223,938 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

38 Days Ago
Set up combo lock with action graph Map 2 Layout
38 Days Ago
screen material
38 Days Ago
extra material screen and uploaded crate models
38 Days Ago
lots of tool size and position tweaks, new crates, removed wood supports, rebaked maps
38 Days Ago
merge harmony2_3 -> aux2
38 Days Ago
Fix wrong conditional compilation symbol in EnsureHarmonyLoaded()
38 Days Ago
vm sks attachment and ironsights
38 Days Ago
Simplify the upload logic to upload each demo chunk slowly rather than try to squeeze each one within 5m Set default max concurrent uploads to 20 streams Add convar to print upload progress `print_upload_progress` Add convar to configure upload timeout `upload_timeout` (default 100s)
38 Days Ago
Add GameControllerType_t, expose ControllerType to managed, add GlyphVendor LoadGlyphTexture will look for the controller's vendor and fall back to default if not found Add a few PlayStation glyphs
38 Days Ago
player update. regular/beach/secret labs/rocking chair prefabs and anims edited so sit pose is correct.
38 Days Ago
Look for input glyph svgs Plug in a bunch of glyph icons for xbox controller
38 Days Ago
Some stats for admin Start on the results page
38 Days Ago
Double stamina regen rate
38 Days Ago
Fixed timer, fog machine, strobe light and spooky speaker auxiliary inputs draining power
38 Days Ago
Increase flashlight size
38 Days Ago
nerf run and sprint speed
38 Days Ago
Merge property or variable get / set nodes https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b1611b1/sbox-dev_Bj6e15WZ0F.mp4 Unify property node CanRead / CanWrite tests Add Facepunch.ActionGraphs.AssignmentKind to TypeLibrary Property node: switch between assignment kinds in context menu https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b1811b1/sbox-dev_QVXxSLhC4Y.mp4
38 Days Ago
EnumControlWidget support for nullable Fixed title of scene.get target input Fix property panel handling nullable ActionGraph parameter types Fix warning when compiling Action Graph editor EnumDescription.Entry.Group Menu.AddOptions fixes for value type items Menu.AddMenu( Menu menu ) menu menu menu menu menu If icon is just a bunch of symbols, make sure it doesn't overflow https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b1811b1/kr69TajHB0.png Implement VectorControlWidget.StartEditing() Fix ControlSheet.AddObject return value regression
38 Days Ago
Fixed RecipientFilter global having its argument flipped Fixed some presets being erroneously treated as collection ID Update gmod.code-workspace
38 Days Ago
Temporary generated glyphs for gamepad
38 Days Ago
Re-add Input.UsingController (simpler now)
38 Days Ago
NPC test Clothing and Idle Animation
38 Days Ago
▌▇▊▋▄ ▆█▌▋█ ▊▄▆ ▍▇▋▇█ ▍▆▇ ▇▅█ ▆█▅▄▍▉ ▆▅▉▅▌█ ▅▍▉▌▍▆▄
38 Days Ago
Bradley scientist AI design update. AIInformationZone can now place move points on terrain. Disable AI data on spawn.
38 Days Ago
Make prints less obnoxious
38 Days Ago
Parse analog inputs local to each controller, add virtual trigger buttons based from axis result Hook up AnalogLook/AnalogMove for first controller (test)
38 Days Ago
Add a test to make sure child sync vars are added to network table
38 Days Ago
Extra AI data
38 Days Ago
Final tweaks for brutalist church
38 Days Ago
oilrigs S2P
38 Days Ago
Use version created date for "updated" instead of the last time they changed the thumbnail (we know what you're doing)
38 Days Ago
set dressing level 3 rooms
38 Days Ago
Display info for assignment operations
38 Days Ago
38 Days Ago
Fixed industrial crafter not draining any power (now drains 1 when ON and 0 when OFF)
38 Days Ago
Fixed no passthrough components (eg: tesla coil) not draining anything from batteries, a regression from recent changes
38 Days Ago
player update. set up torch, skull torch and divers torch.
