248,620 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

52 Days Ago
Fixed missing event receiver errors in the in-game shop
52 Days Ago
Clothing Updates
52 Days Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead
52 Days Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Use frameattributes instead of camera attributes, clear stupid hack on AmbientOcclusion
52 Days Ago
Fix fluid combiner, flasher light, sprinkler, boombox, speaker & microphone stand ports Fix weapon rack not showing ports while deploying
52 Days Ago
t1 smg silenced gunshot
52 Days Ago
Fix TilesetCollider not always building immediately
52 Days Ago
siege tower art update
52 Days Ago
merge from main -> qol_io_arrows
52 Days Ago
Proper Bake Selected Description TilesetComponent docs LayerControl Italics when Layer is locked, lighter text when hidden
52 Days Ago
Battering ram impact effect based on hit material
52 Days Ago
Missed some other StatusTexts Fix TilesetToolInspector not updating when switching Layers or changing Tilesets
52 Days Ago
merge from LargeBackpack_WorkshopFixes - all submitted backpack skins will need to be tweaked and reuploaded.
52 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram wheel axis after model change
52 Days Ago
Need to set version gametag on server. Use query port 27016 until implementation of ISteamGameServer::HandleIncomingPacket et al )
52 Days Ago
Feel like I'm getting somewhere, but still won't list
52 Days Ago
▇▍█▇▍ ▄▄ ▉▉▇▍▍▌
52 Days Ago
Backpack model fixes for skinners
52 Days Ago
- Fixed catapult packet being checked rather than siege tower - Ensured proper post server load setup - Is loading save checks
52 Days Ago
Tracers, mp5
52 Days Ago
Fix Remove Component not being included in the Undo Stack
52 Days Ago
Scene Hierarchy: hide children in flat search view Scene Hierarchy: skip root, objects with hidden flag Scene Hierarchy: hide clear search button when there's no value, styling tweaks
52 Days Ago
Fixed a typo in a comment in net.lua (#2146)
52 Days Ago
-Siege tower door shelter style setup -Siege tower doors forward all damage to siege tower and vice versa -Setup new system to grab all the doors at once -System to prevent recursive damage
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler VrMonitor goes long unused since we removed SceneMonitor & VR Multiview Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao AO on lighting pass GTAO stub, remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 ) Iterate gtao Iterate GTAO Iterate GTAO Calculate gtao depth and normals properly, use inverted depth for gtao Iterate GTAO, use built in uint encoding for passes, all 3 passes work, workaround for dxc compiler bug with dot product with half floats Remove old SDF functions entirely (byebye) Iterate GTAO, works almost perfectly ingame, add noise function to it Iterate GTAO, start deoising, remove unused shit, fix bug with binding too many textures on the lexer Update texture formats and remove unused code Shitty TAA, smeary but iteratable with bbox clamping, add thin occluder compensation Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer https://files.facepunch.com/sampavlovic/1b1711b1/05csVIYZJM.png Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) https://files.facepunch.com/sampavlovic/1b1811b1/UckNYcRubO.png Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl Sensible defaults and final tweaks Fix depth normalization on XeGTAO, add better TAA values for AmbientOcclusion Fix AO compositing for custom shaders https://files.facepunch.com/sampavlovic/1b2111b1/CRqx99maFj.png Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders
52 Days Ago
Siege tower doors can no longer be removed or opened by NPCs
52 Days Ago
Fixed broken LOD on arctic variant of one of the medium rock formations Added checks to small rock formations to prevent them from spawning on roads
52 Days Ago
If taken longer than a few seconds to raise the siege tower then gve up
52 Days Ago
sks and t1 smg - 3p mag dropping now working
52 Days Ago
Adjusted raise command Prefab Adjustments Removal of logs New approach to raising
52 Days Ago
Battering ram can't damage building blocks above the stone grade
52 Days Ago
Tests for branching variable assignment Handle branching variable assignment in switch case Support BuildExpression result type of void rather than Task
52 Days Ago
52 Days Ago
refinery updates muzzle flash updates + meta files
52 Days Ago
merge from main
52 Days Ago
Prop Testing Updates
52 Days Ago
Scene hierarchy search searches whole scene, rather than just filtering visible nodes Scene Hierarchy: explicit t: token for searching by component type Scene Hierarchy: tag: token to filter by GameObject tags
52 Days Ago
hooked up view model anims for the 2 wooden shields and edited admire transitions on their animators
52 Days Ago
Add Component.ITemporaryEffect, add it to particleeffect, particleemitter, soundpoint make RenderOptions.Apply public
52 Days Ago
Asset browser: double clicking a folder in the left pane expands it + highlight current folder in sidebar Asset browser: Re-build sidebar locations when we make a new folder Asset browser: can highlight scene file by right clicking the tab https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b0411b1/sbox-dev_glaXsIVvIP.mp4
52 Days Ago
StatusText -> StatusTip
52 Days Ago
Hammer can paste gameobjects copied from scene editor Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6762
52 Days Ago
Playground update
52 Days Ago
Switch to interaction
52 Days Ago
Codegen, not trusting the auto merge
52 Days Ago
Set all siege weapon items to the weapon category Reduced stack size to 1
52 Days Ago
Fixed catapult NRE when loading in incendiary ammo
52 Days Ago
Copying, shift transforms & undoing all work on hammer game objects. Only had to change all the callbacks to a new system again
52 Days Ago
subtracting 106755 - broken prefab