244,583 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Show return button on all pages of class modal
Fixed up thirdperson mode
Parachute/ParachuteBag cinematic textures
Fixed a bunch of other NREs found from the errors page on AP
Fix WeaponViewer NRE
Fix FFAGamemode.OnGameStateChanged NRE
Fix GameStatus NRE
▇▉▉▋▆ ▆▇▄▅ ▉▅▊▌▆▅▊_▌▄▅_▇▉▊ - ▍▍
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
Leaderboard backup, run #5694
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Recache viewmodel renderers for all homing missile launcher renderers, seems to fix the distorted missile issue in editor
Added a homing missile world model (used a box collider due to lack of collision mesh)
Added a gametip to the heli gunner UI to explain the controls (the distortion makes it a little hard to read, but better than nothing)
Leaderboard backup, run #5693
Show an icon on the crosshair while a homing missile is active
Increase reload time
Don't allow reloading while the launcher is Busy - the launcher is considered busy if it has a rocket in mid-air
Fixed some compile issues. WIP on not allowing reloading launcher if there is a missile already in the air
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Apply the parachute collider animations to the server side colliders
If a player dismounts from a vehicle while holding Jump, that key has to be released before they can deploy the parachute, fixes parachute deploying immediately after dismounting any flying vehicle
Leaderboard backup, run #5691
87094 (createprefab debug revert)
Undo "CreatePrefab" debug changes accidently commited
Update global_networked_bases/2021
merge from main -> global_networked_bases
Can no longer lock on to targets if target isn't visible
87085 &
87088 (preprocess ignore monuments & tugboat door placeholder)
Added a comment to BaseEntity.RPC explaining the unusual line-of-sight check
Fixed door placeholder being shown when leaving network range of door attached to tugboat / parented entity
Fixed canopy appearing twice in debug camera
Updated parachute to use continuous collision detection
The parachute will now adjust itself to sit above the object it collided with before dismounting players
Fixed instancing preprocess trying to convert monuments, throwing errors when monument prefabs are spawned
Can't lock on homing launcher when target is in a safe zone. Refactored SeekerTarget to use an ISeekerTargetOwner interface, and moved the InSafeZone methods into BaseEntity.Triggers.
#SERVER compile area for SeekerTarget
Parachute item uses cloth sounds when moving item
Fixed locker UI using old backpack icon
Moved homing rocket FX so they're covered by the HideUntilMobile rule
Fixed HideUntilMobile NRE on homing rocket
Can't aim while holstering
Add holster angle offset, reduced time taken to switch to your sideram
Disabled ADS on homing missile launcher for this release
Fixed FFA error spam
Try to make sliding a bit more snappy, add slide cancelling :grimacing: