256,494 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Increased ballista bolts projectile speed
Changed the placeholder bolts damage so they aren't all doing the same damage (wip)
Tweaked siege weapon health and protection
DofExposer doesn't change values on enable
Unsaved chicken name stuff
Merge from knight_armour_desc_change
Merge from Shield.Desc.Update
Scene grp script additions
Tweaked horse ground angle update rate convar values
Horse animations: calculate speed and reversing parameters in local space
Horse metal footsteps default to concrete instead of dirt
Pants/Hoodie/Boots for v4 rig
Fixed horse animations on vehicle large layer (cargo, harbor swing bridge)
Fixed animals not playing footsteps on Vehicle Large and Vehicle Detailed layers
Move `scientist_spawners_enabled` convar so it blocks spawns from PuzzleReset as well as normal timed spawns
- was causing scientists to keep spawning in monuments
Towing anchor tweaks, prevent horse legs to climb on the catapult bumper
Fix server not sending world config to client because it didn't serialize it to the `JsonString` field
Fix client era not being reset to "none" when switching from primitive server -> normal server
- era was being sent to client as "unknown" but the client convar wouldn't consider "unknown" as a valid string to change era
Horse legs animator tweak, added Transparent layer detection
weapon updates
- Ported over ak and sar 3p anims, exported on v4 rig
- prefab setup work
- holster updates
- removed offsets in entities
- created world weapon masks and removed root bone from meta
- holdtype setup
- re-parent entity to prop bone
Ram's head collider change when broken
Tweaked vehicle server collider
Battering ram cabin lights
When the head is damaged, change the button interaction + gametip explaining what to do
WIP minimal public API
Fleshing out how movies get applied to a scene
Fix shield stamina bar not clearing when the player dies/holsters shield
Null check mounted vehicle when trying to notify of player weight change
Try disabling changes to game.cleanupmap
merge from primitive -> primitive_gm
Fix compile error from BaseRagdoll
Fix old & new horses not working with `ItemManager.GetAllItems()` / enforce_era_restrictions command
merge from primitive -> primitive_gm
Merge from presets_editor/quality
Merge from preset_change_performance (still wip)
DungeonGridInfo ClosestGridCell fix (missing WorldSpaceGrid RoundingMode)
WorldSpaceGrid alignment fixes
Humans/animgraph: added Sprint_NW & Sprint_NE
▅▍▌▅ ▄▇▋▉▍▍▅▅, ▇▄▅ ▄▌▆▆█, ▄█▅▊ ▊▋▅▇▋▊█ ▍▋▌ ▉▊▆▅▋█▊
made it easier for the player temp ragdolls to stop
Bugfix: ServerDemoPlayer - quetly skip unrecognized entity kill messages
- Moved message logging to be before message handling, to be able to get more info before executing logic
Not clear why it's happening, but will leave that for later. Also investigating why getting malformed OnEntities messages once 2nd player connects.
Tests: tried to play back a 2 player demo on Craggy. No more NREs related to entity killing
Louder battering ram impact sound
Expand siege tower constructable deploy volume
Make sure errors are also displayed in Subgraphs
- Bradley APC can now destroy barricades
- Siege weapon constructables can now be smashed by train