256,582 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Almost everything is preserved when serializing bake results
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Working on modular vehicle inventory (module sockets)
merge from map_improvments
speech, song changes, powerup changes
sliders medal achievement sfx
sliders background/grid variety, etc
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Added 3 more instrument playing animation slots and associated enums
Fixed weird tooltip hover location on map markers
Added some more checks to limit markers to 1
Fixed not being able to open the map in spectator mode
Fix achievements UI opening after closing map screen on custom servers
Fixed achievements UI open sfx being played after closing the map every time
ammo info fix for thrown melee weapons
Changed inspector foldout style because the previous version was preventing propertydrawer editing (Unity bug?)
Auto size Report Cheater button text on death screen
fixed bradley sometimes not moving
skin approval
double door PropRenders
Fix modifying list within foreach
Only clamp Application.targetFrameRate as client.
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
Almost finished making sure cs can be generated from a serialzed baking result
ProceduralCliffTest scene update
Search for best solution instead of first solution
trumpet - updated clip names, updated override controller
cowbell - re-positioned prop
flute - reduced clips to end on note position
xylo anims and ik targets update
Use proxy for websocket requests
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Camera movement works in prefab staging scene
Fixed editor constantly writing changes when selecting a prefab asset. Scene camera only updates when editing a prefab instance.
[D11] [UI] WIP Map Screen Control changes.
[D11] Server now has authority on delayed ents.
[D11] + Junkyard removal of objects and scene to prefab
[D11] Added 43 Vertex shading LODs from launch site scene
Fixed some decals spawning sidewards (HDRP IVersionable ordeal)
Decals Test scene
added tesla coil to electrical loot table, available at compound for 75 scrap
ProceduralCliffTest scene update
Better handling when no end piece can be placed or no end pieces exist at all
Added HSL color functions
[D11] + Powerplant removal of objects and scene to prefab
Procmap Powerlines - baked LODs rework