249,999 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Fixed GameOverview style with game setup that doesn't have many rounds
Synchronize TimeUntilCannotBuy
Add KillGameOnEnd rule to take everyone back to the menu when the game has ended
Added game rule for BuyZoneTime, so you can only buy for the first X seconds after a round starts
Add GameOverview, which shows blocks of all the rounds in a game and the half swap time (https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_vY7imbfsCk.png)
Show a status text at the start of the last round of a half, informing players, fixed kill feed layout being screwed, start working on adding time remaining beep sounds
Show and warn users if they're trying to join an editor lobby
Leaderboard backup, run #
Fixed slack rotation issues when placing the light box on angled surfaces
Remove unused stylesheet attributes
More accurate lobby name instead of this crap I did
More work on settings page
padding scss improvements
Leaderboard backup, run #
Show icon next to party members in scoreboard
No idea how this compiled, I assume it's renaming [Broadcast]'d params
Add settings menu, can tweak mixer volumes, added radio volume mixer, send radios to that channel
Fix rocket consuming ammo before EyeHack is checked, causing rocket to be consumed even though nothing was fired
Buy menu background is less intense
Restructure menu a bit, added pause menu
Added new fur setups to cinematic rig
Add radio spam prevention
Main menu improvements
Chat messages can pass tags through to messages
Add team radio sounds, press C to look for radio sounds, use slot buttons to nav
Save if we're searching or not in lobby list
Update main menu
merge from flamethrower_informationpanel
merge from allow_barricades_monuments
merge from qol_show_teammate_building_guide
Remove penetration for now, keep ricochet
Weapon functions cleanup
AimRay doesn't need this offset, should fix shooting through some walls
Add velocity-based weapon spread, code cleanup for shoot function
Hook in damage falloff
Fix model physics not setting gameobject tags
Up the player's acceleration and friction to make movement feel less floaty
Menu is the default scene
Add deployment listener for weapon - recoil func can use that to cancel reloading when holstered. Cache Weapon for funcs in awake.
Use id again here makes no difference - remote player just cant seem to find door sounds either way
It could be that the resource or SoundHandle isn't valid here (version mismatch?)
Don't play deploy effects if we're creating the view model because we're spectating
Changes to how initial state is handled on player spawn (better this way for now to avoid x2 RPCs after initial player network spawn). Fix bots floating in the air.
If weapon becomes undeployed while reloading, cancel reloading
Leaderboard backup, run #
v_spaghellim4: rigged the shotgun up, added animatable shell meshes for future reload animation(s)
merge from qol_show_teammate_building_guide -> aux2
fire arrow viewmodel/flight sounds
unique sounds for HV rockets
First main menu iteration, can display lobbies and join them, or create them
Scene Mesh to Hammer progress
merge from allow_barricades_monuments -> aux2
Attempt #3 to get the monument of a collider, keeping in mind that client builds split the monument into a flat hierarchy so we can't just look for the MonumentInfo in the parent
- fast path is see if the `prevent_building` collider is already tagged
- slow path is using a physics cast to search for `prevent_building`
- caches to avoid falling back on the slow path every time
Remove dev model from game
merge from waterpump_deploy