224,153 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

4 Months Ago
Added EditorTool.AllowGameObjectSelection Expose Widget.WindowFlags Add WidgetWindow Add SceneOverlayWidget system Add WIP example EditorTool
4 Months Ago
Trick to only play sound to local player
4 Months Ago
merge from modelviewerfixes thanks taylor
4 Months Ago
table and wooden door setup
4 Months Ago
Added "Use Scene Transforms" option, to override the stored transforms
4 Months Ago
Remove this log
4 Months Ago
Some cleanup. Additional IsHost checks in some places / asserts. Fixed BallType not being assigned properly when potting first ball. Ball render alpha is networked / serialized.
4 Months Ago
▊▅▄▇▋▅▍▊▆▊▋▍▋ ▍▋▇▅▊ - ▉▇ ▆▅▉█▍
4 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #8236
4 Months Ago
Added a Help secton to the main menu that displays all of the tutorial help messages in the one place
4 Months Ago
Merge main -> NewRagdollImprovements
4 Months Ago
Added a "Quit Tutorial" button to the main menu
4 Months Ago
When running in listen server mode, skip client-side corpses in the corpseinfo command
4 Months Ago
Remove all unused GameObjects from the server side of server-side ragdolls. They only need the bones that actually have colliders on, and can ignore+remove all the other bones.
4 Months Ago
Changed Metal frag step wording slightly
4 Months Ago
VR: stop NoOpPostprocess layer trying to clear again in stereo mode
4 Months Ago
Switched smelt frags step to a HaveItem objective, had to add a Can Reset toggle so it doesn't fail once the frags are used to craft the workbench
4 Months Ago
Just more materials to commit
4 Months Ago
Fix reversed conditional!
4 Months Ago
Merge ImproveButtFloating -> main
4 Months Ago
Removed old unused help infos
4 Months Ago
Added a popup prompt reminding player to close the door on the way out of their base
4 Months Ago
Merge from youtooz_deployables
4 Months Ago
Merge from main
4 Months Ago
Merge from main
4 Months Ago
Fixed GenericSpawnPoint gizmo not appearing in the right place when in hierarchies
4 Months Ago
Don't sleep ragdolls if they need the buoyancy sim
4 Months Ago
Fix keybinds being lost if they contain semicolon
4 Months Ago
Fix keybinds being lost if they contain semicolon
4 Months Ago
Fix keybinds being lost if they contain semicolon
4 Months Ago
Merge main -> ImproveButtFloating
4 Months Ago
Fixed find scrap objective missing ping icon in missions HUD
4 Months Ago
Removed Think coroutine in MissionsHUD, I don't think it's necessary? (easy to revert if I'm wrong) Fixes missions hud popping out twice when the player receives a mission Slight optimisations to MIssionHud hide process that is called constantly during regular gameplay, now has no cost if the missions hud is already disabled
4 Months Ago
temp fix
4 Months Ago
Set startup scene. Fixed NRE in PlayerDisplay. Can use [Authority] for PoolBall.TryMoveTo now
4 Months Ago
In OnTargetedMessage if the TargetId is Guid.Empty, assume it's for us (this may happen if we're using OwnerId as the Target, but the "owner" is the host)
4 Months Ago
dentist chair wheelbarrow present Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
4 Months Ago
Send actual connection id instead of checking steam id as fixes local testing Fix white ball placement, disable cue renderer when appropriate to hide it
4 Months Ago
Fix toasts not showing up Make some vars private Cleanup
4 Months Ago
Clean up Pot History
4 Months Ago
Don't render AO proxies if we're not casting shadows
4 Months Ago
Update player's BallType in INetworkSerializable.Read/Write
4 Months Ago
Move white ball move logic
4 Months Ago
Started porting over UI. Start implementing game logic for turns and potting logic. Try to network as much as possible right now - some hacky bits in the mean time.
4 Months Ago
Fix NRE when calling [Authority] RPC but authority is the host
4 Months Ago
VR: Clean up stereo rendering logic, fixes aoproxy rendering, reduces memory requirements VR: TrackedDevice defaults
4 Months Ago
Fix disabled components not dropping in from treeview
4 Months Ago
Fixed issue with header icon and text not being placed correctly Fixed header icon aspect ratio Adjusted padding throughout Finalised standard availability ui
4 Months Ago
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4 Months Ago
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