
110,898 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!

22 Days Ago
merge from main
22 Days Ago
█▉▍▋▍▌ ▄▍▋▊▊
22 Days Ago
- added test holdtype folders (1h/2h melee, bow, lr300) - added v4 rustplayer mask - setup hatchet 3p anims (updated melee overide controller) - updated hatchet.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - setup 2h 3p anims (updated sword overide controller) - updated longsword.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - updated lr300.entity (removed offsets and set to attach to r_prop) - added v4 player update loadout
22 Days Ago
Added a scene view toggle to hide all sockets gizmos when editing a prefab having sockets (off by default) When enabled, all socket gizmos will be hidden and will only appear when their respective gameobject is selected
22 Days Ago
Increase cloud atmospheric haze with TOD_Fogginess
22 Days Ago
Better SocketMod_InWater gizmos Will no longer be drawn when its parent gameobject is selected (trying to reduce the gizmo nightmare when opening a prefab)
22 Days Ago
Texture Update for Ballista
22 Days Ago
Added bounds handles for deploy volumes as well
22 Days Ago
Clean: reduce code duplication for BasePlayer.WaterFactor Tests: none, trivial change
22 Days Ago
Indirect Instancing: - Remove delegate callbacks to avoid allocations at all costs - Lots of clean-up / Removed some ugly hacks - Use proper namespace namespaces - Use a camera component for proper resource management - Prefix all profiler regions with "Indirect." for an easy overview
22 Days Ago
▅█▆▋▊: ▊▌▌▍ █▆▉▍█▊▍▊▌▌▉▅_▋▆█▊▇ ▄▉▌▆▇▆ ▆▇▄█▉▆ ▄ ▅▅▄▌▊ ▇▍ ▆▍█▄▍▌▋ █▍ ▇▅▋▄▆▊▆▄▋▅ ▄▆▊█▆█▇ - ▋▋▇▅▍▊ ▅▋ ▄▄ ▄▋▆█▉▋ █▊▆▋▆▌▉▍::▍▄█▇▊▊█▆▊▊▅▍ ▅▌ █▉%, ▊▇▆ ▉▆▇▉▋█▉▅▌▄▊▅ ▍▆ █ ▆▌▅▌▄█ ▊▌▄▊ (▇▉▊▊▆▋ ▅▌▊▍ ▋▉ ▉▋▌▅▉▊▆▄ █▅ ▋ ▋▊▊▇ ▌▇▋▍▇▆) ▌█▍▌▉: ▉▇▉ ▇▇ ▆▊▊▆▇▍, ▌▍▍▊▄▅▅▌ ▌▍▊▇▇▉▌▄▇▇ ▋▇▍ ▆▍▄▌ █ ▅▋█▄▄▇ ▍▌ ▉▌▍▋ ▅▊▆▄▄▉▍▍▆ - ▌▉▆▇▆▉▄▄▉ ▍▌▋▊▄▇█▌ ▍▆▇█▍ ▍▄▊▅▄▅▌▆▇▄▍ ▆▇▆ ▅▋▋▋▍▋ ▍▍▅▍▉▉▌ ▊▅ ▉▋▊▋ ▌▊▅▋ ▄▉▍▆
22 Days Ago
initial support for per-tool carving settings - separated mask of carving modes and settings for shapes / sizes - only added to the jackhammer and icepick, need to set it up for all other piercing damage melee weapons
22 Days Ago
▄▌▌▇▋ ▌▍▌▋ ▋▌▍▊█ ▆▊▋▊▌▋▍ ▆▍▋ █▄▇ ▇▆▊▉▋█▇▇▇_▌▍▋▍ ▊█▊█▆▆ ▉▍ ▆▋▋▍'▆▄ ▉▌▍▄▌▊ ▉▊ ▊▅▅▄ ▉▆▅▍▌://▌▌▌▄█.▉▉█▆██▄█▌.▉█▇/▋▉█▋▄▄▇/▄▌▉▆▅▊▇▋▇▍▌▅█▍▅▆.▇▉▉
22 Days Ago
▉▉▅: `▅▆▄█▇▉▇▄.▅▍▍▉▄▇▍_▌▇▋▄▋▇▇██▊▍▌▅█` ▄▇▍▆▄▆▉ █▌▅▅▇▋ ▇▆ ▌▅▊▊▉▉▌ ▇▉▋▋▋ ▌▉ ▋█▋ ▅▉▅▊▍▆▄▅::█▇█▉▌█▊▄ - ▅▉█ ▇▅ ▊▍▅ ▍██▇▉▋▌ ▅▋▇▅▅▅▊, ▍▍▊█▅▅ ▇▋ ▊ ▇▄▊ ▊▄ ▆▄▊█. ▊▍▊▉▌▊▊▋ ▉▇ ▌▉▇▉▌ ▉▊▉▊▋▉ ▋▋▅▌▅▆▌▄▌▌▊. ▊▊█ ▆ ▍█▄▍▌▇ ▊▄▍ ▄▍▉▋▅▇▊█ ▍▍▍ ▅█ ▋▊█▋ ▊▋▉ ▅▌▊ ▄▊▉ ▅▉ ▋▌▅▅▋▅▋. ▅▋▄▌█: ▅▆▋▋▉▄█▋ █▉ ▄▋▌█▌▅, ▇█▅ ▊▆▅▋▄▋, ▋█▇▍█ ▋ ▋▌▆█▌▄▍█▊▄ █▄ ▆▌█▆▆▇▉▌ ▆▍▆▆ - ▍▉▋▄▋▉▅▋▍ ▌▆ ▍▉▄▄▄█ ▍▉ ▉▋▅█▅▆▉▅
