223,914 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

2 Months Ago
ControllerInput: use correct actionset actions for dpad/select actions if we're actually in-game.. I really hate this, and want to change it asap Get rid of InputState.Controller, it doesn't serve any puspose
2 Months Ago
Refactor controller input polling, insert into AccumActionsPressed|Released and have the input context system handle everything else. Makes gamepad Input.Pressed/Released work properly
2 Months Ago
Temporary disable DISABLE_VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_1 because SteamInput doesn't work without steam overlay (wtf)
2 Months Ago
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input Don't revert back to PanelTraversalSystem if analog is empty Add basic working virtual cursor using PanelInput.UpdateMouse Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all Make VirtualCursorOverlay a razor panel Update SteamInput manifest to include joystick inputs for Menu action set Hide mouse cursor while we have controller input active Support processing any number of root panels, make it work in GameMenu Scale ControllerInput.GetAnalog by Input.ControllerLookYaw(Pitch)Speed Scale virtual cursor position movement by delta time, no wonder it felt different on GameMenu Process inputs in MenuDll Remove some direct controller access, use Input.AnalogMove/AnalogLook instead VCS: only tick for panels that want mouse input VCS: fix is-pressed style Refactor, add ControllerOverlay, so we can add another overlay for panel traversal selection Add PanelTraversalOverlay (for lack of a better name) Work on finding panels from delta, fixed not finding an initial focused panel Give eligible panels a score and give it some data to score by, focus the lowest scoring panel, also hook up selection and scrolling Decrease block increment size, can get finer selections (i.e PackageCard modal button) Fix FindPanelsAt never finding more than 1 panel Remove PanelTraversalOverlay, it looked shit When enabling VCS, use the mouse's current position Traverse blocks relative to the screen size, instead of set pixels Add IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Store last mouse position, don't run in multiple contexts (sort this out in a better way next) - fixes VCS overlay lingering around Minor cleanup Run Input.SetFocus( null ) on IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Scope UI simulation Remove context hacks Pass DoAnyPanelsWantMouseVisible() to ControllerInput, don't call if we don't need input Only use pointer-events on elements we want to click on for SocialBar Remove unused code, documentation pass When looking for an initial panel for traversal, use the mouse position (works w/ virtual cursor) Remove InputManifestTemplate/GamepadManifestTemplate groups from Sandbox.Game csproj since they don't exist Don't run ControllerInput.Tick at all if we don't have a controller Docs for IVirtualCursor Kill controller input system if we run out of gamepads to use General cleanup, remove unused ControllerOverlay panel Add adjustable analog sensitivity for UI Post-merge fix Support Alex's scrolling Fixed action set flip-flopping between Menu and InGame twice a frame :S Post-merge fix Usability improvements to PanelTraversalSystem https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0111b1/parsecd_jzxSdkesRI.mp4 Update PackageCard to add hover style to package body, can click entire body to open overlay
2 Months Ago
Use plane collider for some scenes
2 Months Ago
Add plane collider because I'm sick of thin boxes being used for floors
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Output node fixes
2 Months Ago
Expose variables for server demos as convar `full_server_demo` convar will only be applied on startup but can be changed at runtime to apply next restart
2 Months Ago
Cupertino: libpnga Cupertino: GameNetworkingSockets and SteamAPI libs on game folder Convert .dlls to platform-specific (linux/mac) equivalents on GlobalParser for nativedlls in interopgen
2 Months Ago
Moving from stash to branch* When `ServerDemo` convar is enabled on startup, the server will recordall network traffic on the server as one big demo file Packets sent to multiple players are only recorded once (store list of players sent to) Inbound & outbound data is stored in the order it was processed on the server The demo is written to disk on a separate thread to make performance impact minimal Demo is split into 1 minute chunks for testing (will be 5 minutes later) Each demo chunk is given a unique filename with the .sdem extension (represents .serverdemo) A json "header file" is written with each demo chunk wiht information on how the demo should be loaded (list of players, number of packets, time span, etc) Changed pooling of NetRead & NetWrite to use reference counting to account for another thread needing to finish processing before they are pooled
2 Months Ago
Sphere query broadphase
2 Months Ago
Node parameter helper documentation More cleanup, property.set value type target fix
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Ignore izShouldCollide(Body, Body) if one of the shapes is a sensor
2 Months Ago
Give 'em some clothes
2 Months Ago
Player spawns Camera, Movement, Spawning, ScreenShake Port
2 Months Ago
ShouldCollide callback
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Joint break callback
2 Months Ago
Joint breaking
2 Months Ago
Joint active
2 Months Ago
Upgrading refactoring, replace "value" with "_value"
2 Months Ago
More special parameter name cleanup Nicer API for special parameters, rename "var" property to "_var"
2 Months Ago
Axis lock
2 Months Ago
Create phonon.pdb Reflection works! 😅 Latest
2 Months Ago
Refactor version upgrading Special parameter name cleanup
2 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #9508
2 Months Ago
Ship with the needed animgraph there's a crash here for me to file
2 Months Ago
Heat spreads through walls to other rooms (slowly) from hot rooms
2 Months Ago
Compiled assets
2 Months Ago
Change vitals to always show "too hot" or "too cold" so I can see what temperature the player is at
2 Months Ago
Assign temperature value to each room, active heat sources slowly increase the heat of the room
2 Months Ago
Show a big popup when you don't have a code editor installed and you try to open something
3 Months Ago
Initial port to scenes, single map, controller, basic ui
3 Months Ago
Add "Open Containing Folder" to scene tab buttons, found myself wanting this a few times this week
3 Months Ago
Fixed "folowing" typo I made a couple weeks ago when saving a scene
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Change default icon for expression nodes
3 Months Ago
Prefab 2 -> Prefab PrefabScene: create a root object if there isn't one (case: creating a Prefab from Asset Browser)
3 Months Ago
Use aliases for types like float, int, bool
3 Months Ago
Cupertino: Remove bunch of win32 & x86 implications, casting for Clang, -Wno-register, multiplat build retail native Cupertino: Use GameNetworkingSockets outside of windows builds, build EtcLib for arm64
3 Months Ago
Node library tweaks EnterNameMenu fixes Avoid re-using member names of deleted members
3 Months Ago
Fix menu item ordering with headers Fully refresh component list on hotload Small Action Graph editor fixes
3 Months Ago
Steam audio scene system Apply direct
3 Months Ago
Fixed bugs with inventory not being referenced correctly
3 Months Ago
Create properties from inputs
3 Months Ago
Cupertino: fix copy_postbuild.sh Cupertino: add xcode_codesin.sh and xcode_gen_dsym.sh Cupertino: update osxarm64 vpc binary Add support for OSXARM64 platform for schemacompiler, fix CBaseFileSystem::GetModPath override, zip_utils on posix and vpc doesn't need to link from all these on other platforms Cupertino: libsteam_api platform_compile_base makes weird assumptions for using CLANG or GCC on windows Izabu/Cupertino: Izabu implies SSE SIMD, shim it with sse2neon, fix constructor on IzPulleyJoint
3 Months Ago
merge from gnb_shader_updates
3 Months Ago
Toggled GNB back on