248,643 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Leaderboard backup, run #
Update animator script upgrader to replace the animations on the walk and crouch blend trees with their new versions, fixes overrides losing their data when we update from main
hover text
pick up items
remove RotationController
Switched player_model to use standard animator (it was getting set to this at runtime anyway)
Removed some test animator controllers
Fix Molotov not spawning fire nodes. When a node is extinguished, give some time for its particle emitters to die nicely. Add new fire effects stolen and tweaked from Walker.
Remove the mention of floating bottles on the load screen tips
Disable two scroll rects in the inventory when the inventory is closed, should save about 0.02ms (big gains)
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▌▋▆▊▌ █▌▅ ▅▅█ ▋▅▉▆▄▋▄▉ ▌▆▍▊▉▍▊▉▋ ▍▇▋▄▄ ▅█ ▆▅▇ █▇▊▄▆█▋▍ ▆▊▄█▄ ▍▅▋ ▊▌▄▊▋▆ ▍▅▆▋▇▇▊▍▅▍▍█▊▆ ▆▆ ▊▅▌▄▇ ▌▊▉▇▋▍▆▉ ▉▆█▉▆▇█▋
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Siege tower prefab setup, added ladders, detailed colliders and parenting triggers
Check if the last placement error is null or empty before sending it
Fix attempt for the occasional empty error toast sent by the server
Prevent processing any snapshot information from an old owner. Ensure interpolation clear flag is sent when dropping ownership and interpolation is cleared when ownership is changed at all. This resolves a lot of issues in Walker when picking up / dropping / throwing objects.
Add `download_demo` command to download list of demo chunks and extract player demos from them
- expects a JSON object containing list of files & users to extract from the downloaded chunks
Added siege tower
Baseline, prefabs
Fix flashing being toggled on & off if you press 'F' to focus on player with map open
Merge from main -> full_server_demo_client_reader
Fixed Tree Spawns
Fix Grass Spawns
gun barrel pos
selection box
more selection
Projectile speed and gravity affected by catapult charge when fired
Added 3 placeholder boulder explosion VFXs
Fixed Panel.Exec not working on SetHTML'd HTML panels
Gunsmith: Allow part selection instead of random from list, wip ui
Fix NRE's when renaming component - some work needs to be done here though to handle renames gracefully
Fixed using wrong translation string in previous commits
Resetting bodygroup only applies to effected bodygroups
Fixed wrong translation string used in recent changes (oopsie)
Localization for NPC and Vehicle tabs
Closes garrysmod/pull/2122
Co-Authored-By: Tora <49911006+NovaDiablox@users.noreply.github.com>
Added Resistance Turret to spawnmenu
Tooltips for Vehicles tab in spawnmenu
Lack of these was hiding why the "Car Seat 1 2 3" existed from the players.
Add another optic, underbarrel configuration for M4
Fixed a crash to do with teleporting constrained entities
Removed unused variables in Problems panels
Pull Requests
* Use localization strings for GMod-specific keyboard settings
* TTT: Updated Turkish localization
* Use 4 number overload of surface.SetDrawColor in base game for performance
Tooltips for vehicles in spawnmenu akin to those for SWEPs, SENTs
Resistance turrets only set the 2 valid skins (was trying to use 4)
Localize NPC and Vehicle spawnmenu tab entries
Added Resistance Turrets to spawnmenu if Episode 2 is mounted
Adjust "Prison Guard" localization strings
Also remove unintentional changes
▋▌▇▍ ▊▌▋▊▌ ▅▉▊▉ ▉▇▅ █▇▌█▊▇▄▅▆ ▆▇ ▄█▊▋ ▍▅█▍▅▋, ▍▌▄▌ ▉▌██▅▅▆█▌▍▌ ▉▆▆█▋▆▊▇▉▋▅▅▇▉█▄
Don't look towards forward when standing still. Set ViewAngles to forward angles while moving so you don't look elsewhere when you stop
Added Reset Camera button to make the camera face the forward direction of the player instantly
Fix re-serializing a deserialized node with exposed properties
Better physics setup (placeholder wheel movements)
Added push intertaction
Combined the best of the two cameras.
Camera follows the forward vector when not moving the mouse
Remove old spline leave code
Fix plug dimensions
Hacky fix for weird scale of bitwise or node icon
Link pulse colors for Boolean / null / Color types
Support bodygroup attachments, add EligibleEquipment, IsUniversal
Use localized entity names for bouncy ball, sandbox editor entities
Removed unused variables in Problems panels
Removed duplicates in localization files
Fixed missing wooden ladder footsteps
Jalopy wheel size change for new model
So the visuals match with the physics better
Created player_gizmo vmdl
DeathUI is now FadeUI and can be called externally
Created SceneEntrance and SceneTrigger Components.
Added scene triggers to intro area / platforming stages
Fix CoinUI NRE
Perform strafe target check before bothering to enter orbit state