223,506 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

30 Days Ago
Check if aaquality is a valid enum, users are likely to have outdated settings
30 Days Ago
game console update
30 Days Ago
Convert the normal tags to short tags within the server browser UI (this allows steam server queries to work with short tags) Don't decompress tags in serverinfo as we are operating on the short tags instead
30 Days Ago
Don't give gizmo mouse focus when it orbit mode
30 Days Ago
moon pool crane phys shape adjustment
30 Days Ago
moon pool crane lods and phys
30 Days Ago
Better warning if we can't find ITagset Fixed ManualHitbox.HitboxTags being uneditable in the inspector (fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5231)
30 Days Ago
Log error if unique ^ prefix is found in tags before commpressing
30 Days Ago
Fixed editing input action group not showing visible changes until re-opening project settings menu. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5235
30 Days Ago
Fixed delete prompt having no content
30 Days Ago
Error checking in spawnicon context menu When spawnicons are removed while the player has the context menu open Undone some recent changes to queued loader Will probably have to completely stop relying on this system.
30 Days Ago
Messed with input action panel dialogs, fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#5232
30 Days Ago
Completely remove throttle based movement on approach. On rails style movement instead
30 Days Ago
30 Days Ago
Added a new door prefab for the cargoship Added door to the cargoship (currently doesn't work)
30 Days Ago
Reposed Burlap Headwraps to match updated player rig
30 Days Ago
Fixed tesla coil draining 0 power on small batteries
30 Days Ago
Doubled reach for crowbar attacks
30 Days Ago
vm minigun - removed old asset in prefab, re-linked gameobjects for effects, removed ironsight scripts and conditions in animator
30 Days Ago
Fixed a crash with NWVars "Remember my choice for this server" is actually remembered for NO For the session only
30 Days Ago
Don't flag SceneObject and SceneModel as ESceneObjectFlags.IS_OPAQUE, the materials should dictate it, fixes translucent materials drawing in opaque passes (& drawing twice)
30 Days Ago
Cargoship / added cutouts for side doors and ladders Improved cargoship hull lods Fixed materials in the prefab and added ladder triggers
30 Days Ago
Change nexus favorites to use favorites.cfg
30 Days Ago
Fixed off centre harbor 2 incoming path Fixed swing bridge partly opening
30 Days Ago
Second screen light & AmbientLightLOD
30 Days Ago
Merge from main
30 Days Ago
Cargo now steers with its front rather than pivot point when docking: This prevents: -clipping with geometry -turning too fast/too slow -Innacurate movements
30 Days Ago
64px instead of 128px
30 Days Ago
Canvas fix
30 Days Ago
Top screen & icon optimization.
30 Days Ago
Include panel parent in hash, fixes panel not rendering when parent is disabled and enabled
30 Days Ago
OnDestroyInternal calls OnDisabledInternal instead of OnDisabled Reset panel parent before deleting it
30 Days Ago
bedframe + mattress adjustments added bedframe_b for Liam's room
30 Days Ago
Nicer test for if nodes are operators
30 Days Ago
Reposed burlap shirt to match updated player rig
30 Days Ago
Add ActionGraph node for quickly creating a prop
30 Days Ago
Reactive target will now only reset itself after being knocked down. Powering the lower aux input will keep it lowered It will not generate and pulse 1 power when lowered manually When both aux inputs are powered, the one with the highest power taakes over
30 Days Ago
minigun viewmodel exported with ammo belt
30 Days Ago
Hook up block anim for new npc
30 Days Ago
Removed a bunch of throttle lerps and rotation lerps when docking
30 Days Ago
Fixed deferred decal not blending specular
30 Days Ago
Make control sheet labels draggable
30 Days Ago
Merge property or variable get / set nodes https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b1611b1/sbox-dev_Bj6e15WZ0F.mp4
30 Days Ago
VHS DVD textures
30 Days Ago
Fix deserializing ActionGraphs in Menu context (#1506)
30 Days Ago
edited minigun world model anims
30 Days Ago
By default, clients (except host) can NOT refresh network objects. Host can change this with Connection.CanRefreshObjects
30 Days Ago
Compile fix Max 8x msaa
30 Days Ago
snow effect asset - updated color alpha value to be 1.0
30 Days Ago
Deploy & recall smoke grenade usage (convar'd)