233,526 Commits over 3,775 Days - 2.58cph!

6 Months Ago
Set dressing harbor2 progress
6 Months Ago
player update. bota bag holdtype override controller updated with new bota bag anim set
6 Months Ago
player update. added unarmed idle pose to camera and instant camera holdtype overridecontroller
6 Months Ago
Save navmesh info
6 Months Ago
Reordered the code to call from icons to player inventory. First working version - still needs polish
6 Months Ago
Add PhysicsWorld.Bodies Add NavMeshGenerator.AddFromPhysicsBody Added includes/excludes to navmesh Editor for navmesh https://files.facepunch.com/garry/1ce940d5-6c9c-4a19-8c52-827ae3c53a4d.png
6 Months Ago
ByteStream.Read( buffer, offset, count )
6 Months Ago
Fixed from my las commit -_- Add unit test for cloning case with destroying a child gameobject
6 Months Ago
Reverted bandana albedo texture to normal quality due to a bug in HQ compression
6 Months Ago
Don't serialize child GameObjects that are about to be destroyed
6 Months Ago
player update. exported/set up bota bag animations
6 Months Ago
Editor integration https://files.facepunch.com/garry/7b662dc6-e270-4fa7-961d-50ee2eb8838f.png
6 Months Ago
GraphView: open context menu with space Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4670
6 Months Ago
merge from main
6 Months Ago
Add Scene.NavMesh
6 Months Ago
Scrap car and ball Merge branch 'main' of sbox-industrial-platformer
6 Months Ago
Add Draw.Arrow Cleanup
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Disable sync position on MDS.
6 Months Ago
moved zipline platforms assets over from compound branch - not a merge
6 Months Ago
More stripping
6 Months Ago
level backup - moved turret up a balcony
6 Months Ago
merge from TryGetAimingModule_nre
6 Months Ago
merge from GetFacingLiquidContainer_nre
6 Months Ago
▇▅█▌█ ▍█▅▄ ▉▇▊▍▋▌▇▉▇▌_▄▌▄
6 Months Ago
merge from shelter_marker_sort_order
6 Months Ago
merge from hostile_countdown_tooltip
6 Months Ago
Strip navlib/navsystem
6 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #9316
6 Months Ago
Small buffer zone when transitioning to a new perspective
6 Months Ago
Fix live unit tests unit test allow native debug Add BBox.Grow Add Triangle.ToString PhysicsWorld.GetPolySoup Use recast from c# without navlib Cache off the triangles on generate RandomPoint, CloestPoint https://files.facepunch.com/garry/e07dbdff-ba17-4bb9-96bc-62edf81b2031.mp4 Add GetClosestEdge https://files.facepunch.com/garry/7e693949-ffe2-4bb5-8a04-d24469a3b406.mp4 Add GetPathSimple https://files.facepunch.com/garry/e369c9d6-54b1-4648-a023-6217ab866cc8.mp4 PathSimple unit test Cleanup Agents https://files.facepunch.com/garry/da414070-bc1a-49ec-b39c-974d3b7fa33a.mp4 Agent cleanup InteropGen change params to @params Access dtCrowdAgentParams Cleanup https://files.facepunch.com/garry/19a3dacf-466b-4d0e-8e9a-5710131c5b7a.mp4
6 Months Ago
Fix not respawning at start when no checkpoints exist
6 Months Ago
Bit of improvement to movement on spinners
6 Months Ago
Camera focus bounds cleanup
6 Months Ago
Increase size of tutorial loot box, seems to fix intermittent interaction issues
6 Months Ago
Apply same fix to scientist at end of tutorial screen
6 Months Ago
Fix ToolScene fullbright, used by blend channel pickers in Hammer
6 Months Ago
Fixed bear prefab info not populating properly on death screen
6 Months Ago
Added a mission stage to pick up items from a player corpse
6 Months Ago
Added a new mission stage that makes the player respawn (between cooking and bear hunting)
6 Months Ago
▄█▆ █▆▍▆▅▄▊▉▅ ▍█▊ ▇▌█▇▍▊▅▆ ▆▊▍▋▆▆▆▍▋ ▋▇▆▋▄▋ ▍▇▄▄ ▌█▌▅ █▅ ▉▋▍▌▆▉█▌ ▆▄▌▆▆▍ ▍▌▊ ▋▇▊▅▌▆▄█
6 Months Ago
Move where we set -game for Hammer, and init mod shaders for vbsp
6 Months Ago
Fixed func_tank becoming unusable with firerate of <= 0 BLock cl_defaultweapon Creates confusion for players who don't know of its existence Fix trigger_hurt damagetype parsing Increase the base Hammer Compile Window size to 1280x720 Fix vbsp cubemap code failing every time Fixed func_instance_io_proxy not updating inputs correctly All VMFs (map, and each instance) need to be re-saved for this to work properly. MapIO separators are changed from commas to ESC character. Hammer/game was always able to load such VMFs/BSPs, but didn't write them. Now it does. so GMod .vmf files may not be compatible with ancient Hammer editors. Moved "cached version doesn't exist" to developer 1 Set -game to garrysmod for Hammer, if not set Fixes gmod shaders not loading in Hammer, resulting in certain materials failing to load as well, such as the painted skybox
6 Months Ago
Stomp cursor delta if we're locking to canvas in scene view, should hopefully prevent camera going wild when wrapping? Add support for editor pixmap cursors from managed, use it for custom eye cursor inside scene view Add margin to LockCursorToCanvas, clean up
6 Months Ago
InteropGen change params to @params Access dtCrowdAgentParams Cleanup https://files.facepunch.com/garry/19a3dacf-466b-4d0e-8e9a-5710131c5b7a.mp4
6 Months Ago
player update. edited construction holdtype override controller
6 Months Ago
WIP GameObject.Properties Proof of concept Dynamic Properties sheet https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b3111b1/sbox-dev_5ewZW6QaZ5.png Nicer integration of dynamic properties with the Action Graph editor https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b3111b1/sbox-dev_JBs2cwHbhM.mp4 Expose setting properties on arbitrary GameObjects Nicer dynamic property serialization Fixed build errors Rename GameObject.Properties to GameObject.UserData, document
6 Months Ago
Wear item check now returns item it replaced Can fetch PlayerInventory class through player Item icon set methods
6 Months Ago
Agent cleanup
6 Months Ago
More physicsmats & related files.