253,903 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.65cph!

3 Days Ago
Thread admin cleanup, can move threads Async sidebar loads Thread list placeholder
3 Days Ago
merge from dofExposerForceDisable
3 Days Ago
Don't actually disable QualitySettings.streamingMipmapsActive if we ever had an Update() cycle with it enabled. Instead, enable Texture.streamingTextureForceLoadAll for the same effect without crippling Unity's TextureStreamingManager
3 Days Ago
Setup cooking workbench with new art. Setup LODS. Setup deploy guide mesh. Setup gibs
3 Days Ago
close 150 and 300 anims
3 Days Ago
Added debug.ForceChickensSpawnEgg, forces all chickens in the provided range to drop an egg Eggs now drop from just behind the chicken
3 Days Ago
Rework how chickens drop eggs in the world Every 20-40s check if there are players within 100m, if they are there's a 50% chance an egg will drop This should mean players that find chickens in the wild could randomly find eggs in the area, or they could chase chickens for a while to try and get an egg Eggs are now a common item for despawn purposes so they will time out pretty quickly (and we don't flood servers with physics eggs)
3 Days Ago
Light setup for Hopper + related mats & meshes.
3 Days Ago
Better run handling
Leaderboard backup, run #17573
3 Days Ago
Optimized hopper textures. Removed that 2k emission texture that was just black. Removed the on/off text from the lights because that's not what they will indicate anymore.
3 Days Ago
prevent charge station from healing above 100 hp
3 Days Ago
Teddy Bear trousers adjustments Adding missing tail
3 Days Ago
3 Days Ago
Teddy Bear Costume Lods and Skinned, Both Citizen and Human versions. Initial push .clothing files
3 Days Ago
Updated hackweek_reduce_copies changes to latest
3 Days Ago
Ditch Stream as the read/write interface to reduce the amount of copying data around Refactor to make BufferStream a class and support resizing the backing buffer automatically Fix writing incorrect padding for len prefixes Optimize ReadFromStream(Stream, int) to not allocate because the length is known Fixes and additions for latest rust
3 Days Ago
First pass on new chicken mesh prefab Marked a bunch of animations as looping Swapped over clips on animator, disabled the walkspeed system
3 Days Ago
Fix some fields and add others
3 Days Ago
Readd IndirectLightScale property to lighting entities for enhanced control over light bounce brightness, values beyond 1.0f are not energy conserving https://files.facepunch.com/sampavlovic/1b1311b1/sbox-dev_6TJvtGnbXi.png
3 Days Ago
Merge from triangle_planter
3 Days Ago
Fixed triangle planter rotation snapping on foundations, floors and grills
3 Days Ago
Fix Model.GetVertices not getting vertices from all vertex buffers of a render mesh
3 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
3 Days Ago
Removed nunit dependency in ServerProjectileTestSpawner
3 Days Ago
Revert "Use Unix trailing paths for codegen" This reverts commit eb86cb41a20dc2d3b57a0b5a67b2be5563d4d513.
3 Days Ago
merge from main
3 Days Ago
merge from doorcontroller_drain_fix
3 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
3 Days Ago
Editor stuff in editor folders.... Comments
3 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
3 Days Ago
Fixed copypaste loading: convert them to a BaseScriptableObject on import, so we can load them from asset bundles in builds
3 Days Ago
bullets zombie walk anim enemy SetAnim damage flash material enemy health player damage etc
3 Days Ago
Make `RPC_UpdateItems` to not kick in editor
3 Days Ago
The code generator code for last commit
3 Days Ago
Add ability to mark RPC attributes to not kick in editor - avoids you getting disconnected every time a RPC throws exception when developing - by default RPCs all throw errors
3 Days Ago
Mac/Linux build scripts Mac: Add Makefile for VPC so we can actually build it without actually having vpc Rename some IOSALL flags to just PLATFORM_APPLE, we always imply arm64 SDL_config doesnt always imply windows Update gitignore Mac: Managed Build Scripts, no need for nvpatch for non-windows targets Use Unix trailing paths for codegen
3 Days Ago
Added a recipe book UI to inventory screens, shows all the recipes for both mixing table and the new food workbench. Highlights recipes you can currently afford to craft. Refactred the original loot panel recipe UI code out so I can use it in multiple places easily.
3 Days Ago
Refactor ItemManager by moving the addition & removal of ItemDefinitions to separate methods instead of all inside one `Initialize()` method
3 Days Ago
Add `test_custom_items` command to confirm it works
3 Days Ago
Add a bunch of code to support creating custom items based on JSON sent from server
3 Days Ago
electrical enclosure hotspots
3 Days Ago
- Fixed animations not working (cleaned up animator and turned off exit time) Snap back on close?
3 Days Ago
- Dont nuke the animator on the server - Cleanup drawbridge - First steps to debugging broken anims
3 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
3 Days Ago
Fixed testrunner.runall command Added testlist command, returning the server test list json Added current branch and changest in the test result filename
3 Days Ago
Merge from modding_prefabs
3 Days Ago
Apply root motion
3 Days Ago
[Pick] Set platform and Struct Pack Size properly from Facepunch.Steamworks
3 Days Ago
Collider tweaks for food cache static prefabs