22 Days Ago
Changed the "GiveItem failed!" error toast so it no longer pops on top of the inventory
22 Days Ago
set up v4 unarmed anims in player animator
22 Days Ago
▍▅▊▄▄▊▆▌ ▍▉█▆█▇▄ ▍▆▌▊█▅▋▍ ▊▍ ▆▅▉ ▉▋▇▅▄▅▆▄▌ ▌▋▉▄ ▌▆ ▋▄▍▉▌▋ ▄▄▆ ▍▌▇▅ ▅▍▅ ▌█▊ - ▆▆▅▆▆▇ ▄▄ ▄█ ▅▅▇▇▉▅▉▍▊▇ ▌▉▋▄▆▅ ▌▄▌ ▍▊▌▄█ ▉▄▉▌, ▊▆▋▊▍▉▄▌█▄▊▍█ ▅▅▅▋▊█▄▍▄ █▄▅▅▋▆▄ ▍▋█▊▊▆█▊▅▊▅ - ▍█▋▋█▍ ▉▉▋▍▊▌▉▉▌▊▋ ▋▉▌▌▌▌▉▆▅▇ ▋▌ ▋▉ ▉▄▇ ▄▉▇ ▋▉▆▊ ▆▉▅▇ ▍▍ ▅▋▊▊ ▍▊▋▇▅ ▉▅█▇▉▋▊▍▇
22 Days Ago
Rest of v4 unarmed anim set exports
22 Days Ago
merge from primitive
22 Days Ago
vm mini crossbow rig updated also deploy and admire animation edits
22 Days Ago
Hide local player arms when mounting the ballista
22 Days Ago
v4 crouch anim exports
22 Days Ago
▅▌▍▊▄ ▄▇▇▊█ ▆▋ ▍▉▇▄▊ ▄▇▅▊
22 Days Ago
Added WASD controls to ballista
22 Days Ago
updated avatar settings on a few test anims
22 Days Ago
jungle ruins topologies for procmap testing, terrain blendmaps
22 Days Ago
Ballista swivel rotation
22 Days Ago
updated the s2p settings for the jungle ruins, mainly filters/outputs. Some scene cleanup
22 Days Ago
player model NRE fix
22 Days Ago
Tweaks, inverted ballista up animator parameter
22 Days Ago
Tpose for fingers in avatar
22 Days Ago
Update: comments - fixed spelling mistake - added an explanation for invalidation of cached tick state Tests: none, trivial change
22 Days Ago
Correct meta rotations in the avatar (maybe)
22 Days Ago
Added leg animator to the player model, only enabled when mounting the ballista
22 Days Ago
merge from main
22 Days Ago
renamed idle breathe to match source exported jog E and idle on v4 rig added anims to player animator
22 Days Ago
Added better TAA sampling to reduce blurring
22 Days Ago
Removed ballista debug logs
22 Days Ago
Increased ballista mass Dismount driver when flipping or reaching high velocities Fixed some rotation issues Fixed missing wheel NRE
22 Days Ago
Avatar fixes to prevent submerged animations
22 Days Ago
Collision pass on ruin walls. Fixes to prefab settings.
22 Days Ago
edited mini crossbow 3p anims, set the anim clips to get the r prop bone working and set up holster position
22 Days Ago
jungle_ruins_d level layout first iteration prefab'd ruins sets for easier editing replaced some pieces with cap less ones
22 Days Ago
re-merge from /indirect_instancing
22 Days Ago
merge from /main
22 Days Ago
cherrypicking 108904 (ai_wolf_iteration) Add bark and footstep audio to new jump anim
22 Days Ago
merge from arcticpack_itemstore_fixes
22 Days Ago
merge from ore_hotspot_position_fix
22 Days Ago
merge from simple_upgrade
22 Days Ago
merge from voiceprops_itemstore