256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

3 Years Ago
Merge from content_reporting
3 Years Ago
Merge Trainyard Update to the new anims branch
3 Years Ago
Don't do clipping checks in locomotive cockpit
3 Years Ago
Only play train engine off sound if engine was on (or starting up)
3 Years Ago
Disable TargetEntity field in feedback (for now)
3 Years Ago
Removed floating headlight mesh
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Merge from interaction_sounds
3 Years Ago
Fixed rotations on static desk prefabs
3 Years Ago
Hopefully fix island billboards spawning close-ish to shore on some maps
3 Years Ago
Cherry pick changes from misc_fixes_july22
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Backup 2022/07/26 03:50:00 UTC
3 Years Ago
Fix mountables with allowHeadLook set to true not applying head look if they used a custom animator controller
3 Years Ago
Fixed the train engine sound sometimes staying on after the engine turns off
3 Years Ago
Workcart mount/dismount sounds added to locomotive driver
3 Years Ago
fixcars tier 1 now just empties wagons, instead of refilling them (Paddy feature request)
3 Years Ago
Reversed the direction that's considered a "forward" shunt at the coaling tower (Paddy request)
3 Years Ago
New new smelting ui
3 Years Ago
Combined locomotive LOD groups into one
3 Years Ago
Set up locomotive control lever and IK. By necessity, introduces some clipping on the player's leg for now
3 Years Ago
Add a wip deployable trophy item
3 Years Ago
Default Hammer map view port to single 3d pane since thats what 90% of people use all the time
3 Years Ago
Don't bother showing the new asset browser at all in Hammer, have it opt in from View -> Toolbars so we can get some proper feedback on it Asset browser dock widgets collapse properly on ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command Add ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command to Hammer that does exactly that, default key bind Alt + A Cleanup HammerAssetBrowser class location, move OnAssetHighlight / OnAssetSelected that inspect / open in editor to MainAssetBrowser Setup default locations for Hammer dock widgets a bit better, open selection sets by default but tab them next to the Outliner since you're going to be using one or the other and not both. Give asset browser dock widget a sane default size
3 Years Ago
Cleanup, safety check
3 Years Ago
Merge Control Lever -> Trainyard Update
3 Years Ago
Simplify the development environment check
3 Years Ago
Merge from trainyard_update
3 Years Ago
Merge from ugc_virtualscroll
3 Years Ago
Oops, revert accidental change to Explosion3D_5.mat in previous commit
3 Years Ago
Merge Trainyard Update -> Control Level. Fixed up merge conflicts in Train
3 Years Ago
Fix error when viewing cassettes in UGC browser
3 Years Ago
Fix compile error
3 Years Ago
Update config
3 Years Ago
Temp fx prefabs & related files.
3 Years Ago
Remove unused shit Breadcrumbs and tweaks Fix Api errors And fixed another api login error Merge branch 'master' into dev-env Update data seed Blobs upload to a subdir in dev env
3 Years Ago
Added liquid shader
3 Years Ago
Map vote screen
3 Years Ago
Fixed damage indicators error, update .addon
3 Years Ago
Fixed train shunting not using the 2D distance
3 Years Ago
Fixed duel startup error
3 Years Ago
Backup 2022/07/25 21:50:00 UTC
3 Years Ago
finished lods remade prefab
3 Years Ago
adjusted decal material cutoff from .25 to .55
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
fixing a bug with coaling tower LOD3.. coming from an other prefab S2P trainyard
3 Years Ago
Molotov cloth flame flipbook (squared frames and thus overly much deadspace on this preliminary version)
3 Years Ago
Fixed some issues with plugins changing leaderboard index !release
3 Years Ago
Launchsite / added more light switches to different floors in the rocket factory building Reduced light_fixtures_EM_Cold emissive because it was causing extreme bloom in the rocket factory building
3 Years Ago
And fixed another api login error