250,834 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.64cph!
Include file in delete asset dialog for single asset selection
Physics debug render uses OverlayWithDepth so it's after post process https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2411b1/sbox_PvU3Pt0GJf.png
Protect against processing the same physics intersection event multiple times
Leaderboard backup, run #
Map Updates - Boxes and Barrels
Apply particle rotation to object alignment mode https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2411b1/sbox-dev_Sgw55NzeQF.mp4
Ensure positive zero when doing ValueToString on float controls
prevent index out of range exception
Add BillboardAlignment.Object to ParticleSpriteRenderer to align particles to game object rotation https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2411b1/sbox-dev_wPXQU0YbTa.mp4
Slight renaming of button labels on PoseTools
Toggle Time action
Camera ignore swingable
Tongue ui
Test level
Add transform widget back to prefab object inspector
AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass
Don't remove sensor contacts when changing body type, fixes triggers entering without leaving when toggling motion type while inside a trigger
Exit tongue state when target is disabled
Undo changes to m_OverrideSubMaterials
Added CameraPull to TongueTarget
TongueTarget PullingMode and OnTongueHit action
Can tongue certain objects towards you. Player can carry objects
Fix punchable scaling when grabbed
Neutral Jump from a slide will cancel forward momentum
- Dont force wheel update code. Abstract -> Virtual
- Base Siege Weapon now implements VehicleChassisVisuals Client Wheel User
- Siege Weapon Wheels are stored on the shared class now
- Swapped all siege weapons over to Bills new system (apart from BatteringRam)
- BaseSiegeWeapon handles most of the movement logic
fix issue with tutorial welcome screen not showing, wip welcome screen styling
Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup
Update decals_subrect.txt
Updated from HL2, to contain 2 new Portal decals
You can gravity gun portal energy balls successfully
Fixed studiomdl crashing with remapping sequences
Remove unused properties on SWEP internals
Change how SWEPs store ViewModel/WorldModel/PrintName
To get rid of 80 character limit for all 3 fields
Remove another unused field from SWEPs
Network gravity scale for players, for prediction
Reduce network bits for player's drivingmode/player class
No server has 2^32 unique classes
Network m_bSprintEnabled for prediction (Player:SprintDisable)
Fixed insane network load of ManipulateBone* functions
Optimize some more player networking
m_OverrideSubMaterials array
m_iTeam reduced bits (from 32)
delete missing prefabs from tutorial map
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao
SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer
Fix AO compositing for custom shaders
Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did
I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler
Remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 )
Add Motion.hlsl for motion vectors
Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl
Tongue Improvements, much more responsive while still being physics based
Hammer GameObject Scene
(You'll need to compile)
Commiting prototype instanced rendering that piggybacks off normal CPU batching system
- hooks into normal batching system
- uses normal occlusion culling system
- instead of adding meshes to CPU batching, pushes meshes into arrays to be instanced rendered
- uses Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced() which is slower due to copying to GPU every frame
- currently same rendering speed as CPU based system, however can be optimized with multidraw & command buffers
- convar `batching_instanced_mode` switches between CPU rendering and instanced rendering (to compare)
Shadergraph: Get rid of DynamicComboRule( Allow0( D_COMPRESSED_NORMALS_AND_TANGENTS ) )
Switched ballista mounted anim to standing
Added placeholder hand IK (looks painful)
Wildlife hazards can now also inflict basic damage when a hazard is failed.
Setup snake bite damage.
adjust leandisplay colors
Added min/max core temp modifier teas, which modify player clamped temperature range, as an alternative option.