
117,474 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

16 Days Ago
Scene updates
16 Days Ago
Scene prefab setups
16 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
16 Days Ago
Fixed bee swarm NRE when spawning
16 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
16 Days Ago
Merge from cookingv2
16 Days Ago
Updated the chicken coop needs UI to be a bit clearer Eggs now take 2 minutes to hatch
17 Days Ago
Can't remember what I changed in this prefab, but it must have been good.
17 Days Ago
cooking workbench sounds
17 Days Ago
Bump detection trigger size to 13m (detection range still 10m)
17 Days Ago
merge from buildingprivilege_cache_fix
17 Days Ago
Renamed GetNearestBuildingPrivledge -> GetNearestBuildingPrivilege sorry, had to do it before it was too late
17 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
Do not use client side privilege caching when updating the placement of a construction/deployable (it wasn't before) Fixes planner guide showing as valid when building blocked when at edge of privilege
17 Days Ago
Merge from cookingv2
17 Days Ago
Improved inside sockets on coop
17 Days Ago
merge from new_kill_commands
17 Days Ago
Both commands work with debug camera Codegen
17 Days Ago
Fixed ent killing the bbq portion not killing the whole workbench
17 Days Ago
BBQ is now spawned when spawning workbench via command
17 Days Ago
17 Days Ago
Scene updates/backups
17 Days Ago
Fixed out of date bounds on cooking workbench, causing invalids Fixed loot not dropping out of bbq section when destroyed Added sfx to bbq section
17 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
merge from premium_servers -> main
17 Days Ago
merge from server_browser -> premium_servers
17 Days Ago
Set premium tab disabled by default
17 Days Ago
hopper start/stop/active sounds
17 Days Ago
Fix UI.SellOrder referencing the same item inventory slot twice so that the incorrect numhber of slots show.
17 Days Ago
Ensure servers in official tab always show regardless of having zero players or not
17 Days Ago
Merge from armor_slots
17 Days Ago
Refactor copyto armor slot copying because it was getting silly
17 Days Ago
copyto fix for worn backpacks containing an item with armor slots and inserts
17 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
Changed tint renderer to list on FoodVisualConfig. Populated the lists for pie entity and world model prefabs. Tint all the LODs. Added a new bear pie projectile and material, set correct colour. Updated all pie projectile materials to use the new pie colours.
17 Days Ago
Sort premium servers first if you qualify for them, put them last if you don't qualify for them - controlled by convar `prioritize_premium_servers` - applies to all sorting of servers (players, ping, hostname, etc) Add `premiumfilter` convar to add premium tag to servers while testing - string filter to control what servers in the browser get the tag added
17 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
Fixed UIFogOverlay Update NRE
17 Days Ago
Recheck premium status for connected players, kick if they change status after joining the server
17 Days Ago
merge from new_kill_commands
17 Days Ago
ent kill command now ignores gibs
17 Days Ago
merge from wood_armor_crafting
17 Days Ago
Reduced crafting cost of wood armor, now uses 15 cloth instead of 1 rope
17 Days Ago
network++ save++
17 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
17 Days Ago
Armor info panel UI changes so that everything can fit with ownership. Also fixes protection area text varying above/below slots.
17 Days Ago
merge from main
17 Days Ago
Added new kill commands: - killplayerinview: kill the player you're looking at - killplayersradius: kill all players within the given radius
17 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update