
97,379 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

2 Months Ago
Merge from main
2 Months Ago
Fixed some skin models not showing up when using the item store in-game. Except Tomaha, which us being difficult.
2 Months Ago
Ensured clusters can be expanded when marketplace is open (Still some issues)
2 Months Ago
Add WasHit parameter to tutorial npc Force the tutorial npc player model to always use the same player seed (12345!)
2 Months Ago
Add server.tutorialEnabled convar, defaults to true, if false players will not be prompted to start the tutorial and will not be able to start a new tutorial
2 Months Ago
SingleVendor now uses IComparable List sorts accordions to the bottom
2 Months Ago
Less UI edge fade (skin viewer)
2 Months Ago
Merge main -> store-ui
2 Months Ago
Remove old tutorial gestures (no longer used, we have a standalone tutorial animator now)
2 Months Ago
SkinViewer lighting polish
2 Months Ago
Fixed IconRender scene requiring craggy to be loaded previously for proper lighting
2 Months Ago
Removed useless logs
2 Months Ago
Re-enabled pooling
2 Months Ago
Fixed NRE issues with boat vendor
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Generating points on the fly instead of caching them Fixed a few edge cases when snapping from one wall to another Restricted to walls
2 Months Ago
Pass prefab import context into DoPrepare but didn't end up speeding up imports or builds
2 Months Ago
Apply `IDoPrepare` interface to all components with the reflection "DoPrepare" Change `Rust.Editor.ForceLabel()` to not save the asset (you can't save to disk when importing) Remove all "SavePrefabAsset()" calls inside `DoPrepare()` methods Remove all `SetDirty()` calls inside `DoPrepare()`
2 Months Ago
See if we can skip the "PreparePrefabs" part of build process by moving prefab processing from build step -> import step - add AssetPostprocessor to call "DoPrepare" methods while assets are being imported - add IDoPrepare interface to replce the reflection based method
2 Months Ago
Flame jet iteration
2 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic mixdown tweak
2 Months Ago
Partial revert of 93310 to re-enable 3D skin views when item store is used while in-game
2 Months Ago
Fixed issues lignting with store when in-game
2 Months Ago
merge optimize_build_generate_manifest -> main (test if it makes a difference)
2 Months Ago
Apply `AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing()` to the entire "Update Game Manifest" instead of just "Prefab Prefabs"
2 Months Ago
Finished harbor 1 dressing
2 Months Ago
Reserialized materials
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fill items on the last row of the abyss pack
2 Months Ago
Close takeover screen when clicking anything off of it Force scroll to top on takeover screens cause they keep auto scrolling down a bit when editing prefabs
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Split items into two rows for lumberjack takeover
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Fix incorrect sizing of skin viewer on takeover screens
2 Months Ago
Finish hooking up modal details
2 Months Ago
tutorial end cinematic audio tweaks
2 Months Ago
Fixed station prefabs
2 Months Ago
Military flamethrower - updated with new model, added item prefab, fuel gauge needle anim tweaks
2 Months Ago
Fill in the replaced item and breaks down into sections
2 Months Ago
player update. exported/setup jerrycan animation set. made new holdtype controller for it and edited water jug entity
2 Months Ago
Player preview no longer affected by sun/moon directional light
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Fix item background color disappearing when closing the modal by pressing esc
2 Months Ago
Remove old modal, fix NRE Close modal when pressing esc Close modal when clicking outside of it
2 Months Ago
Add RevealTransitionOnEnable component for lewis
2 Months Ago
oilrig L3 texturing progress
2 Months Ago
Plastic ignore favorites.cfg
2 Months Ago
Item Store tweaks
2 Months Ago
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