userBill Bcancel

13,129 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

4 Years Ago
Prevent "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" complaint from Unity
4 Years Ago
Another OnValidate switch to PreProcess
4 Years Ago
Merge coroutine/invoke changes branch
4 Years Ago
Use dictionary method instead of storing the action in the module
4 Years Ago
VehicleLiftObstuctionSensor removed. Use a basic TriggerBase instead.
4 Years Ago
Free the old magnet occupant properly
4 Years Ago
Update magnet snap to use a similar system to VehicleLiftOccupantTrigger
4 Years Ago
Fix another null check problem
4 Years Ago
Add null check
4 Years Ago
Rewrote occupant trigger to use a more logical TriggerBase system. Adjusted layers on obstruction sensor. Protocol++.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Another coroutine>invoke change
4 Years Ago
Code review: Use Facepunch Invoke instead of StartEnginesCo coroutine
4 Years Ago
Code review: Facepunch Invoke instead of coroutine for ModuleAddOneFrameWait
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main->Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Fix item assigned where it should've been the entity prefab
4 Years Ago
Prevent error in editor script OnEnable by moving the FindProperty calls
4 Years Ago
Fix editor script glitch that was breaking Fuel Tank + fix refresh button being disabled.
4 Years Ago
Class rename only
4 Years Ago
Put all vehicles mats on 0 detail colour alpha by default (representing the 100% health look). Also switched to Rust/Standard shader.
4 Years Ago
Import MeshBaker plugin (minus Examples directory)
4 Years Ago
New vehicle spawn presets that use the two new modules (1m storage, 2m passenger)
4 Years Ago
Wheel mat rename again
4 Years Ago
Fix spawnable script setup
4 Years Ago
Some more health fixes. Fixes repairs.
4 Years Ago
Revert some health changes from my #39974, so overrides are used correctly.
4 Years Ago
Fix BuildingBlock health display bug. Health on BuildingBlock upgrades is actually sent to the client before the new upgrade state is sent. My code was clamping set health values to MaxHealth(), meaning the new value was clamped to the pre-upgrade max. Reverted the change to let health be set to "impossible" values again. Also now checking MaxHealth() instead of _maxHealth in health property, allowing for overrides.
4 Years Ago
Adjust WheelRay mask to better match what the vehicle movement layer actually hits.
4 Years Ago
Remove the collisionLayerMask. Vehicle collisions will already only detect hits on the Vehicle Movement layer anyway, and it should be fine to consider all of those as collision hits.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Moved WheelRayMask into Defines.cs as WheelRay
4 Years Ago
Code review: Remove unused method.
4 Years Ago
Remove left-over uses of numSubComponents
4 Years Ago
Code review: Use PreProcess for module validation instead of OnValidate
4 Years Ago
Code review: Don't bother with caching numSubComponents
4 Years Ago
Code review: Another SetParent to go before Spawn, + remove unnecessary value assignments
4 Years Ago
Switch velocity to using GetWorldVelocity again.
4 Years Ago
Wheel name fix
4 Years Ago
Code review: Use PreProcess instead of OnValidate/DoPrepare, use [HideInInspector] instead of [ReadOnly], serialize vals as zero in the prefabs.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Convert VehicleSnapZone to use TriggerBase. Renamed to TriggerMagnetSnapZone.
4 Years Ago
Fix TriggerBase entity list bug. Entities with multiple colliders could get into the following situation: - Collider A enters the trigger. The base entity is added to the entityContents HashSet. - Collider B enters the trigger (same entity). - Collider A leaves the trigger. The base entity is removed from the entityContents HashSet. But the entity's Collider B is still in the trigger. This fix keeps the entity around until all colliders on it have left the trigger.
4 Years Ago
Fix build compile error
4 Years Ago
Code review: Add "== this" check with || before EqualNetID check
4 Years Ago
Code review: Call SetParent before calling Spawn
4 Years Ago
Code review: Add null check on created
4 Years Ago
Code review: André says "UnityEvent uses reflection and is slow as balls. Better to get rid." Changed the generic TriggerStay to CarGarageTiggerStay which specifically calls a ModularCarGarage method directly.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Add entity creation null check.
4 Years Ago
Line endings
4 Years Ago
Code review: Move IsNull from CollectionEx to ObjectEx
4 Years Ago
Storage module now fully functional + manifest rebuild again
4 Years Ago
Put prevent building chassis colliders back on the correct Prevent Building layer
4 Years Ago
Var rename