
97,384 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

11 Days Ago
Update client server field finder tool to output even when there are no serialized fields found in the type, allows for more accurate messages when comparing
11 Days Ago
▉▆█ ▄▌▇▇▅▅▇▉█▋ ▋█▉▄ ▍▋▅▊█ ▍▍ ▄▌▄▉▉▅▄█ ▊█▄▇▇ ▌█ ▅▉▉▆▋ ▋▋▉▍▅▋▇▄ ▋▄▅▅▇█▄ ▍▆▋▊▍, ▆▄▌▇▊▄▅▆█▊▊▅▆ ▅▆▆▇▅█ ▌▌▄▊ ▉▆▍▄▌▌▉▌ ▋▌▆█▊▍, ▅▆▅ ▉▅▉▅▇▄▍▅▆▋ ▉▅▇▌▅▆█▆ ▄▋▍▇█▍ ▌▌ ▇▍▋▊▇ ▅▌ ▇▆▊▉▉▅▆
11 Days Ago
Improved flow in rahouse large, adding an exit point in the corridor
11 Days Ago
PlaceCliffs has MinHeight and MaxHeight parameters to specifc terrain altitude range of certain cliff types
11 Days Ago
Fixed default guide mesh orientation issues after rotating it
11 Days Ago
checkpoint hut, radtown gate greybox
11 Days Ago
▌▊▅▅▋█▇▊▄▄▍█▉▄▅▌▆▇▉▋█▆ = █ | ▌▅▄▇▄▄▍▋ ▅▍▅▍ ▄▌▊ ▍▄▊▄▄▋▍ ▌█▋
11 Days Ago
Merge from main
11 Days Ago
11 Days Ago
Moved GenerateCliffTopology slopeCutoff and splatCutoff to consts at the top of the file
11 Days Ago
Implemented "force the cliffs to spawn at the highest available Y position"
11 Days Ago
Fixed "cliff scaling doesn't always obey the min/max values"
11 Days Ago
Merged main into /electricity_power_fixes/2
11 Days Ago
ProceduralMapRoad spawns roadside monuments
11 Days Ago
PlaceMonumentsRoadside fixes & improvements
11 Days Ago
Removed the unrelated files plastic included in my previous commit for whatever reason.......
11 Days Ago
merge from mission_improvements_may_24
11 Days Ago
Moved functional code out of RPCs to facilitate testing, cleanup and naming Codegen
11 Days Ago
merge from harbor_build_topology_fixes
11 Days Ago
Moved the connection/disconnection code out from the WireTool to IOEntity to reduce dependency
11 Days Ago
merge from oil_flames
11 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2
11 Days Ago
merge from editor_loadouts_build_fix
11 Days Ago
Checked in main
11 Days Ago
Ensured we don't get into orbit strafes with a parented player Further revisions to use player references rather than just raw positions
11 Days Ago
player update mp5 anim set edits and pistol revolver holster position edited
11 Days Ago
Merge from main
11 Days Ago
▅▊█▌█ ▋▅▊▌ █▌▌▅
11 Days Ago
11 Days Ago
▄▄▄█▉ ▄▆▊▉ ▋█▆▌_▆▍█▅▄▉▋▊█▇_▆▊▍▇_▋▅▍█▊▉_▆▇█▄▅_▋▉▄▍
11 Days Ago
greatly reduced AO factor on logistics warehouse garage door
11 Days Ago
generic door frames greybox (now part of a set) replaced the doorframes on rad buildings prefabs window frames for radhouse large
11 Days Ago
merge from animal_ground_range_increase
11 Days Ago
merge from GetConnectionsWithin_perf_improvement
11 Days Ago
█▉▉▇▆ ▊▍▅▍ ▌▋▇▇▊█▆▄_▍█▌▄_▅▉▉▅▋▄▊▋▍▊▇_▉▅▊ (▆▍▋▍▋▅▊ ▊▅▇)
11 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_double_harvest_ping_fix
11 Days Ago
merge from filterSpectateMapTeamID_default
11 Days Ago
merge from cui_scrollablecontainers_54
11 Days Ago
merge from patrol_heli_floor_clip
11 Days Ago
Merge from main
11 Days Ago
Scanner mission wip tests
11 Days Ago
Fix editor exceptions when loading BaseAiBrains in the editor More mission test setups
11 Days Ago
Fixed incorrect translation string on the final objective of the kill animals mission from the lumberjack
11 Days Ago
Fix exception when starting lumberjack mission Added a DebugWorldPosition component that allows us to test missions that use position generators without needing a proper proc gen Started making a Mission zoo scene that shows all mission providers with all of the stub content needed to actually run and test the misison, accessible via Scenes/Dev/Mission zoo toolbar option
11 Days Ago
Added ability for a mission to reward blueprints (tick isBp on the reward item entry)
11 Days Ago
Added the ability for a mission to not count towards the Mission Accomplished achievement Enabled this on the tutorial achievements
11 Days Ago
Truck models progress .
11 Days Ago
Add the ability for a container spawn point to limit how many containers are spawned at that point Adjusted container spawn points to ensure that it's likely for top containers to be accessible Added some pallets around the container spawn points to make them more climbable Affects both harbors
11 Days Ago
Merge from main