userBill Bcancel

13,125 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

5 Years Ago
Initial code for modular entities, and vehicle modules in particular. Added module add/remove and mass + centre of mass adjustment methods.
5 Years Ago
Minor change to chassis settings
5 Years Ago
Chassis fuel tank bugs fixed. Can now properly interact.
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main->Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Modular car fuel menu
5 Years Ago
Comment components were a little broken - they didn't always save the text entered. Deleted the custom editor, replaced with [TextArea] attribute.
5 Years Ago
Vehicle chassis collider fixes
5 Years Ago
Allow mountables to be... not mountable. Since a modular vehicle chassis isn't mountable until it has seats.
5 Years Ago
Test map edits
5 Years Ago
Rename BaseModularCar to ModularCar
5 Years Ago
Rename BaseCar to BasicCar since ModularCar won't inherit from it
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main->Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Remove obsolete scenes from the build list that no longer exist
5 Years Ago
Fix unused var errors on client
5 Years Ago
Modular vehicle chassis now using the new fuel system, spawning fuel tanks.
5 Years Ago
Simpler fuel system changes. Slightly more code duplication than my earlier solution but simpler overall.
5 Years Ago
Revert fuel commit. Doing this in a simpler way.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Minor map edit only
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main ->Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Chassis entities now have fuel tanks and correct collider sets + physics materials
5 Years Ago
Move vehicle module models and textures to match where other vehicle content is stored.
5 Years Ago
Laying out vehicle modules on map
5 Years Ago
Revert wheel size increase - incompatible with existing mudguards on size 3 and 4 chassis
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge my no Steam in editor fix into Main.
5 Years Ago
Fixes crash in editor when Steam isn't running.
5 Years Ago
Merge Main->Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Added initial entity versions of the three modular chassis options
5 Years Ago
Added modular vehicle model mockups to my little test map, plus terrain edit
5 Years Ago
Added a small fast-starting test map for my own testing, similar to the existing Playground scene, but without the invisible "cubicles" etc.
5 Years Ago
Increase min UI message time
5 Years Ago
Merge Working -> Main
5 Years Ago
Exclude human players from the wanted criminal ignore thing
5 Years Ago
Cops ignore injuries and murders if the target is a criminal too. Removing "PastCrimes" as it's unused and, I think, also increased forever. Network++.
5 Years Ago
Minor fixes
5 Years Ago
Better, less cluttered method for showing UI notifications. Queued instead of multiple at once.
5 Years Ago
Mission tasks now all have custom task complete messages. Network++.
5 Years Ago
Increase alert dialog background opacity
5 Years Ago
Added basic gang rep info to payphone UI
5 Years Ago
Don't check inventory space if giveTheItem is false.
5 Years Ago
Move var
5 Years Ago
Text edit
5 Years Ago
Text fix
5 Years Ago
Remove debug log
5 Years Ago
Added gang rep increase info to mission complete dialog. Network++.
5 Years Ago
Allow user to cancel active mission, from the mission info UI
5 Years Ago
Changed some mission messages, and Mission Complete title can now have custom extras. Network++.
5 Years Ago
Add temporary logging to detect why peds stop buying drugs on the real server
5 Years Ago
Modifying item collect missions to avoid potential complications with other users picking up dropped items. Only give the item if there is inventory space. + warnings cleanup.