248,612 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

20 Days Ago
Added asyncUpload settings to mandatory defaults
20 Days Ago
Set shadow cascade splits in mandatory defaults
20 Days Ago
Remove the massive lump of disabled code I forgot to delete
20 Days Ago
Expose CVfxProgramData
20 Days Ago
Merge indirect instancing
20 Days Ago
Implement indirect instanced rendering system
20 Days Ago
Temporarily re-add old SWEP localization tokens More work towards `-StaticPropBounce`
20 Days Ago
Re-implement OutputNodeDefinition.OnBuildExpression Test fixes, cleaner generated expression tree
20 Days Ago
Particle raycasy budget preset values
20 Days Ago
Fix ssao shader include
20 Days Ago
▅▇▇▄▍▄ ▉▊▌▉.▉▄▊▌▊▋▍▆▇▅ ▌▌▇▄ ▍▋▆▄▌ ▉▇▄▍▅▊ ▋▌▊▌▆▇▍█▍ ▋█▄▍▋ ▌▌ ▆▆▍▍▇▍ ▇▄▆▋▉▋▇▆ █▄ █▆▍ ▍▇█▄ ▋▍█▇ ▆█▊ ▇▆ ▄▊▄▋ ▍▅▆▋▉▊▊▉ ▌▅▄▋▆█ ▉▊▌▍▉▌▆▆ (▍▍▊▄▊▉ █▇▋▋ ▅▋▄▆▍▅▇▊▌ ▉▍▌ ▇▊▍ ▄▅▊▇▄▅▅▉▋)
20 Days Ago
GpuBuffer obsoletes ComputeBuffer to prevent confusion that it's compute exclusive * Non templated version because sometimes your buffer will have various types * Usage flags can be combined now, e.g a buffer can be used as an IndexBuffer but also ByteAddress for compute shader * Added additional error checking, exposed readonly properties for count/size/usage * Added CodeUpgrader for ComputeBuffer -> GpuBuffer * Fix Terrain materials buffer overflowing its gpu buffer
20 Days Ago
Unify layer tool: implement manual undo/redo stack (works around issue with unity's undo where some meshes get messed up if any changes are undone on them)
20 Days Ago
WIP: ValueScope fleshed out WIP: Some graphs can run again
20 Days Ago
metal trim meta
20 Days Ago
bookcase_01 + cabinet_b also allowed metal_trim_02 mat tinting
20 Days Ago
Adjust spawn rates on some cards
20 Days Ago
Catapult item pickup and drop sounds
20 Days Ago
Added streaming texture presets
20 Days Ago
Ballista bolts world models and pickup/dropped sound
20 Days Ago
Some more logs dotted about
20 Days Ago
Be explicit AmbientOcclusion is ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion, attribute AmbientOcclusionIndex -> ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionTexture
20 Days Ago
Update round_loop.prefab
20 Days Ago
Fixed siege tower pulling flag colliding with tipping flag
20 Days Ago
Missed another spot
20 Days Ago
Adjust blocker bounds for arena 3
20 Days Ago
Adjusted siege tower model pos so it doesnt spawn clipping into the ground
20 Days Ago
Nav mesh for arena 3, nav blocker
20 Days Ago
jungle ruins kit
20 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram choppy reverse
20 Days Ago
Add upper limit for how many pickups can be active at once
20 Days Ago
set up mini crossbow world model and intial anims
20 Days Ago
Fixed pickup spam Mark pickups so they clean up between rounds Don't spawn pickups unless we're in combat phase Networking Move the pickups up a bit
20 Days Ago
Arena One Meta Upload https://sbox.game/facepunch/c_shoppingmall
20 Days Ago
Missed a couple of spots
20 Days Ago
Arena two blockers
20 Days Ago
Center ameObject when navlink start/end changes
20 Days Ago
WIP pickup spawner
20 Days Ago
Reset Menu Tip icon back to the default info icon when the loading screen is enabled
20 Days Ago
Arena 3 Meta Upload https://sbox.game/facepunch/c_containeryard
20 Days Ago
ToolAppSystem [interop] Don't create handle stuff in static functions Don't init VR if we're a console app Don't print vulkan device info if we're a console app Let us do new Shader() List shaders, work out programs, find out of date
20 Days Ago
█▍▍▅ ▉▄ ▆▊▍▋▍▄▊ ▅▆-▋▉█▉ ▋▊▄▍▌▌▅ ▋▅▄▋ █▊ ▅▇█▇▇▌ ▇▅▌ ▄▅ ▇▍
20 Days Ago
Use custom Qt styling/preferences in Launcher as well Launcher: this is a sort not a filter so don't call it one Move DefaultProjectLocation from editor cookie to launcher cookie, since we stopped saving that at some point Fix project location label being squished
20 Days Ago
Networked pickup
20 Days Ago
Modular kit improvements to ruin wall kit (still WIP)
20 Days Ago
Remove extra fluff Card pickups logic
20 Days Ago
Commented out any quality settings we probably don't want the client to be able to control. Added a SetMandatoryDefaults() function to set any stuff we definitely want set as default, across any quality levels.
20 Days Ago
Name on hud
20 Days Ago
Hud Changes
20 Days Ago
Bindless shader API class