224,128 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

1 Year Ago
Cubemap and lighting probe adjustments
1 Year Ago
Entity.Client - I think this is our desired outcome - with less complication
1 Year Ago
BaseBlindedState, scientist BlindedState. Added AIState.Blinded type. Added AIDesign.GetFirstStateContainerOfType function. Brains can toggle if they can be blinded or not. Added BaseAIBrain.SetBlinded(..) which can also change to a blinded state container if there is one in the AI design.
1 Year Ago
Suppress buttons properly when interacting with gizmos https://files.facepunch.com/garry/886588d5-f454-498b-a8eb-c3a076fc5815.mp4
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from steam_nickname_improvements
1 Year Ago
merge from invokehandler_nre
1 Year Ago
Updated exit puzzle to require only a button Moved keycard reader to the top and tied it to opening the bunker hatch Added a new CCTV camera pointing at the exit Added a static computer station to the security room (needs some improvements) Created a new material for the small mesh paths that looks less repetitive and intense Reorganized exterior lighting and added Light Group At Time script to disable some lights during daylight Scene2prefab
1 Year Ago
Keep gizmo cursor position legit when game doesn't have mouse focus Add Editor.Utility.InspectorObject (usable in game addons) Enable gizmo pressing in game https://files.facepunch.com/garry/2ee9c2e5-4c48-4b2a-94df-343661c7ed7f.mp4
1 Year Ago
Refactor our SteamInput layer for input actions - we're no longer using an action set layer since we've eliminated the whole InGame action set. Actions and analog inputs on the same group don't play so well currently, so that's next.
1 Year Ago
Make asset browser instances dockable https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b2511b1/sbox_dSV3cOCjfU.png Temp SuppressAllCookies switch on AssetBrowser, should really be saving all state info for instances Keep track of all asset browser instances, use index as identifier for asset browser instance cookies Use same highlight/selected functionality as main asset browser
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
toilet_a & bathtub_a fixes Corrected axis position & asset scale Minor texture adjustments Collision/Optimisation improvements
1 Year Ago
Fix User-Agent typo so none would ever be set Let you define Content-Type and stuff through the standard headers field Fix these typos in the HttpHeaders whitelist, but probably will unwhitelist these
1 Year Ago
Set UsingController if any of our analog states are not zero length
1 Year Ago
Squash commit of SSR and Denoiser work Reimplement Min/Max downsample for new shader Do alpha denoising for DNSR reprojection pass Alpha denoising on the other passes Finish temporal alpha denoising Track reflection gbuffer history so that denoiser knows when to use mirror reflections Fix NaN rays on high quality reflections tracing Test for SSR on water Add contact hardening for DNSR reflections https://i.imgur.com/PHaZgQv.png Test for saving downsampled depth history, might not be necessary, redo convoluted multiple-layers downsample with a simple call to our downsample function call Iterate SSR, fix reprojection Enhance contact hardening for radiance history, drift encoded normals a bit so that normals facing down don't get encoded incorrectly, improve temporal stability factor Some adjustments for contact hardening and compiled shaders Separate water better and output to reflection gbuffer, reflections don't look great yet but has all boilerplate for water2 Force special case for water cubemap blending for now More aggressive contact hardening Compile optimized shaders Allow increasing sampler per pixel on denoiser, use lower precision gbuffer, fix compositing looking weird Do edge gap hardening on prefilter pass Allow for configurable sample count with r_high_quality_reflections_sample_count
1 Year Ago
Can specify HttpContentHeaders specifically for Content related headers, non-content would still use standard way Http.CreateJsonContent specifies application/json as default content type
1 Year Ago
remove fade explosion intro
1 Year Ago
Fix up player bounds, added intro/outro to tooltips
1 Year Ago
artillery explosion
1 Year Ago
artillery upgrade
1 Year Ago
LOS check
1 Year Ago
Better scopes Hover input https://files.facepunch.com/garry/6b662b66-8ab9-4bc2-84df-372b398e2f35.mp4
1 Year Ago
fixed mismatch - collider displayed instead of visual mesh
1 Year Ago
Set duration/range. Added BlindDurationModifier to BaseAIBrain so individual AI types can be blinded differently. Test debug log.
1 Year Ago
merge from building_skins_3
1 Year Ago
Applied shelved previous work. Merged to date from main and merge fixes. Initial fixes/wip.
1 Year Ago
tweak item UI
1 Year Ago
Updated standard postprocessing
1 Year Ago
Separate Gizmo instances for server tick, client tick
1 Year Ago
Static Http API (#604) Add Sandbox.Http static REST methods that run off an allow list in your project settings. Obsoletes Sandbox.Internal.Http. --------- Co-authored-by: Rohan Singh <rohan-singh@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Garry Newman <garrynewman@users.noreply.github.com>
1 Year Ago
Remove unused Disposed protect World.DeletePendingObjects SceneCamera.Worlds automatically removes deleted worlds Gizmo.Instance can be disposed
1 Year Ago
added foldable targeting computer for paddy
1 Year Ago
Swap order of parameters so method is first even though you should be using named optional parameters. Minor documentation fixes.
1 Year Ago
Adobe skin simple stair is see through - updated colliders and gibs Fixed some adobe prefabs using brick or other skin collision meshes, figured this would not ship with it, needs its own resource Renamed correctly a bunch of gibs in brutalist skin, some misnamed LODs
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_aboveground
1 Year Ago
▆▆▍█▊ ▋█▄▊▅█▄ █▍▉▋▅█▍▇ ▌▉ ▄▋▆▇▉ █▌▆█ ▍▄█▉▄▍▆ ▇▇▉▅▅▄▇▉ ▊▋▍▊██ ▌▌▉▋▅▆. ▆▆▅▄▆. ▇▋▉ ▄▍█.
1 Year Ago
Tweak ui on item select fixed fake shadow
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from nms
1 Year Ago
merge from building_skins_3
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
merge from nuclear_missile_silo
1 Year Ago
merge from /nuclear_missile_silo/timer
1 Year Ago
Rework Inertia and InertiaRotation to use non inverse inertia to give sane values
1 Year Ago
Modeldoc: Don't scale and mirror offsets for hull and mesh, fixes mirror getting cancelled out
1 Year Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #2521
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix inline node editor not updating when deleting connection
1 Year Ago
In editor, tell client-side ragdoll colliders to ignore server-side corpse colliders
1 Year Ago
friction changes and upgrade, dash aim changes