116,335 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
underwater.prefab iteration & fixed time scaling issue
Update FP.BurstCloth (stiffness and other fixes)
Crank up stiffness on diver ak to fix clipping
add randomization to diver suit
Cherry picked
83847 => Fixed Lake and Swamp shading and refraction
Fixed Lake and Swamp shading and refraction
Bone retargeted breathing FX out of the back area when underwater
Cherry picked
83841 => Fixed water mask
Added and Setup Smoke Detector Prefabs
Show instanced renderers, meshes, triangles & verticies drawn per frame with `perf 7`
Changed `global_networking` to a startup parameter that enabled/disables instanced rendering completely
Cherry picked
83836 => Shader compile error fix
Shader compile error fix (related to 83832)
Fixed GamePhysics queries not handling WaterCollision triggers
Fixed several underwater projectile issues (speargun)
Cherry picked:
83782 Fixed bug breaking cloth fuzz and parallax mapping
83793 Additional fix for bug fuzz and parallax
83830 Fixed spray can free paint decals
83831 Fixed decal layer masking to always default layer1 for default/legacy shaders
83832 Fixed Rustige eggs shader issues
Fixed Rustige eggs shader issues
Fixed decal layer masking to always default layer1 for default/legacy shaders
Fixed spray can free paint decals
show correct skin on placement ghost model
merge from weapon racks main
Setup glock again after merge conflict
merge from main wip, keeps crashing Plastic if I do it all at once
Backups + directory change
Cherry-pick client compile fix
Merge PhysicsLayerRevamp -> save239
Fixed boat client compile bug
Merge PhysicsLayerRevamp -> Main
Fixed broken (bad merge) glock worldmodel prefab
Don't show Tugboat health info if driver is mounted
Fixed floating barge pieces at harbor_2
Fixed NVG goggle visible aperture scaling with UI scale
Merge from ferry_terminal
Opacity adjustment for floating text
Removed E for Exit indicator
Tugboat UI fully functional
Basic tugboat monitor UI, static for the moment
Added sonar to tugboat, but only detects subs up to 3m below the tugboat
More cine diversuit stuff - directory, materials and prefab updates