257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

4 Months Ago
Save out C4 so we have its metadata
4 Months Ago
Attempt at ensuring RoundStateTeam avatars change when they should
4 Months Ago
deployable paintable easel model and prefab progress currently not working
4 Months Ago
Don't create tracer if the effect distance is low
4 Months Ago
Don't play zoom sound if ending zoom on drop when we're not zooming at all
4 Months Ago
Ammo reserves
4 Months Ago
Make GameResource.Serialize() public, add OnJsonSerialize Make GameResource.Deserialize public
4 Months Ago
Compass and coordinates UI https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/2024-11-15/sbox-dev_HsvWeWBHGH.mp4
4 Months Ago
Fixed not being able to hit E to pick up a weapon
4 Months Ago
Add stop sequence on finish to directplayback animgraph node
4 Months Ago
removed sign/pumpkin panel from sculpture item
4 Months Ago
updated guide mesh
4 Months Ago
added guide mesh for ice sculpture and a tool to generate one
4 Months Ago
Add JsonPatch utility Clean up GameResource loading * Always expect to load from a compiled version * Single function to load from data instead of separate data + json * Make LastSavedHash private Reload/import GameResource assets after project is fully loaded in editor Don't update "LastSavedSourceHash" if not in editor Don't reload asset on saving, causes double load - because we'll load after compile
4 Months Ago
Collider returns touching colliders of rigidbody if the collider is on a rigidbody
4 Months Ago
Temporary unapproved bear skin redirect
4 Months Ago
merge from main
4 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #15413
4 Months Ago
Page title in documentation Use wide thumb in a couple of places
4 Months Ago
Main Menu particles Fix LobbyMenu BuildHash Lobby Player Panel UI tweaks
4 Months Ago
Network Laser Projectiles Rounded laser weapon https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/14_20-43-StarkXantus.mp4 Added Pause Menu Fix BulletSize implementation and improved Laser Projectile collision
4 Months Ago
Added Laser Weapon and Character. Laser respects all EntityModifiers https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/14_20-16-FluffyGodwit.mp4 Fix player shadow
4 Months Ago
Specify setup-dotnet version for shaders.yml
4 Months Ago
hook up dash sound in player prefab
4 Months Ago
player dash sound
4 Months Ago
movement bobbing
4 Months Ago
Removed some unused props
4 Months Ago
Save some useful metadata in weapon prefabs so we can use it for dropped weapons, so we can use accurate bodygroups, model, bounds from the model renderer
4 Months Ago
Increase range of networked edits
4 Months Ago
Bullet flash fix
4 Months Ago
Shadow/layering fix
4 Months Ago
Fix more ui alignments with new font Enemies squirt on fire More UI + Nametag updates Fix the bullet damage desync issues when networking Fix PickupCollector for connected clients
4 Months Ago
Prebuild the menu package
4 Months Ago
Photo frames
4 Months Ago
▇▊█▊█▆ ▋▌.▋▇▅▇▅▉▆
4 Months Ago
Actually it needs to be public
4 Months Ago
Make ControlledProperties protected again
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Unity 2022 Tweak DrivenRectTransformTracker usage to try and fix prefabs having changes as soon as you open them
4 Months Ago
Added 2 new spawnflags to env_player_surface_trigger Do not IsValid the ident in hook.Add/Remove The check was added solely to print an error for invalid types, but NULL entity is still an entity
4 Months Ago
Player healthbar is rounded Align icons on PlayerInfo Monkey hand Clean up Main Menu scene and remove wood bullet
4 Months Ago
Emojified the game
4 Months Ago
Fix item room floor tiles Independent bullet wiggle Fix UI issues Add 3rd player and weapon
4 Months Ago
Fix bandage size Update Key Lock Smooth damage numbers Remove font smoothing, Vitals invincible fix Fix U Shape Room Tiles Remove most of the old Textures Remove most the sprites + add player hurt sprite Replaced the smoke particle and removed the old sprite/textures 2nd player and 2nd weapon sprite Replaced pixel font with high res font
4 Months Ago
Falling mask
4 Months Ago
sound tweaks
4 Months Ago
▅▄▄▄▍▋ █▌▇▍ ▇▍▍▇▌▉▍ ▋▌▆▌
4 Months Ago
Page title in documentation Use wide thumb in a couple of places
4 Months Ago
tried to avoid overlapping lava exploder lava lava sfx
4 Months Ago
Fix mistake in ParticleModelRenderer upgrader