253,182 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.64cph!
wip: Automatically sync vars should any change. Uses a polling method for now:
- Invoke poll in fixed repeat time
- Syncvar handler no longer requires default value
Code cleanup
Collision damage tweaks
Receive player name / clothing on join
Perform type checks on initial sync var generation pass
wip: Added bidirectional client -> server / server -> client var sync. Syncvars can be declared as chaving client authority
Update: Add chat feedback when perf snapshot is being taken
It'll warn users if they're in the middle of something important
Tests: exported in editor with no delay and default standalone delay
Switch to built-in player controller
Fix vertex memory allocation for capsule and spheres in PhysiscsShape::Triangulation
Splitted the code in client/server files
Updated naming and moved everything in the right folders
wip: working server -> client syncing
wip: Took me a day to realise there were seperate writer methods for client and server
Replaced the metal bonk effect for something more appropriate
Clean: remove unnecessary params in ProfilerExporter
Tests: none, trivial change
Update: Add commandline argument support to explicitly turn on profiler instrumentation
- Added log to explicitly confirm if it's enabled or disabled
Tests: ran in editor and server standalone with and without it being enabled
Collision damage
Ragdoll the rider when taking too much damage (hitting a tree at full speed, running off a cliff etc)
Bugfix: avoid a rare case of dealocating main thread's Allocs storage
- Code is written with the assumption that it's always there, but if 1 frame didn't record any allocs, it would nuke the storage, tripping up the profiler.
Discovered when doing additional testing in standalone (somehow editor was unaffected)
Tests: did 6 snapshots of standalone server with 6k map - no crashes
properly disposing native structures in-editor when stopping play in editor
- ▉▍▋▋█ ▌▅▋▇ ▇▆▋ █▌ █▊▊▄▍▇▆█▇▄ ▇▇▇ ▌▍▅▄ ▍▋▍▅ █▌ ▅▌▌█ ▋▉▆ ▇█▆▉▍▄ ▆▌▇▇ ▉▄▊ ▊█▄█▆▋▆▇▇▍ █▋▄ ▌█▅▄▍▉▌
- ▄▋▌ ▅▋▌▌ ▍▅▉ ██▄▋▆▋▋▇▅▍ ▇▍▄▉▋▌▍▆▌▊ ▆█ ▄▆▊ ▍▉▍▊█▌ ▇▅▌ ▉▄▋▇▉▊▇
Track birds scared
Update .gitignore
Update player particles
Allow ParticleModelRenderer to choose material groups and body groups https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1411b1/sbox-dev_JYc5358JqI.png
merge from native_mesh_simplification
cleanup and logging procedural mesh stats with a logmeshstats convar
Add missing await in Navigation test
Horse head and body bounciness, so we don't lose too much speed when bumping on trees
Physics tweaks, updated grounded checks
Fix potential race condition in NavMesh initialization
NavMesh: Use RealTimeSince/RealtimeUntil for delays
merge from Twitch_Rivals_24
Trying a wheel collider approach to reduce unwanted friction when riding on uneven terrain
Added the kick command (can only be used by the host.)
Added INetworkListener.AcceptConnection( Connection, ref string reason ) and Connection.Kick( string reason )
Add CameraComponent.ScreenToWorld
Lobby Config / Friends Only Lobbies (#1696)
* Can optionally pass LobbyConfig to CreateLobby. Right now only contains LobbyPrivacy. Add LobbyPrivacy.FriendsOnly.
* Separate overload as not to mess with any existing game packages
* Make old CreateLobby method obsolete. Add LobbyConfig.MaxPlayers (defaults to package config.) Add LobbyConfig.Name (defaults to hostname for Dedicated Servers, or the owner's Steam Name for P2P)
* Fix lobby config max players
On Dedicated Server you can pass a path to a .sbproj with +game to load a local project. Hotloading works as usual for connected clients.
Fix lobby config max players
Optimize Navmesh agent ground trace not to run every frame
Leaderboard backup, run #
adjust particle text size
Merge from localcoord-blend-layer
Fix player surface reference
Buff Squirt Fire
Fix wiggle bullets
Can't outrun coins when getting sucked in
Controller Support
Fix DamageTrigger logic
Update ShopItem in OnStart for connected client
Suck coins into player