223,480 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Make x64 compiler happy
3 Years Ago
Increased work cart damage effect thresholds to 60/40/20
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile Added CampaignData.HideInEditor !skip-bake !skip-replay-tests
3 Years Ago
Fixed "A" !skip-bake !skip-replay-tests
3 Years Ago
Made monument signs facing the tracks slightly larger and more readable Increased viewi distance on procedural monument name text
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile !skip-bake !skip-replay-tests
3 Years Ago
Completely disable rain / snow particle effects inside train tunnel environment volumes
3 Years Ago
Throw if assets needed for old workshop plugins have been deleted Updated Jenkinsfile !skip-bake !skip-replay-tests
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Do not try to load the flushed models immediately after flushing them on map disconnect, this does not work for map embedded models which do not exist after disconnecting from a map
3 Years Ago
workcart NRE fix
3 Years Ago
protocol++ too many mismatched bug reports
3 Years Ago
reduced tunnel dweller ammo loot, reduced milcrate chance from tunnel dwellings, reduced crate chance to 1-3 instead of 2-3 for tunnel lootStrips
3 Years Ago
Texture compile Remove DebugOverlay
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
max depth/altitude optional value for safe zone triggers
3 Years Ago
Add Prediction.FirstTime Run IPlayerControllable's Ticks only in Prediction.FirstTime Create .editorconfig More reliable IsMainThread Local View Angles TimeSincePrimaryAttack, TimeSinceSecondaryAttack predicted Added Entity.PredictionStore, Entity.PredictionRestore Added accessors to TimeSince, Update animgraph network vars immediately after player simulate (fixes a ton of prediction errors) Added net_fakelag Removing some unused shit Update predicted vars as soon as we get them Any entity with a predicted owner can be predicted This was bullshit, weapons need to be predicted every tick We don't need to ReadPredictedVars before camera update now Prediction fixes WriteNetworkEntities after player tick Propertly remove net dirty entities clientside Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
TTT: Fixed an instant reload exploit (Community Contribution) Fixed PlayerWeaponColor material proxy hack for Super Grav Gun for cases where people override the default gravity gun (Community Contribution)
3 Years Ago
fix for low distance road cones on train barricade heavy
3 Years Ago
fix for spawngroups sometimes utilizing full spawnPoints
3 Years Ago
Fixed z-fighting on train stop pillar bolts
3 Years Ago
Add a IsScripted check to this hack (#1772)
3 Years Ago
Added some debug info to "%s overflowed reliable buffer" disconnect message Added "total" count to mat_dump(textures/materials)
3 Years Ago
Properly remove unmounted (.gma) addon files from internal map so when something tries to access them we don't crash.
3 Years Ago
Fixed stretched UVs at the bottom of sedan wreck-junkyard variants
3 Years Ago
More Junkyard work - surroundings - topologies
3 Years Ago
Ported fridge changes to HDRP_Backport branch - This will need S2P
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Fridge door should be fixed across all locations now
3 Years Ago
More junkyard progress - reviewing LOD distances- scene organizing
3 Years Ago
Merge from network_tick_optimizations
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Refactored the fix for sleeping buoyancy
3 Years Ago
Topo mask changes to fix some fields that weren't receiving all field spawns
3 Years Ago
Fixed flickering wires/bolts in overpass Fixed wires clipping through the wall in tjunctions Slightly increased LOD dinstances on t-junction walls to help with wire clipping
3 Years Ago
Remaining puzzle additions for patch. All corners of the map now given equal red card rights, give or take.
3 Years Ago
Remove some massive unused compiled textures
3 Years Ago
Remove references to Reflex Sights Remove old SSAO Readd editor visualization shader source Keep scalable ambient occlusion code so it's convars are still referenced, even if it's stubbed out Strip out more HLVR code from our renderingpipeline ✂
3 Years Ago
Only try generating dungeon navmesh if dungeon exists
3 Years Ago
Subtracting random_opt_2
3 Years Ago
Fix tools shaders
3 Years Ago
update MT design
3 Years Ago
Floodlights_B variant of Floodlights_A without concrete/terrain base Alternate versions of Pipe_cover_left from the launch site for Junkyard Junkyard - update with new prefabs
3 Years Ago
Fixed SlotMachine navmesh server error
3 Years Ago
Re-applied bug fixes to trainyard and cave_entrance_a Will need a S2P for caves
3 Years Ago
Junkyard terrain splats painting - composition/framing improvements
3 Years Ago
Add engine seat module
3 Years Ago
merge from /slots (minor updated payout sounds)
3 Years Ago