223,970 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

13 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2
13 Days Ago
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13 Days Ago
merge from ping_estimate_cleanup
13 Days Ago
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13 Days Ago
merge from vis_entities_duplicates
13 Days Ago
merge from cargo_junkpile_fix
13 Days Ago
cherrypicking wr_minigun_reload_fix
13 Days Ago
Fixed Sound Light guide mesh position mismatch
13 Days Ago
Enabled snapping on CCTV cameras
13 Days Ago
█▋▄▉▉▋▉ ▍▄█
13 Days Ago
player update. bolt rifle anim set edits and holster position edited
13 Days Ago
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13 Days Ago
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13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Latest changes to scene and materials
13 Days Ago
Render stats analytics, so we can work out whether our optimizations are working
13 Days Ago
Stats properly count shadowed lights again, add shadow map count too Expose scenesystem stats to c# Main stats we want
13 Days Ago
updated scene
13 Days Ago
fully greyboxed storage warehouse and storage building large
13 Days Ago
Put edge smoothing data in a new data stream to avoid old data not being able to load
13 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10996
13 Days Ago
Use buttons for edge smoothing like hammer, enum doesn't have multi edit support yet
13 Days Ago
Add smoothing angle to mesh component Edges can be hard, soft or default, smoothing angles are used for default
13 Days Ago
Add debris spawn points to floor prefabs (triangle, square, floor frames)
13 Days Ago
Support spawning multiple debris objects for floors (one on each side)
13 Days Ago
Smooth vertex normals based on edge smoothing
13 Days Ago
Possibly fixed editor based player inventory loadouts not getting included in builds (now derives from BaseScriptableObject which should get picked up in our asset bundle builds)
13 Days Ago
Switch using GetConnectionsWithin in IndustrialConveyor ReceiveItemTransferDetails RPC to a new GetCloseConnections method that iterates over the subscribers of the local network group instead of all of the players on the server
13 Days Ago
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14 Days Ago
Added root bones to playing cards viewmodel, fixes viewmodel renderer not working Set up EffectParents for UI elements
14 Days Ago
Truck models progress
14 Days Ago
Toolgun viewmodel now uses viewmodel camera, UI is setup as an effect parent
14 Days Ago
Update Cache process on vms_missing_renderer_scripts to automatically consider any materials using the hair shader as a transparent pass
14 Days Ago
Fixed dying during harvest mission objectives in the tutorial resulting in pings appearing for completed objectives after respawning
14 Days Ago
Change default value of BasePlayer.filterSpectateMapTeamID to -1 so it shows the team of the currently spectated player by default (setting this value to 0 will show all teams if global.toggleSpectateTeamInfo is true, not usually useful on live servers)
14 Days Ago
Fixed shotgun traps going off once if an authed player was in front of them when a TC is reskinned
14 Days Ago
Fix CreateEditorFor throwing for array on some types, should be using EditorTypeLibrary
14 Days Ago
Simple edge bridge, connect a face from two open edges of the same mesh https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1111b1/sbox-dev_zqhIWcX3As.mp4
14 Days Ago
initial 3p setup, rigged worldmodel, set up override controller and entity prefab
14 Days Ago
center pivots on track models Merge branch 'main' of sbox-unicycle-frenzy
14 Days Ago
Surface friction
14 Days Ago
blockin models for a track tileset
14 Days Ago
Added FaceTargetChaseDistance to BaseNavigator. Added random point functionality. Test chase behaviour change. AI design changes.
14 Days Ago
Fixed piece of shit water system returning incorrect trace hit position when underwater, causing incorrect water hits while inside water carving volumes
14 Days Ago
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14 Days Ago
"trace" command doesnt error on srcds Properly handle mounted addons disappearing (unmounted) This fixes a crash with BASS.DLL trying to play addon files that are no longer there. Fixed BASS volume not being said briefly when first loading into a map This fixes game making sounds when not focused when the option to specifically prevent that is enabled Fixed an infinite loop when copying over .gma files
14 Days Ago
merge from fix_spectate_health_flicker_2
14 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_reclaim_fix2
14 Days Ago
merge from cargo_improvements_may_24
14 Days Ago
Scientist AI tweaks