258,112 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

13 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
13 Days Ago
merge from hopper_protection
13 Days Ago
Updated hopper protection and health Updated hopper crafting
13 Days Ago
merge from main
13 Days Ago
Remove workbenches from loot table
13 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
13 Days Ago
merge from Item_Descriptions_update
13 Days Ago
merge from premium_servers
13 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #17981
14 Days Ago
added rubber_tiles_a + b materials https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b0111b1/sbox-dev_8LAYmbvyNl.jpg https://sbox.game/facepunch/rubbertilesa https://sbox.game/facepunch/rubbertilesb
14 Days Ago
Removed unused properties from AmmoResource Spring cleaning Experiment with queuing attack inputs, use this for GlockWeapon
14 Days Ago
Example custom LookAt property
14 Days Ago
Implement Property.Factories
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
Add Tonemap and VOlumetricFogManifest in RenderingPipeline [pick] Move tonemap to commandlist so that it's rendered over postprocesses that uses commandlist
14 Days Ago
Revert previous whitespace changes as they break authentication. We're better off handling this on the API side
14 Days Ago
missing/incorrect descriptions for tea, pie, inserts
14 Days Ago
Fixed order of execution
14 Days Ago
If we're damaging a Rigidbody, apply a force
14 Days Ago
Binder.Get overloads for different track types
14 Days Ago
Some missing docstrings
14 Days Ago
Reviews show rating Console tweaks Review page header, post review button
14 Days Ago
Simplify Binder
14 Days Ago
couple missed minor tweaks to chicken petting sound defs
14 Days Ago
plant pot sounds
14 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #17957
14 Days Ago
chicken coop sounds egg handling sounds chicken petting sounds <3
15 Days Ago
add occlusion to visual cooking sounds kettle boil sound tweaks
15 Days Ago
natural beehive impact sound beehive deploy/open/close sounds
15 Days Ago
spitter projectile homing charger elite charger
15 Days Ago
Finish description of sv_maxvoicepacketsperframe Uncheat sv_player_usercommand_timeout and default to 0.5 0.5 is the value GMod originally had Add sv_player_usercommand_timeout_lastcmd default to 1. Rerun the last command instead of a null command. This was the previous behavior.
15 Days Ago
bee swarms are more quiet no occlusion on natural beehive ambience
15 Days Ago
fridge powered sound
15 Days Ago
Updated female heads with Jedd's updated skinning
15 Days Ago
submesh/multiple material support
15 Days Ago
Fix premium tag having to be clicked twice to open premium modal
15 Days Ago
Include 2 more background images for the premium modal
15 Days Ago
Fix premium tag offset vertically in loading screen
15 Days Ago
Remove `premiumfilter` test convar
15 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
15 Days Ago
Merge from cookingv2
15 Days Ago
Fix for pie visual config not being applied when first person spectating/demos.
15 Days Ago
merge from main -> premium_servers
15 Days Ago
Merge from fix_texture_streaming_2
15 Days Ago
Disable mip map streaming early to prevent Unity from loading textures at a lower resolution
15 Days Ago
Add [Parameter], namespaces, make syntax work
15 Days Ago
Update: Replace old TextTable with new - Also did a light convert of `GetPlayerListPosTable` - it was able to handle 300 players instead of 200 in 4.7ms - Updated ServerProfiler to exclude new System.Text.Json assemblies (and a couple extra bits) - built from f5b849e4 Tests: synthetic test in editor via constantly running getplayerlistpos command for 300 players, built server and client standalones(win64), booted server standalone
15 Days Ago
Implemented Soil Layer and added TilePlacer.PlaceInSoil. Replaced all uses of PrefabFile with GameObject Seeds can now be planted in soil dug with a shovel Added GrowingSeed component and implemented crops that grow over time Renamed GrowingSeed to GrowingCrop and implement ISaveData More ISaveData info for GrowingCrop
15 Days Ago
re-set up ADS (base idle will be udpated to be lower & to the side)