250,506 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.64cph!
start bringing the new UI elements into new branch
choice panel
status panel
status tooltips
Fix wall placement, add lights
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vtf project unused
TerrainMaterial resource: custom compiler that generates 2 packed vtex_c from input images
bicycle LOD0 skining and ik positrion adjustment
More memory optimisations - attempting to reduce the number of transforms/gameobjects/renderer components there are in the world by consolidating them into a single RendererLOD when possible
eg. a RendererLOD has three child LODs all at 0,0,0 - this process caches the mesh and materials used at each LOD level and creates a new renderer/filter on the RendererLOD root and switches the mesh and materials when adjusting LODs. This allows us to delete the child transforms entirely.
Process is entirely automatic and applied at runtime to all RendererLODs so no change to artist workflow.
Some initial results:
Launch site goes from 30,409 transforms to 21,131
Outpost goes from 11,850 -> 9,633
Harbor_1 goes from 17,233 -> 13,125
That's a total saving of over 15k transforms, renderers, filters just from three monuments!
Leaderboard backup, run #
Fixed manifest not being included, still not loading
Add more game tests
Revert "Delete GameManager (has been replaced by Game for ages now)"
This reverts commit 2f830e304e4c35781aacfe7577fb52ef02a84a7f.
Add more game tests
Add noblockaudio, player to default tag selection
Minor anim tweaks to middle finger + double middle finger gestures. Fixed ulna rotation not being applied
Move fists to assets
Add noblockaudio tag to player
Protect against exceptions
Shader compile fixes
PlaySound exeption fix
Basic sprint progress bar
Double middle finger gesture
Lerp the sprint pose change
New sprint mode pose for bicycle rider
New attempt - load all preprocessed prefabs into a dedicated client/server scene and include that in the build
Created new FileSystem backend that is mostly working, builds are done via Builds/PreProcess/ menu
Pedal bike setup bits and pieces
More build cleanup, not much progress
Fix recoil properties not being modified
nature models, more track piece work, tutorial map work, more tutorial hints, tutorial hint messages, materials and textures, less tilting from pedaling, sample scene in blender
Shadergraph: Named branch nodes are attributes
Expose recoil values for weapons
Add `mod_ents` command to search for entity shortnames
Exposing more things & lots of cleanup + organizing code
Serialize AnimationCurve as protobuf
Expose BaseProjectile fields too
Expose clientside variables (firerate, deploydelay, animationdelay) to be modded by server
Add `mod {prefab} {field} {value}` command to allow you to modify weapons at runtime
adding bike_sidecar prefab and WIP bicycle setup
Fix loading old polygon mesh when texture origin wasn't per face
Added a simple custom testing framework
Added a bunch of old assets
Spawn walls
Fixed IO UI showing wrong power values when wiring entities from output to input
Fixed crashes when deleting nav ladders
Added some existing models to the Lamp Tool
Basic overall maze layout generation
Refactor, editor tweaks, working on generator
Started work on a shooting range scene (https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0611b1/sbox-dev_XK299N0MPB.jpg)
Add a bunch of mazes, can set item spawns
Initial commit
WIP maze resource
Removed physics.steps and physics.minsteps. Instead, time now includes both server and client convars for delta and max delta, both set from the server, with the client ones replicated to all clients
camera tweaks, enemy sprite flipping, etc
networking fixes, etc
info panel
timer panel
New idea: what if we saved preprocessed versions of all of our prefabs outside of the assets folder?
SAR + P17 cam anim tweaks