38 Days Ago
Test passing controller input to input context
38 Days Ago
Make PhysicsBody Enable and Disable actually work, remove shapes from broadphase and insert them back on enable Don't trace disabled bodies Izabu: Don't try to destroy null proxy Fixes unable to parse guid error when trying to load properties called "id" but the type is not a guid (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5181) ImageFormat.Default uses RGBA8888 Ensure PanelComponent finds its parent If PanelComponent gets enabled before WorldPanel it fails to find a valid parent Resolves sbox-issues/issues/5024 Fix NRE if destroying object in animation event In the PrefabFile upgrader, upgrade Id to __guid as well if possible, fixes corrupt prefabs from before when it was called Id Authority check for network destroy - can never arbitrarily destroy unnetworked objects Authority RPC now correctly uses invoke permissions from the AuthorityAttribute. When calling Authority RPC, if there's no owner, the target would be the host connection Move Json.Upgrader out of Sandbox,Game, have it filter by type Add GameResource.ResourceVersion Inject version into gameresource saves Change DeserializeToObject to use JsonNodes GameResources can define JsonUpgraders v1 upgraders for SceneFile and PrefabFile Add GameResource.LoadFromJson and use that anywhere we load a GameResource Fix PrefabFile upgrader doing nothing Fix tests, supply upgraders Add [RequireComponent] Postprocess components use [RequireComponent] https://files.facepunch.com/garry/436210e0-e5e0-44d2-86b5-3456d99bfa33.png Refactor Networking/Connection - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4676 Fix SerializedList/Dictionary not converting property - fixes sbox-issues/issues/5104 If we pass in an invalid transform to Steam Audio, just ignore it Fix path stretching asset browser size - fixes sbox-issues/issues/4609 Editor startup cleanup & remove Editor.Utility Support per triangle physics surfaces on mesh shapes https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1411b1/sbox-dev_WzjagCCSeA.mp4 Fix RedirectFileSystem DirectoryExists case sensitive Remove key when SetMeta a null value Add ConfigData type Save/load Collision data to ProjectSettings/Collision.config Remove obsolete calls Fix BaseSoundComponent NRE Fix stereo sounds playing one channel Fix terrain trace hit normal Fix all sounds being downmixed to mono ModelPhysics recreates physics on active model change, fixes some props not initializing physics when created in code Sprite shader flips with uv sign Add SpriteRenderer FlipHorizontal and FlipVertical ShaderGraph: Fix ScreenPosition.XY incorrect component count Fix asset browser not finding files on T and U drives Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4560 Created bone objects on skinned model renderer update on model reload and model change Move Networking.HostConnection to Connection.Host Whitelist TaskExtensions.Unwrap Style tweaks ControlWidget doesn't create a struct editor for readonly structs Fix gameobject multi-select editing (blame @kurozael) )( Resolve sbox-issues/issues/5171 by making dragValue match Add Model.Physics.Surfaces to get all physics surfaces used in a model editor Shortcut can be widget, window, or application scope, can have autorepeat, and can respond when input is ambiguous Show exception info in EventSystem errors Add TreeView.StartEditing, simulates pressing F2 Add object.GetSerialized() Fix AudioMeter exception due to being empty Add configurable version of Layout.AddSeparator In VirtualWidget.PaintBackground, only paint if alpha > 0 BaseItemWidget only stomp ShotcutPressed if it doesn't have any modifiers Switch mixers to be tree based, allow saving and loading Default reflection off, don't do any reflection processing if it's off Don't do SA simulate in unit tests Handle missing type in CheckRequireComponent nicer Style tweaks Remove unused sheets Fixed AssetBrowser disaster - Fixes sbox-issues/issues/5201 Rename ProjectSettings to ProjectSettingsWindow Blank off AudioReflections profile so we're not left with old data Expose the audio processors Serialize the processors Tweak NavigationView Allow adding audio processors Transform local bounds by scene object transform in CMeshSystem::ChangeModel, fixes incorrect bounds on mesh renderer model change Reset anim graph instance on model change These should be continue, not return Precache the sound before trying to preload it These refs aren't really for us Unused We don't really need this cache size logic, right Reconfigure this Give some warnings if we fail here, just so we know Tweak SoundFile.LoadAsync, GetSamplesAsync Fix crashes due to returning address to temporary locals Split this off Cubemap fog uses material inside hammer now MapInstance now loads Cubemap fog reference ModelDoc option to disable keyframe interpolation to allow for constant keyframe animations F1 brings up the game description modal Add to AnalogLook description, letting everyone know it's already scaled by sensitivity Remove unused Show info when entering a game Fix modal cursor when in game Improve animated sceneobject bounds, include render bone sphere radius, fallback on mesh bounds Include model view bounds too Don't show header/footer when viewing game info Vulkan: Show error message box and bail on VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST Vulkan: Enable Nvidia Aftermath for GPU crashdumps with VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints Vulkan: Add VK_EXT_device_fault support and dump info after device loss Vulkan: out-of-date or suboptimal swapchains are verbose logging Vulkan: Assert for absurd swapchain width/height that are happening during shutdown Vulkan: Log layers that are older than specified API version, these are the most likely cause of GPU device crashes Merge branch 'master' into multi-comp-synvar
38 Days Ago
Implement default LED colors based on instance, rumble the gamepad on every button press test
38 Days Ago
Remove legacy sdl haptics code, replace with SDL_GameControllerRumble
38 Days Ago
Didn't mean to push this launch setting
38 Days Ago
Exposed the total number of boxes and tweaked their spawn order
38 Days Ago
Update sdl2 lib
38 Days Ago
Merge from main
38 Days Ago
scaled down creeping trees in junkpiles by 25%
38 Days Ago
harbor_2 S2P
38 Days Ago
Bunch of harbor_2 fixes
38 Days Ago
vertex color tweaks to doors removed temporary door from code moved shipping container related assets to shipping container prefabs folder to keep things tidy
38 Days Ago
switched to rendererlod