223,947 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

20 Days Ago
cutout in large rig floor LOD1 missing
20 Days Ago
small rig level3 LOD1 and 2 door cutouts
20 Days Ago
Added metal roof textures to radtown redux selectively
20 Days Ago
merge from main
20 Days Ago
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20 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10828
20 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
20 Days Ago
Screen space damage numbers
20 Days Ago
Added null check on CH47 scientist spawns, with error thrown if it fails. Plus minor edit where we were doing a redundant transform.transform
20 Days Ago
Commented out region ping spam in editor
20 Days Ago
Fix TextureSequence.IsLooping resetting to true because json serialize doesn't write defaults
20 Days Ago
Unchecked CanNPCOpen on cargo ship doors
20 Days Ago
Damage types + Get damagetype icon EffectBaseComponent Set up fire + electric test component Display effect on enemy health bar Missed files
20 Days Ago
Dead materials
20 Days Ago
Simpler fix, moving values to Awake
20 Days Ago
Revert older sound fix
20 Days Ago
Merge HarborAudioFix -> Main
20 Days Ago
Fix rotate editor tool stomping scale
20 Days Ago
Thank god nobody was using these Delete unused shaders/includes vfx preprocessor auto includes system.fxc Raw dog bindless API, we can build something higher level on top of this
20 Days Ago
Add SceneParticles.SetControlPoint for setting models
20 Days Ago
Reapply 95523 with compile fix
20 Days Ago
Remove old items Clean up Multishop Randomly spawn the multishops
20 Days Ago
Update shaders
20 Days Ago
Fix missing textures when trying to query cubemaps from skybox, default value for EnvironmentMap should be thrown from lightbinner, not renderingpipeline
20 Days Ago
subtracting 95523 - compile issue
20 Days Ago
Attempt at a proper fix for the audio problems. Reverted previous temp fix.
20 Days Ago
merge from waves_of_change_hotfix1 - Fridays hotfix round
20 Days Ago
Limit number of simultanious cubemap updates on first load to not overflow transform count in large scenes Remove S_SPECULAR_CUBE_MAP, stupid define, should just be S_SPECULAR Extra checks on HandlePendingSwapChainResize, should fix device lost issues when trying to draw subsequently Adjust number of threads on envmap filtering to avoid collision on accessing same source cubemap on per frame cubemap rendering, doesn't really slow this down
20 Days Ago
merge from HarborAudioFix
20 Days Ago
Quick fix for audio bug, disabling crane and bridge sound using Ian's method
20 Days Ago
picking craggyisland sound issue repo
20 Days Ago
craggyisland sound issue repo
20 Days Ago
Scale dmg with stack count small ui tweak
21 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
21 Days Ago
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21 Days Ago
▍▄▅▋ ▋▇▇▋▉▌▅▅
21 Days Ago
Posters updated with Jens art
21 Days Ago
▌█▋▇▌▊ █▋▆▅▊ ▉▌▆▅▊█▋▌▅ █▍ █▆ ▇▄▊▊▌▌▊ ▇▋ ▊▇
21 Days Ago
New version of moustache
21 Days Ago
folder meta
21 Days Ago
Moved things around in the right folders and deleted old prefabs
21 Days Ago
IdentifierConfig UI screen converted to use IOConfig base class
21 Days Ago
Cleaner colour switch
21 Days Ago
Merge from main
21 Days Ago
player update. pump action shotgun anim set exported/setup. root keys removed from w shotgun attack, deploy and reload anims
21 Days Ago
cans open and closed variants
21 Days Ago
level updates
21 Days Ago
fixed broken mannequin materials
21 Days Ago
Break npcs OnHit function Test OnHit Item
21 Days Ago
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