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8 Days Ago
Add convars to modify server events `print_server_events` will list all events & their settings `set_event_enabled <event> <true|false>` will enable/disable events `set_event_min_delay <event> <delay>` will set in-game hour minimum delay `set_event_max_delay <event> <delay>` will set in-game hour maximum delay
8 Days Ago
Fix spline loop (de)serialization
8 Days Ago
Gauss: add loads of screen punch when firing a charged shot
8 Days Ago
Health and Armour kit pickup
8 Days Ago
Add continuous shake whilst charging the gauss gun Gauss: Damage is evaluated on a curve based on charge power, drain ammo whilst charging until fully charged
8 Days Ago
Doh lets always subscribe Terrain OnTransformChanged
8 Days Ago
Grenade Item
8 Days Ago
Add Gauss Gun, missing ricochet, screenshake, charged damage bonus
8 Days Ago
Bespoke grenade crosshair
8 Days Ago
-Ballista LOD material fix
8 Days Ago
Tripmine uses collider now
8 Days Ago
Create primitive gamemode prefab
8 Days Ago
Always prefer explicitly set hostname for server name when running a dedicated server
8 Days Ago
Also expose ability to modify a weapon's workbench level via an override
8 Days Ago
Add ability to override crafting cost & crafting time of items based on the era
8 Days Ago
Progress on foliage instancing: noise generation on gpu, fixed compute placement sync issues, wip instance data offsets and usage in foliage shader.
9 Days Ago
Parent merge
9 Days Ago
9 Days Ago
Merge from avatar_masks
9 Days Ago
Merge from avatar_masks
9 Days Ago
Cleanup of avatar masks for player/humanoid animations + added a collection of masks useful for isolated anim playback.
9 Days Ago
Merge from media_projects/player-copy-fixes
Leaderboard backup, run #16685
9 Days Ago
Basic handling for the hopper to recognise when the attached container is full Reuses industrial logic, so it won't try and collect items when it is full but it will collect items that it can stack
9 Days Ago
Hopper won't suck up items if construction (building blocks) is in the way It can pull items through deployables
9 Days Ago
Merge from main
9 Days Ago
Cleanup, moved most processing into budgeted methods (see server.hopperAnimationBudgetMs convar)
9 Days Ago
citizen_human_male_REF file
9 Days Ago
Require power to run, hooked up industrial ports so it can act as a storage adaptor Various prefab setup, fixed some item movement issues
9 Days Ago
More sockets
9 Days Ago
Runtime hash set to check for allowed types. This should be done in code gen instead
9 Days Ago
Added SyncVarConditional, this ensures a Func successfully return true before calling OnValueSync
9 Days Ago
Created base SyncVar class. Use generics and hook the getter/setter instead to save on memory
9 Days Ago
Added message types
9 Days Ago
First pass on hopper functionality Setup attachment for large wood box, sucks up any dropped items in a 1.5m radius and deposits them into the attached container
9 Days Ago
Flamechunk atlas.
9 Days Ago
Merge from holo_nvg_fix
9 Days Ago
Holosight reticle now resets to the default red colour while the NVG camera is on, eliminating the slightly different appearance of the different colours combined with the NVG post fx Automatically switches back to the selected colour when the NVG camera is disabled
9 Days Ago
Move some input code from Sandbox.System to Sandbox.Engine and hope it doesn't break menu now
9 Days Ago
Don't play notice when topping up on grenades
9 Days Ago
Grenade supports consuming ammo
9 Days Ago
ci build-menu uses new path
9 Days Ago
Fix incorrect docs in Vector3Int
9 Days Ago
MenuBuild uses ToolAppSystem so everything is set correctly like Application.IsHeadless which was likely stopping it from compiling new menu dlls
9 Days Ago
Environment volume updates for the above ground / below ground transition pieces
9 Days Ago
Environment volume updates to better fit the shapes of the underground train tunnel segments
9 Days Ago
Satchel Charge
9 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Output texture attributes for LightSim_DiffuseAlbedoTexture, RepresentativeTexture using first occurring texture result from albedo input
9 Days Ago
ProceduralMapRailSimple and ProceduralMapRoadSimple fixes
9 Days Ago
Station prefab updates