257,787 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Leaderboard backup, run #
Weapon rack parachute NRE fix
Clamped minimum lodbias to 0.5
FPArms: add shared fire rifle delta animations
Check if player model exists before trying to assign skin variables
Fix small trophy player heads not appearing on first time player enters network range
Handle setting parent document for prefabs / map references
Fixes SBOX-2KA9
Don't use tall thumb in GameClosedToast, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7814
Fixed lobby count not refreshing correctly in GameModal, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7815
▅▇▌█ ▇▌▆ ▅▄▊██ ▊█▅▊█▅▍▄█▉▋▍▄▌▄▅ ▉▍▊▋█▇▉ ▇▅ ▆▊▋▇▅▋▉ ▇█▍▊▅▍▆▅ ▌▅▉▊ ▊ ▌▇█/▌▅▊▄▄, ▋▄▇▍▋ █▅█ ▅▊▇ ▌▅▊▊▍█ ▍▊ ▋▉▍▆▌▍▋▇
Need to be in range to interact with relics
Added Fish Tank, updated all existing Fish Items, and added DefaultHeldItem
Can now place fish in a Fishtank to display them
Added fishing-related quests and stats
Add FullSelfDamage tag, cooking a grenade too long does not apply self damage modifiers
Use 0.5 scale so it renders faster
Crosshair adjusments for Glock / Python
Lowered some viewmodels so they're less in the way
Adjust charge station so players can't have over 100 armor
Removed extra colliders from Tripmine pickup, resolves #205
Reduced size of RPG projectile collider
merge from puzzle_reset_underground_fix
See if we can get away with a single NodeLibrary
Get rid of NodeLibrary.Push()
Fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#7808
NodeLibrary is ContextLocal
Add resource_log convar, logs when resources are loaded
Add CManagedTypeManager, keep hold of references until it's released.
Shall we hide this Unknown Morph Control error
Wrap these calls in MapInstance in a CallbackBatch
Clean up
Don't add image types as AddRuntimeReference in compiled resources, because they don't exist as compiled assets
Rebuild clothing assets with updated compiler
When a resource couldn't be loaded - print what resource tried to load it
Let world.rendermap have 30 seconds so we can guarantee we get the right command response
progress on baking normal map/smoothness
Ensure depth fast path is using same material similarity for batching, should fix hammer crashes, re-enable depth fast path for prepass
Added refresh_foliage console command
Made cmd not send empty messages that kick people
And hide it (it still works, but just hidden)
func_lod DisappearMinDist & DisappearMaxDist KVs
Added weapon class name & ent index to "Weapon spawning in solid"
Minor FGD adjustments
More descriptions, default values, etc.
Added func_rotating.GetSpeed/SnapToStartPos
Added func_dustmotes.AffectedByWind
Fixed .gma being left open in some cases if it failed to load/parse
Fix shaders not compiling
Fix some vmt formatting that i came across randomly
Made cmd not send empty messages that kick people
And hide it (it still works, but just hidden)
func_lod DisappearMinDist & DisappearMaxDist KVs
Added weapon class name & ent index to "Weapon spawning in solid"
Minor FGD adjustments
More descriptions, default values, etc.
Added func_rotating.GetSpeed/SnapToStartPos
Added func_dustmotes.AffectedByWind
Fixed .gma being left open in some cases if it failed to load/parse
Fix shaders not compiling
Fix some vmt formatting that i came across randomly
Merge community provided changes to JellyFish shader to do with $envmap
Pass optional responseDelaySeconds arg when running rcon commands to wait longer for intensive commands, like world.rendermap
Merge from fix_texture_streaming_2: Super cautious texture streaming enablement!
Handle setting parent document for prefabs / map references
Fixes SBOX-2KA9
Be very cautious about enabling texture streaming. Only enable it if Texture.streamingTextureLoadingCount = 0 and Texture.allowThreadedTextureCreation = false. If not, set Texture.allowThreadedTextureCreation = false and try again in 1 second. One second is enough to upload a few textures, right?
pretty dirty WIP approach to erosion in a job, needs cleanup and splat writing fixing
Update: leaving an optim todo idea comment
Tests: not applicable