
97,854 Commits over 3,683 Days - 1.11cph!

35 Days Ago
Decreased the minimum normal Y angle for socket free to enable aim blending (to include slopes and roofs)
35 Days Ago
Fixed laser detector snapping and deployment issues Now deployable on any surface angle Tweaked the handles position to make it easier to wire
35 Days Ago
Fixed industrial combiner snapping and deployment issues
35 Days Ago
Merged main into io_entity_snapping/2
35 Days Ago
fixed weird viewmodel animations causing minigun to appear too high
35 Days Ago
Removing StartAssetEditing and StopAssetEditing from GameManifest and PrefabPrepare since it breaks repeat GetLabels / SetLabels calls (makes things slower though)
35 Days Ago
fix minigun offsets
35 Days Ago
Orbital strafe chance set to 60%
35 Days Ago
Make time to fire in orbits slightly longer Make orbital rocket clip more wighted to having more rockets
35 Days Ago
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35 Days Ago
Missed files
35 Days Ago
35 Days Ago
Removing "Update Game Manifest (Fast)" - use "Update Game Manifest" instead, which isn't all that slow anymore
35 Days Ago
35 Days Ago
ForceLabel fixes
35 Days Ago
Brightened door glass up just a tad. Killed the duplicate screenmaterial that was no longer used.
35 Days Ago
Fixed parts of the screen sorting poorly/disappearing when crouching Fixed clipping on one part of the glitch animation.
35 Days Ago
Prevent being aggro'd mid strafe - this needs fixed Removed bunch of debug logs Remove bunch of debug draws Reduced turn speed when swapping to orbit strafe
35 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/randswitch
35 Days Ago
Fixed bug that would pull heli out of move state if there were no targets - moved that code to orbit code only. Added AtRotation check. Ensures heli has finished rotating before moving into strafe attack
35 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2
35 Days Ago
merge from Dragon_Rocket_Launcher_typos
35 Days Ago
merge from smallsign_stacking_fix
35 Days Ago
merge from workbench2_spraycan_oversized_collider
35 Days Ago
merge from Microphone_Stand_desc
35 Days Ago
merge from underwater_weaponracks
35 Days Ago
merge from CNY_Spear_typo
35 Days Ago
merge from electricty_power_fixes/ceilingligh
35 Days Ago
Fixed workbench tier 2 oversized spraycan prop collider preventing shooting through open gap
35 Days Ago
Fixed stacking small sign exploit for reals this time
35 Days Ago
Refactored init strafe and aggro code Fixed bug causing multiple changes of strafe drop out distance per tick
35 Days Ago
Refactored starting strafe code Ensured time since damaged threshold was appropriate for each damage type
35 Days Ago
Fixed microphone stand typo +reload -> +attack2
35 Days Ago
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35 Days Ago
weapon racks can no longer be deployed underwater
35 Days Ago
Updated Dragon Rocket Launcher desc
35 Days Ago
Fixed typo on CNY spear
35 Days Ago
35 Days Ago
Merged main into electricity_power_fixes/2
35 Days Ago
merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
35 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2/timer
35 Days Ago
merge from smartswitch_fix
35 Days Ago
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35 Days Ago
merge from save248
35 Days Ago
mossy rubble piles use material config instead of biome visuals
35 Days Ago
removed terrain layer from most rubble piles as it displays snow indoors in some biomes and there's no good way around it. We should tackle the transitions using depth bias ideally
35 Days Ago
military flamethrower sounds
36 Days Ago
Minigun cine anim backups (session B takes)
36 Days Ago
Scene backup; retro tc showcase
36 Days Ago
Cherrypick 95062