
10,594 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.12cph!

9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Updated RustNative
9 Years Ago
Tweaked night god ray color gradient
9 Years Ago
Made god ray intensity high enough for them to actually be visible
9 Years Ago
Time of Day update
9 Years Ago
Tweaked UVMIX parameters
9 Years Ago
Removed grid pattern from snow height map like the artist I am
9 Years Ago
Reverted world setup change that led to it being called twice when playing inside the editor
9 Years Ago
Another attempt to fix Unity terrain shader warning on startup
9 Years Ago
ProceduralObject NRE debugging
9 Years Ago
EAC compile fix (send help)
9 Years Ago
Windows compile fix
9 Years Ago
Standalone compile fix
9 Years Ago
Cleaned up convar structure Fixed status console command calling pool.status clientside
9 Years Ago
Replaced a bunch of horrible code with the new [CreateAssetMenu] attribute
9 Years Ago
A couple of CLIENT ifdefs
9 Years Ago
Better developer test for the console dev tools
9 Years Ago
Fixed graph UI being affected by image effects
9 Years Ago
Reduced size of water collider because those insane scales really mess with its accuracy
9 Years Ago
More building optimizations
9 Years Ago
Strip any scripts that are on the building skin prefab when creating the guide because it should only be visual
9 Years Ago
Fixed that some building block conditional model renderers were disabled
9 Years Ago
Updated building block prefabs to use draw call batching
9 Years Ago
Added AssetPool Improved draw call batching
9 Years Ago
First version of an optimized custom draw call batching system
9 Years Ago
Don't spawn tundra field trees in the arid biome
9 Years Ago
Fixed climate script being stripped from servers
9 Years Ago
Hemp copy & paste to procmap
9 Years Ago
Subtracted changeset 8635 Properly fixed ocean water level Added faster calculation path for colliders that are equal to their AABB to AddToWaterMap
9 Years Ago
Roadside decor tweak
9 Years Ago
Let's try not having 5000 audio sources in the camera prefab, see if that works
9 Years Ago
Fixed floating boxes in the airfield hangars Fixed airfield loot crate spawn points
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Added runway topology
9 Years Ago
Allowed trees to spawn all around monuments if those happen to spawn in forests
9 Years Ago
Refactored some path code Added topology, splat and width to path placement inspector Fixed that roadside decor would spawn next to runways
9 Years Ago
Mo' barrels
9 Years Ago
Added default Unity terrain shader to shader include list
9 Years Ago
Added metal bars to the inside of the top tier wall
9 Years Ago
Tweaked terrain collision trigger gizmos Fixed one tiny area in the Hapis tunnel that was triggerless
9 Years Ago
Added terrain collision triggers to Hapis tunnel
9 Years Ago
Made clouds play nice with HDR
9 Years Ago
Time of Day update Made nights not have a 100% black sky
9 Years Ago
Fixed terrain mesh -> grass mesh transition being uneven with the new grass coloring
9 Years Ago
Fixed missing spec map reference on dirt road material
9 Years Ago
Made grass LOD setting only affect somewhat distant grass patches
9 Years Ago
Fixed some shaders and materials on super low shader levels Fixed some rocks that need terrain blending having it disabled
9 Years Ago
Changed some loading screen names
9 Years Ago
Tools -> Update -> SpeedTree
9 Years Ago
Fixed roadside clutter sometimes facing the wrong way