257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Save out C4 so we have its metadata
Attempt at ensuring RoundStateTeam avatars change when they should
deployable paintable easel
model and prefab progress
currently not working
Don't create tracer if the effect distance is low
Don't play zoom sound if ending zoom on drop when we're not zooming at all
Make GameResource.Serialize() public, add OnJsonSerialize
Make GameResource.Deserialize public
Compass and coordinates UI
Fixed not being able to hit E to pick up a weapon
Add stop sequence on finish to directplayback animgraph node
removed sign/pumpkin panel from sculpture item
added guide mesh for ice sculpture and a tool to generate one
Add JsonPatch utility
Clean up GameResource loading
* Always expect to load from a compiled version
* Single function to load from data instead of separate data + json
* Make LastSavedHash private
Reload/import GameResource assets after project is fully loaded in editor
Don't update "LastSavedSourceHash" if not in editor
Don't reload asset on saving, causes double load - because we'll load after compile
Collider returns touching colliders of rigidbody if the collider is on a rigidbody
Temporary unapproved bear skin redirect
Leaderboard backup, run #
Page title in documentation
Use wide thumb in a couple of places
Main Menu particles
Fix LobbyMenu BuildHash
Lobby Player Panel UI tweaks
Network Laser Projectiles
Rounded laser weapon
Added Pause Menu
Fix BulletSize implementation and improved Laser Projectile collision
Added Laser Weapon and Character. Laser respects all EntityModifiers
Fix player shadow
Specify setup-dotnet version for shaders.yml
hook up dash sound in player prefab
Removed some unused props
Save some useful metadata in weapon prefabs so we can use it for dropped weapons, so we can use accurate bodygroups, model, bounds from the model renderer
Increase range of networked edits
Fix more ui alignments with new font
Enemies squirt on fire
More UI + Nametag updates
Fix the bullet damage desync issues when networking
Fix PickupCollector for connected clients
Prebuild the menu package
Actually it needs to be public
Make ControlledProperties protected again
Unity 2022
Tweak DrivenRectTransformTracker usage to try and fix prefabs having changes as soon as you open them
Added 2 new spawnflags to env_player_surface_trigger
Do not IsValid the ident in hook.Add/Remove
The check was added solely to print an error for invalid types, but NULL entity is still an entity
Player healthbar is rounded
Align icons on PlayerInfo
Monkey hand
Clean up Main Menu scene and remove wood bullet
Fix item room floor tiles
Independent bullet wiggle
Fix UI issues
Add 3rd player and weapon
Fix bandage size
Update Key Lock
Smooth damage numbers
Remove font smoothing,
Vitals invincible fix
Fix U Shape Room Tiles
Remove most of the old Textures
Remove most the sprites + add player hurt sprite
Replaced the smoke particle and removed the old sprite/textures
2nd player and 2nd weapon sprite
Replaced pixel font with high res font
Page title in documentation
Use wide thumb in a couple of places
tried to avoid overlapping lava
exploder lava
lava sfx
Fix mistake in ParticleModelRenderer upgrader