224,044 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

9 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #4925
9 Months Ago
Finish off cooking tutorial Refactor MissionObjective so we only have one ProcessMissionEvent method to override, it now receives a MissionEventPayload that includes any valid information about the event (a networkable id , an int or a uint) Cuts down on lots of vague casting and prevents objectives overriding the wrong overload and inadvertedly missing events Added consume mission objective type
9 Months Ago
Use HasCloseConnections instead of Vis.Entities for TrainCar and JunkPile
9 Months Ago
Added warnings for mismatched file id and mission not being assigned to manifest
9 Months Ago
Added a class description comment to ObjectWorkQueue
9 Months Ago
Updated tooltip text for JunkPileWater.Queue
9 Months Ago
Parent merge
9 Months Ago
Replace emoji-like text with image components in chat lines
9 Months Ago
Emoji tests
9 Months Ago
Main Camera update
9 Months Ago
Updated dev cam model. Moved to prefab for future adjustments
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Some rich text handling improvements when using chat.add, still has some issues
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Cherry picked 85622
9 Months Ago
Fixed 6point particle shader rotation breaking lighting
9 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect var
9 Months Ago
fixed rhib lod materials adjusted LOD3 lod mat
9 Months Ago
merge from experimental
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
Revert "Fix AddBlitTextureToTargetLayer not blitting correctly if dimensions are different" This reverts commit 076e225cae9b15bffce9a6c45e37a4ec49cb89b4.
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
wall rack LOD issue fixed - turns out it was being triangulated badly so set manual traingulation of that particular polygon issue was also persistent on a lower lod level, fixed that too.
9 Months Ago
burst module weapons have slightly reduced time between shots and a bit less recoil overall
9 Months Ago
Squash commit of what was on SSR branch Update compiled shaders Redo SSR API to not be hardcoded to an ubershader, add a function to just consume material API parameters and output the reflection Convert water to the new system, adjust reflections.hlsl Drift SSR result [-1,1] pixel based on the normals to sharpen it to the result Do perfect reprojection on ssr, able to have much higher quality without losing temporal stability Get ripples on new water shader High Quality Reflections becomes Dynamic Reflections, commit rest of stuff for Louie to test Final changes, SSR on complex, some cleanup and fixes, fuck off with the old high_quality_reflections shader Add r_dynamic_reflections_draw_everything for debug visualization, ignores object gathering filters when setting up dynamic reflections pass and draws reflections of all objects capable of it Fix toggleability of SSR in shaders Better way to do r_dynamic_reflections_draw_everything Don't sample ripples on shader if not using water entity Simplify cpu side of ssr, fix things for latest revision Fix SSR traces not being able to backtrace, do linear search when doing backtracecs https://i.imgur.com/UzNKHRL.png Squashed commit of the following: commit da96f1c95fb7c20271e9ce8428aeecbb780f7845 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Sun Jul 23 21:45:44 2023 +0100 Fix SSR traces not being able to backtrace, do linear search when doing backtracecs https://i.imgur.com/UzNKHRL.png commit 7c323611215a44a3e1b97284a624c0df656ba4c5 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Fri Jul 21 22:54:37 2023 +0100 [Pick] Proper support for blitting MSAA textures, also fixes blitted framebuffer textures on Vulkan commit b96e5efc447484f7a040ead9213df1a263d88d55 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Wed Jul 19 18:50:33 2023 +0100 Fix SSR issues, just do PS > VS converstion to be faster, composite it directly to water commit 6002107634ea0c747c17cb4160e4f9b649e3b700 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Thu Jul 13 19:05:03 2023 +0100 Fix water ripple collision commit 2f5247f5443eeffb54d3620d09ae476e2c9b6442 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Mon Jul 10 20:18:01 2023 +0100 Iterate, make WaterRipple a custom sceneobject so we can fetch depth from it and only render when visible commit 354b77dbcadd40e893bbb0f2f9e2d09a88f18db6 Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Thu Jul 6 17:50:00 2023 +0100 Water fog and refraction commit 3cd9da902a4f12d8f53ab9d8f3b43ad0b5bb0c9a Author: Sam Pavlovic <sam@sampavlovic.com> Date: Tue Jul 4 14:39:04 2023 +0100 Backport simple water from SSR branch Cleanup, shared_standard_ps_code doesnt need these anymore since we define on material, sharpen compositing confidence Encode normals in 2D view space for denoising, simpler and works much better, increase max sample count for reprojection Cleanup Frambuffertexture bullshit, it's on scenesystem now Try to escape backtracing linear search in power of two increments Pass downsample ratio to intersection and denoiser so that we keep a full res hi-z buffer for fullscreen traces Fix pathes and attributes Compiled shaders for SSR except complex Compiled Complex with SSR Default dynamic reflections to 0, cleanup Only do MSAA blit on depth, fixes SSR on vulkan and a bunch of other weird regressions
9 Months Ago
RenderTools::Draw don't reset the bound transform, but make sure it's set in CManagedRenderLayer before passing to UI.. Not great solution overall
9 Months Ago
Merge pull requests * Added SANDBOX:ContextMenuShowTool hook * Added Global.ScreenScaleH( height ) * Added table, num = table.Pack( ... ) * Added table = table.Flip( table )
9 Months Ago
Add global function ScreenScaleH (#1999)
9 Months Ago
Added SANDBOX:ContextMenuShowTool hook (#1990) Return false to hide tool settings in context menu
9 Months Ago
Add table.Pack (#1575) Since garrysmod-requests/issues/585 isn't going to be done anytime soon, this is the 5.1 alternative. This packs varargs in a table and returns the proper length including nils, which is unreliable with the ``#`` operator.
9 Months Ago
Create table.Flip (#1548)
9 Months Ago
Upgrade to Expo SDK 48
9 Months Ago
Improve slide efficiency Up AirControl / AirAcceleration Separate Slide and Duck into separate actions
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
Fix MapSelectionButton NRE
9 Months Ago
display recovery probability and time left on wounded screen
9 Months Ago
Menu resources
9 Months Ago
FriendCount only counts people playing the game
9 Months Ago
Add header to server list Server List Update https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_d4VsW1eTAR.jpg
9 Months Ago
Implement Create Game
9 Months Ago
Add Server List Let people set the player count, server name
9 Months Ago
Don't try to inject razor file error locations unless we're the game Create Game Modal We don't need saved games in the default menu Auto height the create game dialog
9 Months Ago
Tangent / normal fix
9 Months Ago
Generate tangents
9 Months Ago
vulkan: more VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state fixes UI VertexInput should only have nInstanceID with D_MULTIVIEW_INSTANCING VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline: validate pipeline descriptor sets before draw Vulkan: Remove AMDBindVertexBuffersWorkaround (fixed in 2018) RenderTools::Draw: Add BindTransformSlot for an identity transform ( In future this should probably be CSceneSystem::BindIdentityTransformAndInstanceIDBuffer ) CRenderContextVulkan::BindVertexBuffer - mark it as used
9 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: ObjectSpaceNormal node ShaderGraph: TransformNormal node can now transform from object space
9 Months Ago
Update .gitignore Remove limits when reading SteamHTTP response headers Also supply non lowercase headers for those few that worked before
9 Months Ago
various vmat_c changes
9 Months Ago
Also supply non lowercase headers for those few that worked before
9 Months Ago
added concrete_rough + damaged mat