258,112 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

12 Days Ago
Merge from main
12 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
12 Days Ago
Updated icon import settings for speargun spear, wellipets hat, beehive, vodka bottle, orchid+clone, rose+clone, sunflower+clone, wheat+clone, honeycomb, super serum, metal detector, burst module, extended mags
12 Days Ago
fix pickup clamp to bounds health pack attract runner unit jump remove ZPos runners can jump
12 Days Ago
Spawn vines dynamically
12 Days Ago
Vines now find destinations at server start (like ziplines)
12 Days Ago
.Clothing thumbnail updates
12 Days Ago
Cardigan and Denim Skirt initial push Plus adjustments to shirts + female variations
12 Days Ago
Test scene, greybox gameplay prefab setup
13 Days Ago
add border dilation
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Merge from main
13 Days Ago
Deployed hide until mobile fix
13 Days Ago
Bees scaled up a little bit with distance to improve visibility. Master swarm tweak.
13 Days Ago
Merge from hopper
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Fixed Hopper attempting and failing repeatedly to stack food items that could not be stacked due to spoiling timers (will also fix logic in industrial system as it shares the same precheck process) Exposed maximum difference (in seconds) that two items with spoil timers can have and still be stackable (server.maxFoodSpoilTimeDiffForItemStack), increased from 60s to 3 minutes to avoid undesired stacking behaviour during long cooking processes
13 Days Ago
Merge from main
13 Days Ago
v_trenchknife: rename Idle to IdlePose for consistency + implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
v_crowbar: rename Idle to IdlePose for consistency + implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
v_m700: implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
13 Days Ago
Merge from cookingv2
13 Days Ago
Fixed tutorial chicken using wrong AI design
13 Days Ago
Change the pie rarities to none, prevents them from appearing in loot (food caches)
13 Days Ago
Connection.Ping is in milliseconds
13 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
13 Days Ago
Hooked up the idle offset on the chicken breathe anim so all chickens don't play their idle in sync
13 Days Ago
Fixed missing chicken attack sfx
13 Days Ago
Log instead of disconnect on invalid session for now for debugging
13 Days Ago
Fixed NRE when transferring water to a chicken coop while walking away
13 Days Ago
Fixed tutorial chickens dropping eggs
13 Days Ago
Expose DamageInfo constructor to ActionGraph A little documentation / renaming in TypeLoader Add [SingleAction] attribute for delegate properties Makes them not show a list of actions in the inspector
13 Days Ago
copy more source mesh vertex columns, add saving of baked texture
13 Days Ago
v_usp: implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
Don't focus on source scene of graph if already open Facepunch/sbox-issues#7742
13 Days Ago
Adjust scoreboard visuals
13 Days Ago
Add range, currentvalue, globalunlocked, globalfraction to achievement Add razor EventHandlers in case intellisense starts reading them from other dlls Add EditorRequiredAttribute for razor Achievements list in game modal
13 Days Ago
v_mp5: implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
v_spaghellim4: implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
EnvironmentShake takes into account GameSettings.Screenshake
13 Days Ago
merge from planter_stacking
13 Days Ago
Mp5 crosshair adjustments
13 Days Ago
Simplified FX for WM/Entity
13 Days Ago
Reduced camera roll
13 Days Ago
v_m4a1: add Deploy & Deploy_Slide animations, implement speed scaling on deploy & holster (both use the same speed_deploy parameter)
13 Days Ago
Deployed, ent and worldmodel. Fixed missing outline.
13 Days Ago
Jar bee FX tightened.
13 Days Ago
Property factory tweaks
13 Days Ago
Fixed - Prevent planter half height stacking