
96,995 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

2 Years Ago
- Fixed magnet crane arm movement speed being affected by physics delta. - Fixed magnet crane arm movement speed also being affected by dropped physics frames when exceeding maximumDeltaTime (capped to avoid massive moves if the server stalls).
2 Years Ago
Reordered player animator back to the old gesture order - fixes broken gestures from recent merge.
2 Years Ago
Updated index for LayerPlayerGesturesUpperBody and LayerGestures to the new order. Now using a constant instead of a GetLayerIndex for LayerReactions to match the existing style.
2 Years Ago
▋█▄▌ ▋▉▊▊▍▌▇▅▊.█▄▇█▍▌ █▅▇▊█▊▇ ▌▌▍▍ ▌▋▉▋▊ ▍▉▅▄▊█
2 Years Ago
▆▉▍▆ ▇▍▇▅▊▋▅▋ ▉▌▍█▆▅ ▋▆▋▊▄ ███▆▍▅▉▋▍▇▊ ▉▋▄ ▄▉▍▅▍▋▉▆▍▆ ▋▄▇▊▆▌▅ ▊ ▉█▉▌▍▊ ▇▄▄▄▅█▌
2 Years Ago
Minor edits
2 Years Ago
Merge from snowmobile/vm
2 Years Ago
Merge from snowmobile/vm
2 Years Ago
Enable arms mesh on minicopter driver seat, modular car driver seat, duo submarine driver seat, scrap transport heli driver seat Adjusted cutoff value
2 Years Ago
Clean up IK script Remove test change on mobile phone viewmodel
2 Years Ago
Subtract 68730 68748 Remove more vm assets
2 Years Ago
Subtract 68861, flag is needed
2 Years Ago
Only do Update ticks when the magnet crane is in use or moving
2 Years Ago
Merge from snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Removed unused magnet on/off flag
2 Years Ago
Revert viewmodel changes
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> MagnetCraneUpdates
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
no longer allow crates to spawn if a player is intersecting the spawn point RE tacularr
2 Years Ago
Fixed server compile - unused variable
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Manifest update
2 Years Ago
Okay, actually one more final edit
2 Years Ago
One final bump animation edit
2 Years Ago
East and south coastline splatting & related sculpts
2 Years Ago
Merge Snowmobile -> Main
2 Years Ago
Minor edit
2 Years Ago
Bump anims triggered more often, especially at low speeds
2 Years Ago
Subtracting SteamNetworking_MultiLane_3 while we're waiting for a hotfix for certain servers no longer showing up in the server browser
2 Years Ago
fixed oil hunt mission reward only being 50 scrap
2 Years Ago
horses now trigger pressure pads
2 Years Ago
Updating steamclient libraries to latest
2 Years Ago
▋▉▇█▌▅▍▊ ▉▊▍▋▇ ▉▆▌▄▊▊ █▆▉▅▄▇
2 Years Ago
Pet bar icon can now be set per pet, in its command list.
2 Years Ago
▉▊▇▇▇██ ▉▇▍▉▍ ▉▇▆▊▋█ █▉▍▅█▉█▊█▇▄█▍.
2 Years Ago
▄▋▆▊▍▋ ▅▄▍▌▇▊ █▋▅▋▉▊
2 Years Ago
▍▉█ ▌▅▆▇▄█
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> MagnetCraneUpdates
2 Years Ago
Removed debug print
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
▊▊█▊▊ ▉▌▄▆ ▋▄▊▌▉▇▍▊▍▍▍▊▍▊▊_▋▊▌▌▇▋▊▄▄_▍
2 Years Ago
▅▋▇ ▄▇▍▉▉▌▊ ▌▇▋ ▍ ▆▅▇▄▌▌▆▆▄ ▊█ ▋▆▍▉▇▉▆ ▌▍ ▋▊▆▋▇▊▊▅ ▄▉▌█▄▊▅▄▇▆ (▆▊▇▍▊ ▋▊▉ ▊▉▄█) ▄▉▉▌▅▉▌▊ ▋▅▅ ▅▅▉▋▄▊▊▌▉ ▍▇▄▅▉ ▌▄ ▉▅▋ ▍▄▅▊█▇▍▆ (█▉▅▊█ ▄▉▆▋▄ ▍▊▌▄▊ █▉▋ ▉▇▇▆) █▇▉▍▆ ▄▍▉▅█▄█▆ ▇█▆ ▌ ▍▊▆▄▍ ▉▉▍▍█ ▋▄▊▋▉ ▌▅ ▄▋▅ ▉▌█ ▇▆ ▍ ▉▉█▌ ▇▄▆ ▍▉▋▄▆▉ ▌▄▄ ▆▊▆██▊▉▉ ▄▆▊▅▆▄▅▍▌▄▍ (▍█▅▅▊▌ ▋▆▋▌▍▉▍ ▄█ ▊▋▄ ▌█▌▍▌▋▄█▄ ▊█▉▅ ▇█▌ ▄▉▄█▉▉▋ █▋▋▅ ▋▋▅▋█▇▌▍▊▄▄)
2 Years Ago
Higher threshold for bumping
2 Years Ago
At minimum strength, still weight the animation at at least 30%
2 Years Ago
Changed snowmobile bump animation to use layer opacity
2 Years Ago
▅▉▊▉▌ ▉▅▄▆▌▇ ▍▇▄ ▉▄▉▄▆▊▉ ▄▉ ▆▇▆▅▍▋█▋ ▋▇ ▇█▋▌ ▇▋▋
2 Years Ago
Disable debug print
2 Years Ago
Average the bump anim velocity values a little - compare the two most recent with the previous two
2 Years Ago
Coastline splats
2 Years Ago
Merge from main