256,884 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed Entity:FollowBone not working with boneID 0.
Fixed SoundDuration returning wrong values for MP3 files
It was a sneaky bug in the MP3 parser
It's still an approximation, but it is very close now. (+/- 0.1s)
Also make it skip ID3v2 data
Fixed .wav SoundDuration being off by number of channels on srcds
Let's try not disabling SV_GetSoundDuration on srcds
health bar
hp icon & label
timer bar
hp damage
Shuffle around where weapons get allocated to fix bomb not spawning
Look for game state change listeners in the whole scene
Kill penalty for suicide / team kill
Scoreboard shows KD ratio
added door + doorframes dev models
updated asset_zoo
DroppedWeapon destroying is handled by DestroyBetweenRounds
DestroyBetweenRounds component
Adjusted FX behave better to occasional rapid movement and sudden directional changes.
Performance: Made Bradley mid-air cannon tracers not have super expensive shadow casters, and adjusted light to compensate.
Destroy these dropped weapons in either PreRoundStart or PostRoundEnd?
Throw dropped weapons, place them when close to surface
Make player info section bigger, tweak text sizes
New health icon (to match armor)
Small input hints use InputGlyphSize.Small, prevents scaling issues
updated he_grenade blockout
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc1
Add radio stuff
Integrate bomb planted, bomb defused, round won, round loss radio sounds
merge from allow_barricades_monuments -> aux2
Only count enabled weapons when considering if we should drop one - when we clear inventory we set weapon component Enabled to false
Apply same treatment to stone, concrete & sandbag barricades (can't place on monument concrete, can place on the terrain)
Show which team won in status text
CTs win if time runs out
Added a method to get the current restraining item.
Interaction checks now check for surrendering or specific restraint item settings.
Suicide can now be blocked by restraint items. (blocked for handcuffs)
I think this is a lot better
Explicitly define teams in round state, only show if not null & count > 0
Wooden barricade only buildable on the terrain parts of a monument, block it on all the concrete parts of a monument
Order developer menu buttons by name
Blur test
Chat moves into center of screen on ultrawide
More scoreboard style tweaks
Actually set IsDefused to true
Notify OnBombDefused listeners
RoundTimer component doesn't exist now
Add trigger collider to C4
Make PlayerController.IsFrozen host controlled, use for planting
WIP move IUse to host, bomb defusing
Slimmer padding on scoreboard
merge from SAMVehicleSleep
▇▉▆█▄ █▋▍▆ ▊▋▆▋_▍▌▆▄▉_█▇▋█▅▍▆▊▇
Basic scoreboard, PlayerScore component
Don't give default equipment weapon if we already have weapon in same slot
Host controlled weapon drops and pickups
When the round ends destroy all dropped weapon objects
Use pressed not down, increase use distance from 50 to 72
Doors: Adjustable pivot, angle, speed, curve, opens away from player, plays sounds, etc.. Probably doesn't network properly
▋▅▋▇▋▄██▊▌▄▇▆ ▇▇▅▍█ ▇▇▄▆▇▆▋▇▄ ▋▌▉▄▋
Make round status slimmer, hide health on enemy players
radtown sign metal smooth texture
Tighten up player info UI
New round state UI, might be too bulky
Fixed hiding timer on bomb plant
Refactor game status / timer display