multiplayer session). Test assembly configured in lean fashion. Tests: built all targets in editor. Ran all existing tests, including new ones being submitted. Observed ~10 failures in NavMesh and TextMeshPro, but new tests pass.
8 Days Ago
Tile picker
8 Days Ago
Trees now trigger OnPhysicsNeighbourChanged when falling down, cutting any attached tin can alarm wire
8 Days Ago
Wire deployable on trees Minor placement fixes Cleanup
8 Days Ago
Grid size adjust Cookie the grid size Change paint keybinds
8 Days Ago
tdm - wip Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc1
8 Days Ago
Physic2d test
8 Days Ago
weekly skins materials
Leaderboard backup, run #12562